
2013-05-14 佚名 EGMN

  阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯——众所周知,诸如Framingham风险评分之类的传统工具会低估系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)患者的心血管风险。在日前举行的国际系统性红斑狼疮大会上,约翰霍普金斯大学的Michelle Petri博士的报告为一种新的10年心血管事件(CVE)风险估算工具提供了支持。   这种新工具综合了传统系血管危险因素(年龄、性别、高血压、高血脂、吸烟、糖尿病和体重指数)与3种狼疮特异因素

  阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯——众所周知,诸如Framingham风险评分之类的传统工具会低估系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)患者的心血管风险。在日前举行的国际系统性红斑狼疮大会上,约翰霍普金斯大学的Michelle Petri博士的报告为一种新的10年心血管事件(CVE)风险估算工具提供了支持。


  例如一名年龄50岁的女性SLE患者,体重指数(BMI)为23 kg/m2、收缩压为150 mmHg、患有高脂血症,那么按照新工具和Framingham评分,其10年CVE风险均为8%左右。然而,假如她还有狼疮抗凝物、高疾病活动度或者C3水平低,则根据SLE特异评分系统其CVE风险将增至15%~18%,而Framingham评分仍为8%。Petri博士指出,假如患者合并类风湿性关节炎,则危险评分还得再乘以1.5。






  主要研究者、伊斯坦布尔大学的Murat Inanc博士指出,15.2%的受试者有CVD的临床证据。其中很多人还有传统危险因素,“如高血压、高血脂、代谢综合征等,但疾病特异性表现在心血管受累的患者中也更多见”。



  多伦多西方研究所的Murray Urowitz博士在本次会议上报告了一项纳入1,401例SLE患者的国际多中心起始队列研究。该研究旨在确定诊断时可预测早发动脉粥样硬化的因素。Urowitz博士及其同事分析了年龄、性别、糖尿病、吸烟、肥胖、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇和肌酐等因素。经过平均5年随访,多变量分析显示,仅有年龄和男性是粥样硬化性血管事件的显著危险因素。“这一结果提示,这些危险因素需要更长时间才能体现出最大效应,而在头10年内其效应很难超过年龄和性别这两个因素。”

  同样在这场会议上,加州大学洛杉矶分校的Maureen McMahon博士报告称,一些生物标志物可预测SLE患者的当前进展性或获得性颈动脉斑块。在这项研究中,McMahon博士及其同事招募了210例女性SLE患者和100名年龄匹配的对照者,这些受试者在基线时和平均随访29个月之后接受颈动脉超声检查。结果显示,近1/3的SLE患者在随访期间有斑块的证据。

  研究者发现,如果基线时有下列因素中的至少3项,即可预测94%的斑块:年龄≥48 h,有促炎性高密度脂蛋白胆固醇的证据,血浆瘦素≥34 ng/dl,同型半胱氨酸≥12 mmol/L,血浆sTWEAK(可溶性肿瘤坏死因子样弱凋亡诱导物)水平≥373 pg/ml。上述因素中的任意1项加上糖尿病,也具有预测效力。具有至少3项危险因素(或者1项加糖尿病)的患者,今后出现颈动脉斑块的几率将增加28倍[95%置信区间(CI),10.6~72.7;P<0.001],并且出现斑块和动脉内膜中层厚度进展的几率也显著增加。


