
2012-01-11 MedSci原创 MedSci原创

近日,国际著名杂志BMJ在线刊登了国外研究人员的最新研究成果“Timing of onset of cognitive decline: results from Whitehall II prospective cohort study,”,文章中,研究人员表明人类的大脑衰老可能从45岁就已经开始了。 人们通常认为,大脑认知功能的退化是在五六十岁年老时才会发生的事情。但英国一项最新研究显示,大

近日,国际著名杂志BMJ在线刊登了国外研究人员的最新研究成果“Timing of onset of cognitive decline: results from Whitehall II prospective cohort study,”,文章中,研究人员表明人类的大脑衰老可能从45岁就已经开始了。


英国伦敦大学学院等机构研究人员在新一期《英国医学杂志》(BMJ)上报告说,他们对7000多名英国公务员进行了长达十年的跟踪调查。在1997 年到1999年间研究开始的时候,受试者年龄在45岁到70岁之间。在研究开始和结束的时候,受试者都接受了认知能力测试,对比结果显示,受试者的大脑功能普遍出现了下降。



Timing of onset of cognitive decline: results from Whitehall II prospective cohort study

Archana Singh-Manoux, research director123, Mika Kivimaki, professor of social epidemiology2, M Maria Glymour, assistant professor4, Alexis Elbaz, research director56, Claudine Berr, research director78, Klaus P Ebmeier, professor of old age psychiatry9, Jane E Ferrie, senior research fellow10, Aline Dugravot, statistician1

Objectives To estimate 10 year decline in cognitive function from longitudinal data in a middle aged cohort and to examine whether age cohorts can be compared with cross sectional data to infer the effect of age on cognitive decline. Design Prospective cohort study. At study inception in 1985-8, there were 10 308 participants, representing a recruitment rate of 73%. Setting Civil service departments in London, United Kingdom. Participants 5198 men and 2192 women, aged 45-70 at the beginning of cognitive testing in 1997-9. Main outcome measure Tests of memory, reasoning, vocabulary, and phonemic and semantic fluency, assessed three times over 10 years. Results All cognitive scores, except vocabulary, declined in all five age categories (age 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, and 65-70 at baseline), with evidence of faster decline in older people. In men, the 10 year decline, shown as change/range of test×100, in reasoning was −3.6% (95% confidence interval −4.1% to −3.0%) in those aged 45-49 at baseline and −9.6% (−10.6% to −8.6%) in those aged 65-70. In women, the corresponding decline was −3.6% (−4.6% to −2.7%) and −7.4% (−9.1% to −5.7%). Comparisons of longitudinal and cross sectional effects of age suggest that the latter overestimate decline in women because of cohort differences in education. For example, in women aged 45-49 the longitudinal analysis showed reasoning to have declined by −3.6% (−4.5% to −2.8%) but the cross sectional effects suggested a decline of −11.4% (−14.0% to −8.9%). Conclusions Cognitive decline is already evident in middle age (age 45-49).

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     (文图由中科院遗传与发育生物学研究所提供,图片创意:韩敬东)   近日,中科院遗传与发育生物学研究所韩敬东实验室的组蛋白修饰对衰老的调控机制研究,作为封面文章在线发表于国际著名学术期刊《细胞—代谢》(Cell Metabolism)。该杂志同期以preview的形式对这项研究给予了高度评价,认为:“文章的实验证据表明,重新建立表观遗传状态为延缓衰老甚至逆转衰老提供了可能性,


研究人员近期发现一种药物疗法,有望治疗一种影响儿童的早衰疾病,这种疾病让儿童的衰老速度超过正常水平8倍。这项研究首次给出了如何限制并修复细胞DNA损伤的方法,并为我们提供了一个理解机体衰老过程的模型。科学家们认为随着人口预期寿命的不断延长,这项研究无疑将带来巨大益处,如缓解老年人某些重要脏器的衰老过程,并为世界各国的国民健康管理提供帮助。 这项为期18个月,由英国杜伦大学领导的研究的首批结果已经


 MedSci点评:  衰老是永恒的热点,无论是基础医学还是临床研究,但研究起来是一波三折。早年通过低等生物(线虫)发现Sirt家族成员与衰老有关,包括Sirt 1-6家族成员。进一步在哺乳动物中,也有类似发现,如在小鼠中发现SIRT1具有抗衰老功能。 为了进一步研究衰老机制,人类通过快速衰老的小鼠模型——SAMP8(senescence-accelerated m


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Cell Metab:响应因子(Srf)是肌肉强壮生长关键要素

日前,研究人员鉴定了一个肌肉强壮发生的关键要素.这个要素产生在工作的肌肉纤维中,明显在告诉周边的肌肉干细胞是时间“要更高地”增殖和加入.相关研究论文"Srf-Dependent Paracrine Signals Produced by Myofibers Control Satellite Cell-Mediated Skeletal Muscle Hypertrophy"发表在1月4日的Cel