
2013-03-26 唐凤 中国科学报

日前,北京师范大学认知神经科学与学习国家重点实验室贺永课题组和美国国立卫生研究院药物成瘾研究所杨一鸿教授团队,通过功能连接与脑血流的相关性研究,揭示了人脑功能网络中枢节点的生理基础。相关研究成果近日在线发表于美国《国家科学院院刊》(PNAS)。 “人脑是自然界中最复杂的系统之一。人脑功能网络中的绝大多数脑节点只有少数连接,而少数节点却拥有非常多的连接,这些拥有连接数较多的节点被称为脑网络的中枢节








Coupling of functional connectivity and regional cerebral blood flow reveals a physiological basis for network hubs of the human brain

Xia Liang,Qihong Zou,Yong He,and Yihong Yang.

Human brain functional networks contain a few densely connected hubs that play a vital role in transferring information across regions during resting and task states. However, the relationship of these functional hubs to measures of brain physiology, such as regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF), remains incompletely understood. Here, we used functional MRI data of blood-oxygenation-level–dependent and arterial-spin–labeling perfusion contrasts to investigate the relationship between functional connectivity strength (FCS) and rCBF during resting and an N-back working-memory task. During resting state, functional brain hubs with higher FCS were identified, primarily in the default-mode, insula, and visual regions. The FCS showed a striking spatial correlation with rCBF, and the correlation was stronger in the default-mode network (DMN; including medial frontal-parietal cortices) and executive control network (ECN; including lateral frontal-parietal cortices) compared with visual and sensorimotor networks. Moreover, the relationship was connection–distance dependent; i.e., rCBF correlated stronger with long-range hubs than short-range ones. It is notable that several DMN and ECN regions exhibited higher rCBF per unit connectivity strength (rCBF/FCS ratio); whereas, this index was lower in posterior visual areas. During the working-memory experiment, both FCS–rCBF coupling and rCBF/FCS ratio were modulated by task load in the ECN and/or DMN regions. Finally, task-induced changes of FCS and rCBF in the lateral-parietal lobe positively correlated with behavioral performance. Together, our results indicate a tight coupling between blood supply and brain functional topology during rest and its modulation in response to task demands, which may shed light on the physiological basis of human brain functional connectome.


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