
2011-07-14 MedSci原创 MedSci原创

 中国中医科院的研究人员在接受中(CM)西医(WM)结合治疗的类风湿关节炎(RA)患者中,探索传统中医(TCM)舌象与疗效反应(达到美国风湿病学会规定的ACR20)的相关性。结果表明,TCM对舌体苍白患者的疗效较差,WM对紫或红舌、或白苔患者的疗效较差。研究结果提示,舌苔和舌色可能有助于识别适合接受CM和WM干预的RA患者亚组。研究论文近期发表于《医学补充疗法》 [Complement 

 中国中医科院的研究人员在接受中(CM)西医(WM)结合治疗的类风湿关节炎(RA)患者中,探索传统中医(TCM)舌象与疗效反应(达到美国风湿病学会规定的ACR20)的相关性。结果表明,TCM对舌体苍白患者的疗效较差,WM对紫或红舌、或白苔患者的疗效较差。研究结果提示,舌苔和舌色可能有助于识别适合接受CM和WM干预的RA患者亚组。研究论文近期发表于《医学补充疗法》 [Complement Ther Med 2011,19(3):115]杂志上。

  该研究使用先前一项随机对照临床试验数据,收集了关于舌苔和舌质颜色的资料。为了简化舌诊以便西医专家理解,诊断时仅识别2种典型舌苔(白和黄)和4 种舌质颜色(紫、粉、苍白和红)。研究分析了TCM治疗(雷公藤多苷片和益肾蠲痹丸)组170例苔色明确和198例舌色明确的患者,以及WM治疗(双氯芬酸、甲氨蝶呤和柳氮磺吡啶)组181例苔色明确和189例舌色明确的患者。第12周和24周时,ACR20反应被用作评估功效的转归指标。研究采用卡方检验分析不同舌象患者的治疗有效率,采用重复测量logistic回归分析苔色/舌色与ACR20反应的相关性。

  结果显示,第12周,接受CM和WM治疗患者的ACR20反应率分别为33.6%和53.0%,第24周,该比例分别为57.9%和84.3%。在 WM干预治疗组中,白苔患者中的有效率高于黄苔者(P<0.05),在CM干预治疗组中,有效率无差异。进一步相关性分析显示,TCM对舌体苍白患者的疗效较差(P=0.0323),WM对紫(P=0.0291)或红舌(P=0.0027)患者的疗效较差。

  相关链接:Association between tongue appearance in Traditional Chinese Medicine and effective response in treatment of rheumatoid arthritis

Complement Ther Med. 2011 Jun;19(3):115-21. Epub 2011 May 25.

Association between tongue appearance in Traditional Chinese Medicine and effective response in treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.


Institute of Basic Research in Clinical Medicine, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing, China; E-institute of Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, Shanghai TCM University, Shanghai, China.



Explore the associations between the tongue appearances in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and effective response (ACR20 response based on American College of Rheumatology) in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients treated with Chinese medicine (CM) and western biomedical combination therapy (WM).


This study used the data from a previous multi-center randomized-controlled clinical trial. Data pertaining to tongue coating and tongue body color were collected. In order to simplify the tongue diagnosis for easily understood by biomedical professionals, only two typical tongue coating (white and yellow) and four typical tongue body colors (purple, pink, pale and red) were identified for this analysis. 170 cases with clear tongue coating and 198 cases with clear tongue body color in TCM treatment (Glucosidorum Tripterygll Totorum tablets and Yishen Juanbi tablets) group, 181 cases with identified tongue coating and 189 cases with identified tongue body color in WM treatment (diclofenec, methotrexate and sulfasalazine) group were included for the analysis. The ACR20 response at 12 weeks and 24 weeks were used as an outcome measure of efficacy. The effective rates in patients with different tongue appearances were analyzed with Chi-square method and the association between the changes of tongue coating/body color and the ACR20 response was analyzed with a repeated measures logistic regression analysis.


At 12 weeks, the ACR20 responses in the patients treated with CM and WM therapy were 33.6% and 53.0%, respectively, and at 24 weeks, they were 57.9% and 84.3%, respectively. RA patients with white tongue coating showed higher effective rate than those patients with yellow tongue coating in the treatment with WM intervention (p<0.05), and there was no difference in the patients with CM intervention. Further association analysis showed that TCM would be less effective for the patients with pale tongue body (p=0.0323), and WM would be less effective for the patients with purple or red tongue body (p=0.0291 and 0.0027, respectively).


TCM was less effective for the patients with pale tongue body, and WM was be less effective for the patients with purple or red tongue body, or white tongue coating. The results suggest that tongue coating and body color might be used to help identify a subset of RA patients both for CM and WM interventions.

评论区 (7)
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(一)题目  医学论文担负着传播医学信息、进行学术交流、指导临床实践的重任,论文的题目是信息的集中点,更要求论文命题能准确反映文章内容,提供有价值的信息,因此,论文题目要求具体、简洁、鲜明、确切而有特异性和可检索性。  1、论文题目要有具体性。题目不具体是初学者撰写医学论文时常见的缺点,例如“矽肺的预防”,“乙型肝炎的流行病学调查”等等。  2、论文题目要有简洁性。题目应简短、精练,


“第四届全球慢病毒载体会议-首届国际基因及细胞治疗大会”在上海中医药大学召开。此次会议由欧盟科学技术促进委员会(EASCO)主办,上海比昂生物医药科技有限公司承办,上海市浦东新区科学技术委员会、上海市浦东新区科学技术协会、上海中医药大学、法国国家卫生研究院和生物谷协办。主要讨论了病毒载体的应用现状以及国际基因及细胞治疗的研究进展与发展趋势。 此次会议嘉宾有中国科学院院士、生物化学家刘新垣院士;法


2009年10月22日-24日,由天津微生物学会、天津医科大学、天津中医药大学、天津科技大学联合主办的“生物医药科技论文高阶写作研讨班”成功举办,MedSci李欣梅博士、教授作为主要演讲嘉宾之一,详细而深入地介绍中国人在SCI论文写作过程中一些常见的问题,以及解决方案。 目前,我国生物、医药卫生领域蓬勃发展,新成果、新技术不断涌现。科技论文作为成


说明: 如果需要查找更多中医词汇,可以看生物医药大词典:http://www.biodic.cn 其中有专门的中医词库,非常全面。这里举一些常用的例子。 气化不利 dysfunction of qi in transformation 畏寒喜热 aversion to cold and preference for heat 气分热盛 excessive heat at qi phase 气郁


如果需要查询更多中医词汇,请参考生物医药大词典 http://www.biodic.cn 中草药 Chinese medicinal herbs 炮制 processing 四气五味 four properties and five tastes 清除杂质 eliminating impurity 入药部分 the part used for medical purpose 作用和缓 mild


来源:中华人民共和国卫生部网站   “未来十年是实现中医药全面走向国际、在世界范围获得丰富与发展的关键时期,我们必须科学研判形势,明确指导思想与工作思路,把中医药发展纳入国家发展战略框架,充分发挥中医药对外交流与合作的优势和作用,把握正确的发展方向。推动中医药走向世界的工作要坚持服从和服务于国家外交战略、国家卫生战略、科技发展战略、国际服务贸易战略、文化走出去战略、国家标准化战略和中医药事业发