Current Biology:黑暗疗法有助视力恢复

2013-03-06 生物无忧 生物无忧

在一项新的研究中,研究人员通过研究患有一种被称作弱视(amblyopia)的视力障碍(visual impairment)的小猫在完全黑暗的环境中呆上10天之前和之后的结果,发现恢复视力有时可能比较简单,关灯即可.相关研究结果于2013年2月14日发表在Current Biology期刊上,论文标题为"Darkness alters maturation of visual cortex and

在一项新的研究中,研究人员通过研究患有一种被称作弱视(amblyopia)的视力障碍(visual impairment)的小猫在完全黑暗的环境中呆上10天之前和之后的结果,发现恢复视力有时可能比较简单,关灯即可.相关研究结果于2013年2月14日发表在Current Biology期刊上,论文标题为"Darkness alters maturation of visual cortex and promotes fast recovery from monocular deprivation".

加拿大达尔豪斯大学研究员Kevin Duffy和Donald Mitchell认为暴露在黑暗中导致视觉系统中的一些部分恢复到发育的早期阶段,从而具有更大的灵活性.




研究人员说,黑暗疗法(darkness therapy)有望治疗弱视儿童,但是不要在家中尝试这种疗法.他们认为必须是完全黑暗且在任何时刻没有任何杂光的情形下才能发挥作用.首先找出弱视产生的初始原因也是同样重要的,这样才能确保在黑暗中呆上一段时间将不会对个人视力较好的那只眼睛带来伤害.




Darkness Alters Maturation of Visual Cortex and Promotes Fast Recovery from Monocular Deprivation

Kevin R. Duffy, Donald E. Mitchell


Neurofilament is reduced in kitten visual cortex after a short period of darkness ? Darkness immediately after monocular deprivation prevents development of amblyopia ? Darkness imposed after amblyopia develops results in its disappearance in 5 to 7 days ? Short (10 day) periods of darkness may boost recovery from amblyopia in humans


The existence of heightened brain plasticity during critical periods in early postnatal life is a central tenet of developmental sensory neuroscience and helps explain the enduring deficits induced by early abnormal sensory exposure [1,2]. The human visual disorder amblyopia has been linked to unbalanced visual input to the two eyes in early postnatal visual cortical development and has been modeled in animals by depriving them of patterned visual input to one eye [3,4], a procedure known as monocular deprivation (MD). We investigated the possibility that a period of darkness might reset the central visual pathways to a more plastic stage and hence increase the capacity for recovery from early MD. Here we show that a 10 day period of complete darkness reverses maturation of stable cytoskeleton components in kitten visual cortex and also results in rapid elimination of, or even immunity from, visual deficits linked to amblyogenic rearing by MD. The heightened instability of the cytoskeleton induced by darkness likely represents just one of many parallel molecular changes that promote visual recovery, possibly by release of the various brakes on cortical plasticityduced


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4月18日,英国伦敦大学等处的研究人员在Nature杂志网站上报告说,通过向一些视力受损的实验鼠注射感光细胞,就能在一定程度上帮助它们恢复视力,将来有望在此基础上开发出治疗人类失明的方法。 英国伦敦大学学院等机构研究人员报告,在本次实验中注射的是视杆细胞的前体细胞。视杆细胞是视网膜中的两种感光细胞之一,它对微弱光线特别敏感,老鼠虽然通常在晚上视力不错,但如果缺少这种细胞,在黑暗环境中也是

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