
2011-12-12 MedSci原创 MedSci原创

如今的宝宝们喜吃甜食、鸡鸭鱼肉、饮料,而对粗粮蔬菜却不喜欢,小小年纪就血压高、血糖高,为了宝宝有一个健康的未来,从小就应培养吃粗粮果蔬的好习惯。 据路透社报道,《美国糖尿病协会杂志》刊登美国密歇根州立大学一项最新研究发现,儿童多吃富含纤维素的蔬菜和全谷物等食物,有助于降低日后心脏病危险。 新研究对2000多名12~19岁的美国孩子的饮食及其代谢综合征的症状进行了研究。这些症状包括:高血压、高血





Dietary Fiber and Nutrient Density Are Inversely Associated with the Metabolic Syndrome in US Adolescents

Joseph J. Carlson, PhD, RD, Joey C. Eisenmann, PhD, Gregory J. Norman, PhD, Karen A. Ortiz, MD, Paul C. Young, MD

Background:There is no consensus as to whether low dietary intakes of saturated fat or cholesterol, or high intakes of dietary fiber are related to a lower prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MetS) in adolescent children.ObjectiveTo determine whether a fiber-rich diet as measured by a fiber index (grams fiber/1,000 kcal) is associated with lower rates of MetS among adolescents vs a diet low in saturated fat or cholesterol as measured by a saturated fat index (grams saturated fat/1,000 kcal) and a cholesterol index (milligrams cholesterol/1,000 kcal), respectively.Design/participants/setting. Cross-sectional analysis of 12- to 19-year-old boys and girls (N=2,128) who participated in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 1999-2002.Outcomes and statistical analyses:The prevalence of MetS (abnormal values of three or more of the following: waist circumference, blood pressure, fasting serum high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, triglycerides, and glucose) was compared across quintiles of the dietary indexes (fiber index, saturated fat index, and cholesterol index) derived from 24-hour recalls. χ2 tests determined the prevalence across dietary quintiles, and multivariate logistic regression evaluated the association of the dietary indexes with MetS. Weighted analyses were used controlling for sex, age, ethnicity, and family income. Significance was set at P≤0.05.Results:The overall prevalence of MetS was 6.4% (n=138). There was a graded inverse association between the fiber index and MetS (P<0.001) with a threefold difference between the lowest and highest quintiles (9.2% vs 3.1%). Each quintile increase in the fiber index was associated with a ∼20% decrease in MetS (adjusted odds ratio 0.83, 95% confidence interval 0.68-1.00; P≤0.043). Neither the saturated fat index (P=0.87) nor the cholesterol index (P=0.22) was significantly associated with MetS.Conclusions:Higher intakes of dietary fiber, but not low intakes of saturated fat or cholesterol are related to the MetS in adolescents. These findings suggest that to reduce the risks for MetS in adolescents, it is more important to emphasize a paradigm that promotes the inclusion of fiber-rich, nutrient-dense, plant-based foods vs what foods to restrict or exclude as is commonly done when the focus is on total fat, cholesterol, or saturated fat intake.

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 8月28日,在欧洲心脏病学会(ESC2011)临床研究更新会上,德国学者Michael Bohm分析了ONTARGET研究受试患者的治疗依从性及其产生后果,证实年龄、女性、种族、低体力活动、吸烟、糖尿病和神经-精神紊乱是患者依从性的预测因素,而患者依从性的降低可导致事件发生率迅速升高。这些事件可进一步导致更高的不依从率,从而进入恶性循环。   患者的“不依从”定义为完全、永久地不继续


人们好像并未对那些不眠之夜太过担忧。10月24日,挪威一份研究报告显示,失眠者的心脏病发作率比睡眠良好者高出了27%到45%。 这项研究报告的作者敦促说,大约1/3的人有睡眠问题,应当向医生寻求帮助。这份研究报告发表在美国心脏病协会的《Circulation》月刊上。 挪威特隆赫姆市挪威科技大学公共卫生学院首席研究员拉尔斯·莱于格桑说:“睡眠问题很常见,也很容易治疗。所以,重要的是,人们要了解


长期以来,科学家一直怀疑男性性功能障碍(ED)与心脏健康有关联。据英国《每日邮报》最新报道,《美国心脏病学会杂志》刊登苏州大学一项新研究确认,ED可能是心脏病的早期信号。 这项涉及近3.7万名男性的12项“ED与心脏病关联研究”的新研究结果显示,与性生活正常的男性相比,ED男子患心脏病危险增加48%,其死亡率也更高。这一危险可能独立于肥胖、吸烟、糖尿病和高血压等常规心血管疾病风险因素。 北京中


第一篇:抗抑郁惹“心病”?——抑郁及其治疗与心血管疾病   回顾   ●选择性5-羟色胺(5-HT)再摄取抑制剂(SSRI)对细胞色素P450酶的影响是临床医生选择用药的重要依据(表1-2)         ●SSRI对心衰或有益,可能改善患者预后(图)      ●心血管病患者或高危人群应避免服用三环类药物(表3)            三环类抗抑郁药毒副作用   心


     2011年在心脏病学研究方面,可谓热点频出,突破多多。评评哪些研究是最亮的?Medscape总结了2011年对心脏病学领域具有重大影响的10项研究或事件。以下是从Medscape中选取的最具代表性的研究。这个名单和你心中的排榜一样吗?  图1  心脏病学研究热点         1


奥兰多(EGMN)——波士顿布里格姆妇女医院的心血管专家Jessica Mega博士在美国心脏学会(AHA)年会上报告称,ELEVATE-TIMI 56试验结果表明,通过基因型分析调整用药剂量,可更有针对性地应用氯吡格雷治疗心血管疾病。该研究结果同期在线发表在《美国医学会杂志》上(JAMA 2011 Nov. 16;306[doi:10.1001/jama.2011.1703])。