原文阅读:New studies outline cardiovascular risk in lupus patients
BUENOS AIRES – Traditional tools such as the Framingham risk score have long been known to underestimate cardiovascular risk in people with systemic lupus erythematosus.
At the international congress on systemic lupus erythematosus, Dr. Michelle Petri of Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, presented data in support of a novel risk-assessment formula to calculate the 10-year risk of a cardiovascular event (CVE). The tool combines the traditional cardiovascular disease risk factors of age, sex, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoking, diabetes, and body mass index (BMI), with three lupus-specific factors: a SLEDAI (SLE Disease Activity Index) score of 2 or higher, lupus anticoagulant, and a low mean complement 3 (C3) level.
Under both this and the Framingham algorithms, a 50-year old woman with SLE with a BMI of 23 kg/m2, systolic blood pressure of 150 mm Hg, and high cholesterol has about an 8% 10-year risk of a CVE. However, if she also has lupus anticoagulant, high disease activity, or a low C3 level, her risk rises to 15%-18% under the SLE-specific system, whereas her Framingham score, which does not measure these, would remain at 8%.
Dr. Petri told the conference that with rheumatoid arthritis, the advice has been to multiply an existing risk score by 1.5 when the patient has certain evidence of disease. "I thought we could do better than that in lupus, because we could derive a formula using actual data," she said.
"We know that traditional CV risk factors do predict actual events and also predict the progression of subclinical atherosclerosis. Even after we adjust, though, for every traditional cardiovascular risk factor, lupus patients still have a twofold increase in coronary calcium over controls – so obviously lupus-specific factors must be in the formula as well."
The data used to derive the new scoring system came from a cohort of 1,342 lupus patients (93% female) treated at the Johns Hopkins Lupus Center. None had a history of CVEs during the first 2 years of follow-up. Over the study period, 109 incident CVEs occurred in the cohort, including 52 strokes and 26 myocardial infarctions.
Dr. Petri and her colleagues used Cox proportional hazards models to determine the baseline variables affecting the risk of a subsequent CVE. Using the results, they derived a formula to calculate the 10-year risk of a CVE. For each of the risk factors, they investigators converted the hazard ratio into a simple integer score to simplify calculation in clinical practice. By adding up the integers and using a slide rule that stands in for the exponential equation, clinicians can translate the integer score into a risk percentage.
Dr. Petri acknowledged as limitations of the study its single-site design; the fact that the Johns Hopkins Lupus Center does not routinely perform cholesterol screening; and that the study reflects care from 1988 onward, where more recent data could reflect a better standard of care. "This needs to be independently validated," she said.
In another multivariate analysis of cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors in lupus, a cohort of 306 consecutive SLE patients at a clinic in Istanbul, Turkey, revealed pericarditis, lymphopenia, thrombocytopenia, and psychosis to be significantly associated with nonfatal CVD.
Dr. Murat Inanc of Istanbul University, the lead author of the study, said that 15.2% of the cohort (mean age, 40.2 years; 89% female) had clinical evidence of CVD. Many of them also had traditional risk factors. "The usual suspects are there – hypertension, high cholesterol, metabolic syndrome – but we also found disease-specific features more present in patients with CV involvement," Dr. Inanc said.
Patients with evidence of CVD were older and had longer disease duration, significantly more organ damage, and a higher number of American College of Rheumatology criteria for SLE. "We think disease severity takes almost equal importance with traditional risk factors in this population," he said. Treatment with cyclophosphamide was also seen as a risk factor, although it is likely related to disease severity, he told the congress.
Dr. Inanc noted that the conclusions that can be drawn from the study are limited by its single-site design and lack of data on subclinical CVD. Cumulative corticosteroid use was not investigated, and investigators did not have information on immunosuppressive use in the cohort.
Dr. Murray Urowitz, of the Toronto Western Research Institute, presented findings from an international, multicenter inception cohort of 1,401 SLE patients. The goal of the study was to determine factors at diagnosis that are predictive of the development of premature atherosclerosis. Dr. Urowitz and his colleagues looked at age, sex, diabetes, smoking, obesity, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and creatinine. A multivariate analysis showed that only age and male sex were significant risk factors for atherosclerotic vascular events after a mean 5 years’ follow-up. "The implication here is these risk factors take more time to have their maximum effect, and in the first decade it’s hard to have more than age and sex," Dr. Urowitz told the congress.
Also at the congress, Dr. Maureen McMahon of the University of California, Los Angeles, gave a presentation on a panel of biomarkers found to be predictive of current, progressive, or acquired carotid plaque in a cohort of SLE patients.
For their research, Dr. McMahon and her colleagues looked at 210 female SLE patients and 100 age-matched controls who underwent ultrasound imaging of their carotid arteries at baseline and after a mean 29 months of follow-up. Nearly a third of SLE patients had evidence of plaque on follow-up.
The researchers found that three or more of the following factors at baseline were 94% predictive of plaque: age 48 or older, evidence of proinflammatory high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, plasma leptin of 34 ng/dL or greater, homocysteine of 12 mmol/L or greater, and plasma levels of sTWEAK (soluble tumor necrosis factor–like weak inducer of apoptosis) of 373 pg/mL or greater. Any one of these factors plus diabetes was also predictive. Patients with at least three indicators (or one plus diabetes) saw a 28-fold increased odds for the longitudinal presence of carotid plaque (95% confidence interval, 10.6-72.7; P less than .001) and a significantly increased rate of progression of both plaque and intima-media thickness.
None of the investigators disclosed financial relationships related to these studies.


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Arch Dermatol:吸烟可能加重皮肤狼疮病情

11月21日,美国《皮肤病学文献》(Arch Dermatol)上刊登的一项研究显示,当前吸烟的皮肤红斑狼疮(CLE)患者,比不吸烟CLE患者的病情更糟糕,生活质量更差,且联合应用羟氯喹和米帕林治疗者较多。 该研究纳入218例有CLE或系统性红斑狼疮(SLA)以及狼疮非特异性皮肤病变的患者。主要转归指标为CLE病变面积和严重度指数(CLASI)分值,用以评估疾病的严重性和治疗反应,用Skinde

Int Med News:重视生物制剂对狼疮的作用

  阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯——目前获准用于治疗系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)的生物制剂主要局限于贝利木单抗,有关阿贝西普或利妥昔单抗对SLE或狼疮性肾炎疗效的令人信服的研究证据还较少。不过在国际系统性红斑狼疮大会上,一些研究者认为,对于这3种生物制剂应抱以乐观态度。   斯德哥尔摩卡罗林斯卡研究所的Ronald F. van Vollenhoven博士对一项拟于6月在欧洲抗风湿病联盟年会上公布的生物制剂