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没有完全理解这个机制。一般来说,雌激素应该是不利的,应该用雌激素拮抗剂才对,为什么用受体激动剂TTC-352来治疗乳腺癌呢?看了一下原文,这样描述:TTC-352 is a selective human estrogen receptor partial agonist (ShERPA). TTC-352 is designed to treat metastatic ER+ breast cancers that have progressed on first-line endocrine therapy and a CDK4/6 inhibitor. TTC-352 is expected to be effective in breast cancer patients that develop resistance to endocrine therapy (est. 625,000 patients). 确实是雌激素受体部分激动剂(ShERPA),以后再多研究研究


没有完全理解这个机制。一般来说,#雌激素#应该是不利的,应该用雌激素拮抗剂才对,为什么用受体激动剂#TTC-352#来治疗#乳腺癌#呢?看了一下原文,这样描述:TTC-352 is a selective human estrogen receptor partial agonist (ShERPA). TTC-352 is designed to treat metastatic ER+ breast cancers that have progressed on first-line endocrine therapy and a CDK4/6 inhibitor. TTC-352 is expected to be effective in breast cancer patients that develop resistance to endocrine therapy (est. 625,000 patients). 确实是雌激素受体部分激动剂(ShERPA),以后再多研究研究
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