Lancet Neurol:丙戊酸盐暴露与儿童认知功能减退相关

2013-01-29 lancet neurol CMT 高晓方 编译

  美国学者的一项研究表明,胎儿期丙戊酸盐暴露与儿童6岁时各认知域功能减弱具有剂量相关性。抗癫痫药物暴露诱导的大脑单侧化改变可能是儿童使用右手习惯和语言(和非语言)能力减弱的原因。论文于2013年1月23日在线发表于《柳叶刀·神经病学》(Lancet Neurology)。   此项前瞻性、单盲、多中心、观察性研究在初始分析中共纳入305例伴癫痫母亲和311例儿童(6对双胞胎)。受试母

  美国学者的一项研究表明,胎儿期丙戊酸盐暴露与儿童6岁时各认知域功能减弱具有剂量相关性。抗癫痫药物暴露诱导的大脑单侧化改变可能是儿童使用右手习惯和语言(和非语言)能力减弱的原因。论文于2013年1月23日在线发表于《柳叶刀·神经病学》(Lancet Neurology)。




Fetal antiepileptic drug exposure and cognitive outcomes at age 6 years (NEAD study): a prospective observational study


Many women of childbearing potential take antiepileptic drugs, but the cognitive effects of fetal exposure are uncertain. We aimed to assess effects of commonly used antiepileptic drugs on cognitive outcomes in children up to 6 years of age.


In this prospective, observational, assessor-masked, multicentre study, we enrolled pregnant women with epilepsy on antiepileptic drug monotherapy (carbamazepine, lamotrigine, phenytoin, or valproate) between October, 1999, and February, 2004, at 25 epilepsy centres in the UK and the USA. Our primary outcome was intelligence quotient (IQ) at 6 years of age (age-6 IQ) in all children, assessed with linear regression adjusted for maternal IQ, antiepileptic drug type, standardised dose, gestational birth age, and use of periconceptional folate. We also assessed multiple cognitive domains and compared findings with outcomes at younger ages. This study is registered with, number NCT00021866.


We included 305 mothers and 311 children (six twin pairs) in the primary analysis. 224 children completed 6 years of follow-up (6-year-completer sample). Multivariate analysis of all children showed that age-6 IQ was lower after exposure to valproate (mean 97, 95% CI 94—101) than to carbamazepine (105, 102—108; p=0·0015), lamotrigine (108, 105—110; p=0·0003), or phenytoin (108, 104—112; p=0·0006). Children exposed to valproate did poorly on measures of verbal and memory abilities compared with those exposed to the other antiepileptic drugs and on non-verbal and executive functions compared with lamotrigine (but not carbamazepine or phenytoin). High doses of valproate were negatively associated with IQ (r=—0·56, p<0·0001), verbal ability (r=—0·40, p=0·0045), non-verbal ability (r=—0·42, p=0·0028), memory (r=—0·30, p=0·0434), and executive function (r=—0·42, p=0·0004), but other antiepileptic drugs were not. Age-6 IQ correlated with IQs at younger ages, and IQ improved with age for infants exposed to any antiepileptic drug. Compared with a normative sample (173 [93%] of 187 children), right-handedness was less frequent in children in our study overall (185 [86%] of 215; p=0·0404) and in the lamotrigine (59 [83%] of 71; p=0·0287) and valproate (38 [79%] of 40; p=0·0089) groups. Verbal abilities were worse than non-verbal abilities in children in our study overall and in the lamotrigine and valproate groups. Mean IQs were higher in children exposed to periconceptional folate (108, 95% CI 106—111) than they were in unexposed children (101, 98—104; p=0·0009).


Fetal valproate exposure has dose-dependent associations with reduced cognitive abilities across a range of domains at 6 years of age. Reduced right-handedness and verbal (vs non-verbal) abilities might be attributable to changes in cerebral lateralisation induced by exposure to antiepileptic drugs. The positive association of periconceptional folate with IQ is consistent with other recent studies.


US National Institutes of Health, UK Epilepsy Research Foundation.


作者:lancet neurol

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