Curr Biol:细菌的天然CRISPR免疫防御机制

2015-03-18 佚名 生物谷

近日,刊登在国际杂志Current Biology上的一篇研究论文中,来自埃克塞特大学的研究人员通过研究调查了免疫防御机制的进化如何帮助工业细菌产生抵御病毒感染的特殊免疫力;细菌有许多工业用途,包括产生乳酪和酸奶酪,造纸、产生沼气及合成激素如胰岛素等,然而病毒的感染往往会大大降低细菌对工业上的应用价值。 Edze Westra教授指出,我们的研究揭示,细菌感染的风险可以帮助确定其所采用的免疫防御

近日,刊登在国际杂志Current Biology上的一篇研究论文中,来自埃克塞特大学的研究人员通过研究调查了免疫防御机制的进化如何帮助工业细菌产生抵御病毒感染的特殊免疫力;细菌有许多工业用途,包括产生乳酪和酸奶酪,造纸、产生沼气及合成激素如胰岛素等,然而病毒的感染往往会大大降低细菌对工业上的应用价值。

Edze Westra教授指出,我们的研究揭示,细菌感染的风险可以帮助确定其所采用的免疫防御的类型,而这种天然产生的机制或许可以被用于武装细菌来利用免疫力抵御病毒的攻击;当研究者将细菌暴露于噬菌体进行一系列实验后发现,当细菌暴露于大量相同类型的噬菌体后,细菌会通过修饰其细胞壁来进化出一种持久的免疫防御机制,不可逆的防御机制往往会对细菌的长期健康带来负面的影响。





Parasite Exposure Drives Selective Evolution of Constitutive versus Inducible Defense

Edze R. Westra5, Stineke van Houte5, Sam Oyesiku-Blakemore, Ben Makin, Jenny M. Broniewski, Alex Best, Joseph Bondy-Denomy, Alan Davidson, Mike Boots, Angus Buckling

In the face of infectious disease, organisms evolved a range of defense mechanisms, with a clear distinction between those that are constitutive (always active) and those that are inducible (elicited by parasites) [ 1 ]. Both defense strategies have evolved from each other [ 2 ], but we lack an understanding of the conditions that favor one strategy over the other. While it is hard to generalize about their degree of protection, it is possible to make generalizations about their associated fitness costs, which are commonly detected [ 3–5 ]. By definition, constitutive defenses are always “on,” and are therefore associated with a fixed cost, independent of parasite exposure [ 4, 5 ]. Inducible defenses, on the other hand, may lack costs in the absence of parasites but become costly when defense is elicited [ 6 ] through processes such as immunopathology [ 7 ]. Bacteria can evolve constitutive defense against phage by modification/masking of surface receptors [ 8, 9 ], which is often associated with reduced fitness in the absence of phage [ 10 ]. Bacteria can also evolve inducible defense using the CRISPR-Cas (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat, CRISPR associated) immune system [ 11 ], which is typically elicited upon infection [ 12–14 ]. CRISPR-Cas functions by integrating phage sequences into CRISPR loci on the host genome [ 15 ]. Upon re-infection, CRISPR transcripts guide cleavage of phage genomes [ 16–20 ]. In nature, both mechanisms are important [ 21, 22 ]. Using a general theoretical model and experimental evolution, we tease apart the mechanism that drives their evolution and show that infection risk determines the relative investment in the two arms of defense.


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