
2011-11-24 MedSci原创 MedSci原创

《美国医学会杂志》(JAMA)在11月9日刊的一则研究披露,在颈内动脉(为脑供血的动脉)增厚和堵塞的病人中及在那些有血液动力性脑缺血(脑血流量不足,中风的亚型)的病人中,那些用外科手术来改善动脉血流的患者在术后2年的时候与那些仅接受内科治疗的类似病人相比,其中风发生率没有减少。 根据文章的背景资料:“动脉粥样硬化性颈动脉闭塞(AICAO)会引起约10%的短暂性脑缺血发作[ TIAs,部分脑子


根据文章的背景资料:“动脉粥样硬化性颈动脉闭塞(AICAO)会引起约10%的短暂性脑缺血发作[ TIAs,部分脑子的血供的暂时性中断或减少,导致短暂的神经功能障碍,其持续时间通常不到24小时;人们常常称其为‘小中风] 及15-25%的颈动脉供血区的缺血性中风。那些接受内科疗法的病人在2年后发生同侧 [ 即与前次中风为同一侧 ] 缺血性中风的比例为10-15%。”过去研发的颅外-颅内(EC-IC; 颅骨外和颅骨内)动脉搭桥手术是通过血管重建来改善堵塞动脉的血流以防止后续性中风。先前有关应用这一手术的试验没有显示其裨益,尽管“这一试验受到人们的批评,因为它没有找到因为侧支循环不良而有血液动力学性脑缺血的病人亚群,因为该亚群患者可能会最大地得益于外科血管重建。”

查珀尔希尔的北卡罗来纳州大学医学院的William J. Powers, M.D.及其同事开展了颈动脉闭塞手术研究(COSS)以确定最佳内科疗法加上EC-IC搭桥手术是否可在2年的时候在最近罹患症状性AICAO和由正电子发射断层扫描(PET)所发现的血流动力学性脑缺血的病人中降低其后续性同侧缺血性中风。在随机化分组的195位患者中,有97人随机分派接受外科手术,有98人则不接受手术治疗。所有参与者都被建议使用抗血栓疗法并对风险因子进行干预。这一随机化试验是在2002年至2010年在美国和加拿大的49 个临床中心和18个PET中心进行的。


对手术组患者的中位数(中点)追踪时间为723天;对非手术组患者的中位数(中点)追踪时间为722天。这一试验因为无效而提前终止。研究人员发现,2年时的主要终点发生率在手术组病人中为21.0%(20个事件),在非手术组病人中为22.7%(20个事件),差别为1.7%。在30天时,同侧缺血性中风发生率在手术组为14.4%(14/97),而在非手术组为2.0%(2/98),差别为12.4%。(生物谷 Bioon.com)

Extracranial-Intracranial Bypass Surgery for Stroke Prevention in Hemodynamic Cerebral Ischemia

Powers, William J.; Clarke, William R.; Grubb, Robert L.; Videen, Tom O.; Adams, Harold P.; Derdeyn, Colin P.

Context Patients with symptomatic atherosclerotic internal carotid artery occlusion (AICAO) and hemodynamic cerebral ischemia areat high risk for subsequent stroke when treated medically.Objective To test the hypothesis that extracranial-intracranial (EC-IC) bypass surgery, added to best medical therapy, reduces subsequentipsilateral ischemic stroke in patients with recently symptomatic AICAO and hemodynamic cerebral ischemia.Design Parallel-group, randomized, open-label, blinded-adjudication clinical treatment trial conducted from 2002 to 2010.Setting Forty-nine clinical centers and 18 positron emission tomography (PET) centers in the United States and Canada. The majoritywere academic medical centers.Participants Patients with arteriographically confirmed AICAO causing hemispheric symptoms within 120 days and hemodynamic cerebral ischemiaidentified by ipsilateral increased oxygen extraction fraction measured by PET. Of 195 patients who were randomized, 97 wererandomized to receive surgery and 98 to no surgery. Follow-up for the primary end point until occurrence, 2 years, or terminationof trial was 99% complete. No participant withdrew because of adverse events.Interventions Anastomosis of superficial temporal artery branch to a middle cerebral artery cortical branch for the surgical group. Antithrombotictherapy and risk factor intervention were recommended for all participants.Main Outcome Measure For all participants who were assigned to surgery and received surgery, the combination of (1) all stroke and death fromsurgery through 30 days after surgery and (2) ipsilateral ischemic stroke within 2 years of randomization. For the nonsurgicalgroup and participants assigned to surgery who did not receive surgery, the combination of (1) all stroke and death from randomizationto randomization plus 30 days and (2) ipsilateral ischemic stroke within 2 years of randomization.Results The trial was terminated early for futility. Two-year rates for the primary end point were 21.0% (95% CI, 12.8% to 29.2%;20 events) for the surgical group and 22.7% (95% CI, 13.9% to 31.6%; 20 events) for the nonsurgical group (P = .78, Z test), a difference of 1.7% (95% CI, ?10.4% to 13.8%). Thirty-day rates for ipsilateral ischemic stroke were 14.4% (14/97)in the surgical group and 2.0% (2/98) in the nonsurgical group, a difference of 12.4% (95% CI, 4.9% to 19.9%).Conclusion Among participants with recently symptomatic AICAO and hemodynamic cerebral ischemia, EC-IC bypass surgery plus medical therapycompared with medical therapy alone did not reduce the risk of recurrent ipsilateral ischemic stroke at 2 years.Trial Registration clinicaltrials.gov Identifier: NCT00029146

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