Am J Clin Nutr:每日喝汽水增患前列腺癌风险

2012-11-28 MedSci MedSci原创

  瑞典一项研究发现,男性每日喝一次一般容量的汽水,患前列腺癌的危险增加。相关论文将发表于新一期的《美国临床营养学杂志》(Am J Clin Nutr)。   研究对8000例45-73岁的男性进行调查,随访平均时间平均长达15年。结果显示,每日喝330毫升含糖汽水一次的人患严重的需治疗的前列腺癌风险增加40%。相关报道:Circulation:每天一罐糖软饮料可致

  瑞典一项研究发现,男性每日喝一次一般容量的汽水,患前列腺癌的危险增加。相关论文将发表于新一期的《美国临床营养学杂志》(Am J Clin Nutr)。









Soft drink raises prostate cancer risk

Men who drink one normal-sized soft drink per day are at greater risk of getting more aggressive forms of prostate cancer, according to a Swedish study.

'Among the men who drank a lot of soft drinks or other drinks with added sugar, we saw an increased risk of prostate cancer of around 40 per cent,' said Isabel Drake, a PhD student at Lund University.

The study, to be published in the upcoming edition of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, followed more than 8000 men aged 45 to 73 for an average of 15 years.

Those who drank one 330-millilitre soft drink a day were 40 per cent more likely to develop more serious forms of prostate cancer that required treatment.

The cancer was discovered after the men showed symptoms of the disease, and not through the screening process known as Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA).

Those who ate a diet heavy on rice and pasta increased their risk of getting milder forms of prostate cancer, which often required no treatment, by 31 per cent, while a high intake of sugary breakfast cereals raised the incidence of milder forms of the cancer to 38 per cent, Drake told AFP.

While further research was needed before dietary guidelines could be changed, there are already plenty of reasons a person should cut back on soft-drink consumption, she noted.

The men in the study had to undergo regular medical examinations and kept a journal of their food and drink intake.

Previous studies have shown that Chinese and Japanese immigrants in the US develop prostate cancer more often than peers in their home countries.

Further research on how genes respond to different diets would make it possible to 'tailor food and drink guidelines for certain high-risk groups', Drake said.


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