
2013-04-23 JCEM 丁香园

很多研究探讨个体饮食或营养对骨骼健康的影响,但很少的研究关注饮食模式。为了调查在中国老年人,饮食模式与髋关节骨折风险的关系,来自中山大学公共卫生学院的陈裕明教授及其团队进行了一项研究,该研究发现一个健康的或谨慎的饮食模式消费可以预防髋关节骨折,反之,高脂饮食模式增加这类骨折的发病率。该研究结果在线发表在2013年4月12日的美国《临床内分泌代谢杂志》(The journal of clinical

很多研究探讨个体饮食或营养对骨骼健康的影响,但很少的研究关注饮食模式。为了调查在中国老年人,饮食模式与髋关节骨折风险的关系,来自中山大学公共卫生学院的陈裕明教授及其团队进行了一项研究,该研究发现一个健康的或谨慎的饮食模式消费可以预防髋关节骨折,反之,高脂饮食模式增加这类骨折的发病率。该研究结果在线发表在2013年4月12日的美国《临床内分泌代谢杂志》(The journal of clinical endocrinology & metabolism)上。





Dietary patterns and the risk of hip fractures in elderly Chinese: A matched case-control study.
Many studies have investigated the effects of individual foods or nutrients on bone health, but limited research has focused on dietary patterns.Purpose:We examined the association of dietary patterns with the risk of hip fractures in elderly Chinese.
This 1:1 age- (±3 y) and gender-matched case-control study were performed between June 2009 and June 2012.
The study was conducted in Guangdong Province, China.
A total of 581 pairs of hip fracture incident cases and controls (71+/-7 y) were studied. Face-to-face interviews were conducted to assess dietary intake using a 79-item food frequency questionnaire, while general information was collected using structured questionnaires. Dietary patterns were identified by principal components factor analysis. Univariate and multivariate conditional logistic regression were used to analyze the association.
Main result
We identified four dietary patterns: healthy, prudent, traditional, and high fat. Dose-dependent lower risks of hip fracture were observed in relation to higher scores in the healthy dietary pattern related to high fruit and vegetable intake, and in the prudent pattern typified by a higher intake of nuts, mushrooms, algae, and seafood but lower in grains, whereas the same were associated with lower scores in the high fat dietary pattern (all P trend <0.05). The adjusted ORs (95% CIs) for hip fractures, comparing the extreme tertiles of the three patterns, were 0.42 (0.24-0.73) for healthy, 0.51 (0.28-0.90) for prudent, and 2.25 (1.38-3.69) for high fat. No significant association was found between the traditional dietary pattern (with a high intake of Chinese herbal tea, double-stewed soup, processed meat and fish, organ meat) and hip fracture risk.
Our findings suggest that the consumption of a healthy or prudent dietary pattern can protect against hip fractures, whereas a high fat pattern promotes the incidence of such fractures.


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