Arch Dermatol:吸烟可能加重皮肤狼疮病情

2011-12-12 MedSci原创 MedSci原创

11月21日,美国《皮肤病学文献》(Arch Dermatol)上刊登的一项研究显示,当前吸烟的皮肤红斑狼疮(CLE)患者,比不吸烟CLE患者的病情更糟糕,生活质量更差,且联合应用羟氯喹和米帕林治疗者较多。 该研究纳入218例有CLE或系统性红斑狼疮(SLA)以及狼疮非特异性皮肤病变的患者。主要转归指标为CLE病变面积和严重度指数(CLASI)分值,用以评估疾病的严重性和治疗反应,用Skinde

11月21日,美国《皮肤病学文献》(Arch Dermatol)上刊登的一项研究显示,当前吸烟的皮肤红斑狼疮(CLE)患者,比不吸烟CLE患者的病情更糟糕,生活质量更差,且联合应用羟氯喹和米帕林治疗者较多。

该研究纳入218例有CLE或系统性红斑狼疮(SLA)以及狼疮非特异性皮肤病变的患者。主要转归指标为CLE病变面积和严重度指数(CLASI)分值,用以评估疾病的严重性和治疗反应,用Skindex 29+3分值评估患者生活质量。

结果显示,当前吸烟的红斑狼疮患者CLASI的中位分值(9.5),比从不吸烟CLE患者(7.0)和过去吸烟CLE患者的分值(6.0)高(P=0.02)。当前吸烟患者的Skindex 29+3分值也较高。正在服用硫酸羟氯喹的当前吸烟患者,比不吸烟患者更常用盐酸阿的平(P=0.04)。入组后的2到7个月间,仅用抗疟剂治疗的当前吸烟患者的改善程度(CLASI中位变化为-3),较从不吸烟患者(1)和过去吸烟患者(0)更大。入组8个多月后,用抗疟剂加至少一种其他免疫调节剂治疗的当前吸烟患者的改善程度(CLASI变化为3.5),不如从不吸烟患者(–1.5)和过去吸烟患者(0)(P=0.04)。总之,当前吸烟者单纯接受抗疟药治疗时,病情改善较大,而从不吸烟者和过去吸烟者应用抗疟药加其他免疫调节剂治疗时,病情改善更大。(生物谷


Impact of Smoking in Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus

Evan W. Piette, MD; Kristen P. Foering, MD; Aileen Y. Chang, BA; Joyce Okawa, RN; Thomas R. Ten Have, PhD, MPH; Rui Feng, PhD; Victoria P. Werth, MD

Objective  To investigate cigarette smoking in cutaneous lupus erythematosus (CLE).

Design  Prospective longitudinal cohort study.

Setting  Urban cutaneous autoimmune disease clinic.
Participants  A total of 218 individuals with CLE or systemic lupus erythematosus and lupus nonspecific skin disease seen between January 5, 2007, and July 30, 2010.

Main Outcome Measures  Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus Disease Area and Severity Index (CLASI) scores to assess disease severity and response to treatment and Skindex 29+3 scores to assess patient quality of life.

Results  Current smokers with lupus erythematosus had higher median CLASI scores (9.5) than did never (7.0) and past (6.0) smokers with CLE (P = .02). Current smokers had higher median scores on all the Skindex 29+3 subsets. Current smokers taking hydroxychloroquine sulfate had higher quinacrine hydrochloride use than did nonsmokers (P = .04). Two to 7 months after enrollment, current smokers (median CLASI change, –3) treated with only antimalarial agents improved more than never (1) and past (0) smokers (P = .02). Eight months or more after enrollment, current smokers (CLASI change, 3.5) treated with antimalarial drugs plus at least 1 additional immunomodulator improved less than never (–1.5) and past (0) smokers (P = .04).

Conclusions  Current smokers with lupus erythematosus had worse disease, had worse quality of life, and were more often treated with a combination of hydroxychloroquine and quinacrine than were nonsmokers. Never and past smokers showed greater improvement when treated with antimalarial agents plus at least 1 additional immunomodulator. Current smokers had greater improvement when treated with antimalarial drugs only.

评论区 (4)
  1. 2013-01-07 Mena

    That isnihgt would have saved us a lot of effort early on.


  2. 2013-01-07 Dabin

    Home run! Great slugging with that anwesr!




MedSci解读:这篇文献具有标志性意义,了解吸烟是否对健康有利。它的社会意义有可能大于文章的学术意义。   丹尼尔·麦凯等 英国格拉斯哥大学公共卫生系等   背景 既往的研究显示,在采取全面的无烟立法后,酒吧工作人员中的呼吸系统症状有所减少。然而,目前还不知道在没有职业性暴露于吸烟环境的人群中,呼吸系统疾病是否也有所减少。我们研究的目的是确定苏格兰于2006年3月启动的公共场所禁烟令,是否影