
2013-04-26 佚名 丁香园

    黑色素瘤通常与过度暴露于紫外线有关,根据美国国家癌症研究所的数据,2013年美国预期会出现76690新病例,其中9480名患者会因此死亡。    突破性疗法资格的获得使lambrolizumab(代号 MK-3475)引起众人关注,授予lambrolizumab这一资格意味着FDA认可该治疗药物对威胁生命的疾病表现出明显收益,而且

    突破性疗法资格的获得使lambrolizumab(代号 MK-3475)引起众人关注,授予lambrolizumab这一资格意味着FDA认可该治疗药物对威胁生命的疾病表现出明显收益,而且超过了现有治疗药物。
突破性疗法称号是2012年FDA安全和创新法案中制定的部分内容,目的是帮助加快严重致命性疾病潜在新药的开发进度,以尽早给患者带来所需的治疗药物。业内观察人士已将该资格视为一种认可,如辉瑞的乳腺癌药物Palbociclib、强生和Pharmacyclics公司用于治疗血癌的候选药物 Ibrutinib、Vertex制药用于囊性纤维化治疗的VX-809和Kalydeco,以及诺华用于肺癌治疗的药物LDK378。

Merck scores 'breakthrough' status from FDA for immunotherapy against melanoma
Merck ($MRK) has a shot at a speedy development path for lambrolizumab. The FDA has pinned a "Breakthrough Therapy" tag on the experimental antibody drug for advanced melanoma, based on Phase Ib data that showed significant early signs of antitumor activity in some patients with aggressive cases of the deadly skin cancer.
Often linked to too much exposure to ultraviolet rays, melanoma is expected crop up in 76,690 new cases and kill 9,480 patients in the U.S. in 2013, according to data from the National Cancer Institute.
The breakthrough recognition pushes lambrolizumab (codenamed MK-3475) into the spotlight, just where Merck wanted the antibody when the company requested that designation from U.S. regulators last year. In bestowing breakthrough status to a drug, the FDA acknowledges that the therapy has shown early evidence of significant benefits over existing therapies for life-threatening illnesses. However, the FDA only began selecting programs for the designation this year, and it's unclear how exactly the agency will handle reviews of drugs with the coveted status.
Yet the agency places the breakthrough program among others intended to bring therapies to patients in need earlier. And industry watchers have regarded the status as an endorsement of sorts for previous breakthrough designees such as Pfizer's ($PFE) breast cancer contender palbociclib, Johnson & Johnson ($JNJ) and Pharmacyclics' ($PCYC) candidate ibrutinib for blood cancers, Vertex Pharmaceuticals' ($VRTX) VX-809 and Kalydeco for cystic fibrosis, and Novartis' ($NVS) LDK378 for lung cancer.
"We are pleased that the FDA has designated lambrolizumab a Breakthrough Therapy for patients with advanced melanoma," said Dr. Gary Gilliland, senior vice president and oncology franchise head, Merck Research Laboratories, in a statement. "The FDA's decision to place lambrolizumab in a category that may enable expedited development and review is an important milestone for Merck as we advance ongoing programs in multiple cancer indications."
Merck is recruiting patients for a randomized Phase II trial of lambrolizumab, comparing two different doses of the drug and chemotherapy in advanced melanoma. In November, the U.S. drug giant reported that 51% of 85 patients in a Phase Ib study showed an objective antitumor response and 9% had a complete response at or after 12 weeks. It also showed antitumor activity in 11, or 41%, of patients who had received the gold-standard advanced melanoma med Yervoy from Bristol-Myers Squibb ($BMY).
The breakthrough status follows a letdown last year for Merck's oncology pipeline, which was hit with an FDA rejection on the sarcoma drug ridaforolimus. It was one of the R&D setbacks leading up to Merck CEO Kenneth Frazier's move earlier this year to bring in ex-Amgen ($AMGN) R&D boss Roger Perlmutter to head research at the drug giant and revive the pipeline.
Lambrolizumab, which Merck has begun to study in lung cancer and other tumors, targets a "molecular camouflage" receptor called PD-1 that tricks the immune system into treating cancer cells as normal ones to evade the immune attacks, Merck spokeswoman Caroline Lappetito told FierceBiotech in an interview. By targeting PD-1, lambrolizumab could restore the ability of immune cells to battle cancer. {nextpage}


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黑色素瘤的危险在于它们在非常早期的阶段促进新的淋巴管产生,并且因此能够很早地产生转移性肿瘤。故此,找到抑制淋巴管生成(lymphangiogenesis)的蛋白是至关重要的。在这项研究中,来自奥地利维也纳医科大学皮肤科的Heide Niederleithner和同事们如今证实就恶性黑色素瘤而言,Wnt1是一种能够抑制淋巴管生成和转移性肿瘤形成的蛋白。 临床前研究表明增加信号蛋白Wnt1释放抑制新


  澳大利亚皇家墨尔本理工大学的研究人员8日说,他们研制的一种肽能杀死黑色素瘤细胞,将来有望以此为基础开发一种专门治疗皮肤癌的乳霜。   研究人员将这种肽(即氨基酸短链)设计成能模仿黏液瘤病毒蛋白质的活动。此前的研究已表明,黏液瘤病毒能杀灭恶性黑色素瘤细胞。研究人员测试了这种肽的有效性,结果显示,它可以杀灭黑色素瘤细胞而不伤害正常的人类皮肤细胞。   恶性黑色素瘤是致死率最高的皮肤癌。“澳大利

CANCER RES:致命的皮肤癌如何全身扩散

  弗吉尼亚联邦大学梅西癌症中心的科学家Paul B. Fisher博士1月3号发表在《癌症》杂志上的一项研究表明:在肿瘤新血管的形成过程中,mda-9/syntenin是调节血管生成的关键因子。   这是科学家继成功在实验室试验中消除黑色素瘤转移后,又取得的又一项重要发现:黑色素瘤分化相关基因-9(mda-9/syntenin)导致了转移的恶性黑色素瘤(皮肤癌的扩散)和其他

NAT GENET :肥胖基因或是黑色素瘤的风险因素

  一项新研究证实与肥胖和暴饮暴食最密切相关的基因,也可能会增加患恶性黑色素瘤的风险,黑色素瘤是皮肤癌中最致命的一种类型,相关研究发表在Nature Genetics杂志上。   英国利兹大学的癌症研究中心科学家发现,FTO基因(通常称为内含子8)的DNA内存在特定变异体的人可能患黑色素瘤的风险更大。FTO基因(内含子1)不同部位的突变体是已知的肥胖和暴饮暴食最重要的遗传危险因素。


在携带有BRAF癌基因突变的黑色素瘤患者中,虽然在应用了威罗菲尼或Dabrafenib之后患者对治疗存在显著反应,但是对于野生型BRAF亚型的黑色素瘤患者而言,仍存在大量未满足的临床治疗需要。为了试图探究上述问题,来自Genentech肿瘤转化部门的M. Haverty等进行了相关研究,并将其研究结果发表在JNCI 3月的在线期刊上。为了探究p21小GTP酶活化激酶1(PAKs)在黑色素瘤患者中所


转移性黑色素瘤对威罗菲尼的耐药机制 在2013年4月8日在线出版的《临床肿瘤学杂志》(Journal of Clinical Oncology)上,发表了美国Vanderbilt-Ingram癌症中心Jeffrey A. Sosman博士等人的一项研究结果,该研究旨在评价BRAF抑制剂威罗菲尼对BRAFV600突变性黑色素瘤的药效作用及体内获得性耐药机制,以期对威罗菲尼的作用机制进行了解,并最终