Gut: 1型慢丙肝者SVR减轻胰岛素抵抗

2012-02-04 MedSci MedSci原创

Gut杂志[Gut 2012,61(1):128]发表研究:1型慢性丙型肝炎患者持续病毒学应答(SVR)与稳态模型评估法—胰岛素抵抗(HOMA-IR)减轻有关,2/3型患者无此情况。基因1型HCV可能对IR的发生有直接作用,而不依赖于机体的代谢因素。 原始文献: Thompson AJ, Patel K, Chuang WL, Lawitz EJ, Rodriguez-Torres M, Ru

Gut杂志[Gut 2012,61(1):128]发表研究:1型慢性丙型肝炎患者持续病毒学应答(SVR)与稳态模型评估法—胰岛素抵抗(HOMA-IR)减轻有关,2/3型患者无此情况。基因1型HCV可能对IR的发生有直接作用,而不依赖于机体的代谢因素。


Thompson AJ, Patel K, Chuang WL, Lawitz EJ, Rodriguez-Torres M, Rustgi VK, Flisiak R, Pianko S, Diago M, Arora S, Foster GR, Torbenson M, Benhamou Y, Nelson DR, Sulkowski MS, Zeuzem S, Pulkstenis E, Subramanian GM, McHutchison JG; ACHIEVE-1 and ACHIEVE-2/3 Study Teams.Viral clearance is associated with improved insulin resistance in genotype 1 chronic hepatitis C but not genotype 2/3.Gut. 2012 Jan;61(1):128-34.


Genotype-specific associations between hepatitis C virus (HCV) and insulin resistance (IR) have been described, but a causal relationship remains unclear. This study investigated the association between a sustained virological response (SVR) and IR after chronic HCV therapy.


2255 treatment-naive patients with chronic HCV genotype 1 or 2/3 were enrolled in two phase 3 trials of albinterferon alpha-2b versus pegylated interferon alpha-2a for 48 or 24 weeks, respectively. IR was measured before treatment and 12 weeks after treatment using homeostasis model assessment (HOMA)-IR.


Paired HOMA-IR measurements were available in 1038 non-diabetic patients (497 with genotype 1; 541 with genotype 2/3). At baseline the prevalence of HOMA-IR >3 was greater in patients with genotype 1 than 2/3 (33% vs 27%; p=0.048). There was a significant reduction in the prevalence of IR in patients with genotype 1 achieving SVR (δ 10%; p<0.001), but not in genotype 1 non-responders or those with genotype 2/3. Multivariate analysis indicated that SVR was associated with a significant reduction in mean HOMA-IR in patients with genotype 1 (p=0.004), but not in those with genotype 2/3, which was independent of body mass index, alanine transaminase, γ-glutamyl transpeptidase and lipid level changes.


SVR is associated with a reduction in HOMA-IR in patients with HCV genotype 1 but not in those with genotype 2/3. Genotype 1 may have a direct effect on the development of IR, independent of host metabolic factors, and may be partially reversed by viral eradication.



评论区 (2)
  1. 2012-05-17 baoya
  2. 2012-02-05 w363522450



文献标题:An Update on Treatment of Genotype 1 Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Infection: 2011 Practice Guideline by the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases.文献来源:Hepatology. 2011 Oct;54(4):1433-


作者: 魏来 北京大学人民医院 北京大学肝病研究所  HCV EXPRESSION AND PURIFICATION OF RECOMBINANT FORMS OF E1 AND E2 (图片来源:Frederick Cancer Research Center)       美国肝病研究学会(AASLD)于20


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       2011年3月3日,《肝脏病学杂志》(J Hepatol)在线发表了欧洲肝脏研究学会(EASL)的《丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)感染诊治指南》,这是EASL的首部关于HCV感染的指南,该指南采用的循证等级为GRADE系统,证据等级分为高质量(A)、中等质量(B)和低质量(C),推荐强度分为强推荐(1)和弱推荐(2)。我们邀请北京大学人民医院饶慧瑛及魏来向读者简要介绍该指南,并对该指南的特