
2013-07-17 tomato 生物谷

2013年7月15日讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --罗氏(Roche)今日宣布,欧盟委员会(EC)已授予Erivedge(vismodegib)有条件批准(conditional approval),用于不适宜手术或放疗治疗的有症状转移性基底细胞癌(BCC)或局部晚期BCC成人患者的治疗。该项批准,使Erivedge成为欧盟首个获批用于这一严重危机生命的皮肤癌的药物。 有条件批准授予具有积极效

2013年7月15日讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --罗氏(Roche)今日宣布,欧盟委员会(EC)已授予Erivedge(vismodegib)有条件批准(conditional approval),用于不适宜手术或放疗治疗的有症状转移性基底细胞癌(BCC)或局部晚期BCC成人患者的治疗。该项批准,使Erivedge成为欧盟首个获批用于这一严重危机生命的皮肤癌的药物。




Erivedge是一种日服的药片,通过抑制Hedgehog 路径来发挥作用,这种路径在大多数基底细胞癌中活性很高。(生物谷Bioon.com)

英文原文:Roche’s Erivedge receives conditional EU approval for treatment of advanced basal cell carcinoma

Erivedge is a new medicine that helps people with a disfiguring and potentially life-threatening form of skin cancer

Roche (SIX: RO, ROG; OTCQX: RHHBY) announced today that the European Commission has granted conditional approval to Erivedge (vismodegib) for the treatment of adult patients with symptomatic metastatic basal cell carcinoma (BCC) or locally advanced BCC inappropriate for surgery or radiotherapy. This approval makes Erivedge, a capsule taken once-a-day, the first licensed medicine for patients in the European Union with this disfiguring and potentially life-threatening form of skin cancer.

A conditional marketing authorisation is granted to medicinal products with a positive benefit/risk assessment that satisfy an unmet medical need and whose availability would result in a significant public health benefit. Under the provisions of the conditional approval, Roche will provide additional data on Erivedge in advanced BCC from an ongoing global safety study.

“Today’s approval is great news for patients with advanced basal cell carcinoma, who previously had no medicines to treat their disease,” said Hal Barron MD, Roche’s Chief Medical Officer and Head of Global Product Development. “Erivedge substantially reduced tumour size in patients in clinical trials, and we are pleased that Erivedge will now be available to patients in the European Union.”

Basal cell carcinoma is generally considered curable when confined to the skin. However, in some cases the disease will invade surrounding tissue (locally advanced) or spread to other parts of the body (metastatic BCC) in a manner that cannot be effectively treated with surgery or radiation.

In January 2012, Erivedge became the first licensed medicine for patients with advanced BCC in the United States when the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved it under the priority review programme that provides for an expedited review of drugs that offer major advances in treatment. Since October 2012, Erivedge has been approved in Switzerland, Australia, Israel, South Korea, Mexico and Ecuador.  Roche is working closely with other regulatory authorities to ensure Erivedge is made available as quickly as possible.

About the ERIVANCE BCC study

This conditional approval is based on findings from the primary analysis (26 November 2010) in the pivotal ERIVANCE BCC phase II single-arm study which enrolled 104 patients with advanced BCC (71 had locally advanced and 33 had metastatic disease) from 31 study sites in the U.S., Australia and Europe.1

The study showed Erivedge substantially shrank lesions (objective response rate, or ORR) in 43 percent (27/63) of patients with locally advanced BCC and 30 percent of patients (10/33) with metastatic BCC, as assessed by independent review. The median duration of response was 7.6 months.

The most common adverse events included muscle spasms, hair loss, altered taste sensation, fatigue and weight loss. Serious adverse events (SAEs) were observed in 26 patients (25 percent), however of these only four (4 percent) patients had SAEs that were considered to be related to treatment with Erivedge.

About the STEVIE study

The safety profile of Erivedge is being further assessed in STEVIE, a global, single-arm, open-label multicentre study of patients with advanced forms of basal cell carcinoma. The study aims to enrol 1,200 patients. An interim analysis from STEVIE presented at ASCO 2013 confirmed a similar safety profile to that observed in the ERIVANCE BCC study.2




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来自上海交通大学、中科院等处的研究人员在新研究中发现了一种可选择性清除急性骨髓性白血病干细胞的潜在药物,从而为改善急性髓细胞白血病患者的治疗预后指出了一条有前景的治疗途径。相关论文发表在3月19日的《美国科学院》(PNAS)上。 来自上海交通大学医学院的陈竺(Zhu Chen)院士、王侃侃(Kan-Kan Wang)研究员和张济(Ji Zhang)研究员是这篇文章的共同通讯作者。陈竺院士3月份刚

AAN 2013:重症肌无力治疗新药研究

一项发表于美国第65届神经病学会年会的初步数据表明,肌萎缩脊髓侧索硬化(ALS)研究用药物tirasemtiv(Cytokinetics公司生产)可能对重症肌无力也有一定作用。研究者美国杜克大学重症肌无力诊所创始人,北卡罗来纳州达勒姆Donald B. Sanders博士说,“这些结果表明tirasemtiv可改善重症肌无力的功能,且这些研究结果将被用于进一步支持tirasemtiv在神经肌肉疾病

NAT REV:2013年第二季度新药研发亮点观察

2013年第二季度值得期待的医药市场催化剂有骨髓纤维化治疗药物SAR302503的III期临床研究初始结果,以及Fostamatinib风湿性关节炎III期临床研究的第一批试验数据。另外,美国食品药品管理局(FDA)6月份对葛兰素史克开发的两款黑色素瘤药物的审批决定同样也值得期待。 酪氨酸激酶2 (JAK2)作为骨髓纤维化治疗的一种有效靶点的确立(2011年因赛特与诺华的酪氨酸激酶抑制剂Jaka




2013年6月16日讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --安进(Amgen)13日宣布,FDA已批准了Xgeva(denosumab)的一个新适应症,用于手术不可切除性或手术切除可能导致严重并发症的骨巨细胞瘤(GCTB)成人患者及骨骼发育成熟的青少年患者的治疗。 GCTB为骨原发的骨破坏性良性侵袭性肿瘤,通常影响20-40岁的个体,往往导致骨折。 Xgeva新适应症的获批,是基于2项开放标签试验,

