
2012-05-10 蓝建中 新华社

近日,日本研究人员在新一期Nature杂志上报告说,他们发现了作为心力衰竭原因之一的心肌炎的发病机制。这一发现有助于开发治疗心力衰竭的新方法。 大阪大学等机构研究人员报告说,他们通过动物实验发现,由于高血压等原因使心肌细胞内的线粒体受损后,导致无用的线粒体DNA蓄积,这会引发“过度”的免疫反应,而这是炎症发生的导火索。研究人员首先培育出无法分解心肌细胞内线粒体DNA的小鼠,然后利用这种小鼠进行了







Mitochondrial DNA that escapes from autophagy causes inflammation and heart failure

Takafumi Oka; Shungo Hikoso; Osamu Yamaguchi; Manabu Taneike; Toshihiro Takeda; Takahito Tamai; Jota Oyabu; Tomokazu Murakawa; Hiroyuki Nakayama; Kazuhiko Nishida; Shizuo Akira; Akitsugu Yamamoto; Issei Komuro; Kinya Otsu

Heart failure is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in industrialized countries. Although infection with microorganisms is not involved in the development of heart failure in most cases, inflammation has been implicated in the pathogenesis of heart failure1. However, the mechanisms responsible for initiating and integrating inflammatory responses within the heart remain poorly defined. Mitochondria are evolutionary endosymbionts derived from bacteria and contain DNA similar to bacterial DNA2, 3, 4. Mitochondria damaged by external haemodynamic stress are degraded by the autophagy/lysosome system in cardiomyocytes5. Here we show that mitochondrial DNA that escapes from autophagy cell-autonomously leads to Toll-like receptor (TLR) 9-mediated inflammatory responses in cardiomyocytes and is capable of inducing myocarditis and dilated cardiomyopathy. Cardiac-specific deletion of lysosomal deoxyribonuclease (DNase) II showed no cardiac phenotypes under baseline conditions, but increased mortality and caused severe myocarditis and dilated cardiomyopathy 10 days after treatment with pressure overload. Early in the pathogenesis, DNase II-deficient hearts showed infiltration of inflammatory cells and increased messenger RNA expression of inflammatory cytokines, with accumulation of mitochondrial DNA deposits in autolysosomes in the myocardium. Administration of inhibitory oligodeoxynucleotides against TLR9, which is known to be activated by bacterial DNA6, or ablation of Tlr9 attenuated the development of cardiomyopathy in DNase II-deficient mice. Furthermore, Tlr9 ablation improved pressure overload-induced cardiac dysfunction and inflammation even in mice with wild-type Dnase2a alleles. These data provide new perspectives on the mechanism of genesis of chronic inflammation in failing hearts.



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一个由加拿大、英国、美国的59名研究人员组成的国际研究小组最新发表的研究报告显示,他们从分子层面的研究发现,不同三阴乳腺癌肿瘤的基因组其实存在很大差异,这也是常用药物对这类癌症疗效不大的重要因素,未来可能需要调整相关的治疗手法。相关论文4月4日在线发表于《Nature》. 研究人员利用电脑技术分析了100个三阴乳腺癌肿瘤的基因组,结果发现它们中没有任何两个相似,更不用说完全一样。研究人员说,鉴于


如果一个上皮细胞层要保持其结构,并且为机体提供一个保护壁垒,它就需要在正在分裂的细胞数量与正在死亡的细胞数量之间维持平衡。虽然补偿细胞的分裂可能被死亡细胞所触发,但是,细胞死亡如何减轻细胞增殖所带来的“拥挤”,目前尚不明了。 4月26日出版的《自然》杂志同时发表了两篇有关上皮组织细胞数量控制的文章,指出维持上皮组织细胞平衡的机理可能与癌症有关。 英国伦敦大学学院分子细胞学实验室的Buzz Ba