
2010-07-14 MedSci原创 MedSci原创


 1.1        THE BASIC TENETS OF GCP GCP的基本原则 The primary reason for the presence of a GCP code of practice is to protect human rights. If this simple principl



The primary reason for the presence of a GCP code of practice is to protect human rights. If this simple principle could be remembered at all times throughout the research process, many of the so-called vagaries of GCP could be resolved. Unfortunately, it is not so easy to keep this principle foremost when one is trying to get a job done or if there is a conflict of interest. Collecting honest and accurate data is a major part of GCP to ensure that data have integrity and valid conclusions may be drawn from those data. Data should be reproducible: that is, if the study were to be conducted in a similar population using the same procedures, the results should be the same. After all, the results of clinical research will be imposed on new patients in the future. To help assure us all of the integrity and reproducibility of research results, the whole process should be transparent and that means that everything must be documented so that an external reviewer can verify that the research was actually conducted as the researchers reported that it was conducted. Many systems and processes must be in place to implement GCP and the documentation must clearly indicate compliance with those systems (Checklist 1.1-1).


 Checklist 1.1-1. General Systems and Procedures for Implementation of GCP                    

表1.1-1 GCP实施的一般系统和过程 

The following systems and procedures must be established by clinical

researchers to ensure compliance with GCP requirements:


l        Planning: studies must be conducted for valid (ethical and scientific)



l        Standard operating procedures: research procedures must be declared in writing so that reviewers can determine the standards which are being applied and so that users have a reference point;


l        Qualified personnel: all personnel (sponsor/CRO and study site) must   be experienced and qualified to undertake assigned tasks. Documentation of qualifications and training must be evident.


l        Ethics committee review and approval: all studies must be independently reviewed by ethics committees/IRBs, to assess the risk for study subjects, before clinical studies begin. Review must continue throughout the study.


l        Informed consent: all study subjects must be given the opportunity to personally assess the risk of study participation by being provided   with certain information. Their assent to participate must be documented.


l        Well-designed study: all studies must have a valid study design documented in a protocol so that it can be fully reviewed by all   interested parties. The data collection plans, as described in the CRF, are part of the protocol.


l        Monitoring: a primary means of quality control of clinical studies   involves frequent and thorough monitoring by sponsor/CRO personnel;


l        Control of study medications/devices: the product being studied must be managed so that study subjects ultimately receive a safe product and full accountability can be documented;


l        Integrity of data: data must be honest. Data must be reviewed by site personnel, monitors and data processing personnel.


l        Quality assurance: systems for assuring quality and for checking  quality must be established and followed at all stages;


l        Archives: documentation of research activities must be securely   retained to provide evidence of activities.



1.2 GCP的基本规章制度

(This section is only intended to provide a fairly general review of the regulatory framework and the interested reader is advised to seek expert advice elsewhere.)


   The regulatory framework for compliance with research procedures has essentially developed in the last two decades, except for the US where rules were first established in the 1930s. Most countries in the European Union, other countries in Europe (e.g. Hungary, Poland and Switzerland) and Japan have regulations on GCP. Other countries have regulations controlling clinical studies, but not specifically directed to GCP, although they have guidelines on GCP (e.g. Canada and Australia). In this decade, an attempt has been made to harmonize the requirements in the form of an ICH GCP document which has been adapted as regulation by many countries. Some countries have no guidelines or regulations, but guidance for researchers has been provided by organizations such as CIOMS and WHO.

研究遵循的规章制度在过去的二十年里已经得到本质上的发展,除了美国的法规是在十九世纪三十年代建立外,其他的欧盟国家(例如:匈牙利,波兰,瑞士)和日本也有GCP法规。其他的国家有法规控制临床研究,但没有明确表明其是GCP法规,尽管他们有GCP指南(例如加拿大和澳大利亚)。在这的十几年,ICH  GCP 文件作为一个尝试,用来协调这种要求,已经被许多国家作为法规采用。一些国家没有指南或法规,但是一些组织也提供一些研究者指南,比如国际医学组织理事会和世界卫生组织。 

   Many researchers try to distinguish between guidelines and regulations, claiming that it is only necessary to comply strictly with the latter. However, if put to the test in court, guidelines would assume a high status: it is best to take them seriously. Much of medical practice is not regulated, but in cases of negligence for example, the court will review the 'state of the art' as the expected standard, much of which is documented in guidelines. The same is true for GCP.

许多研究者尽力区别指南和法规,主张仅仅严格遵守法规就可以了,然而,如果诉诸法庭,指南则成为高级别的依据,最好认真的对待他们。许多医疗实践没有规范,如果万一疏忽,法庭将 “最高级别”的指南作为预期的标准来判定,其中大部分在指南中已经规定相应的规范,GCP指南也是一样的。

    In the last few years, there has been increasing interest in inspection of GCP compliance. Although this has been a regulatory requirement in the USA for many years, inspectorates have only just started in countries such as Austria, Denmark, France, Finland, Germany, Japan, The Netherlands, Norway and Sweden. There are problems in finding good inspectors, in deciding on the final standards for inspections and in imposing sanctions for non-compliance. An interesting recent development has been the initiation of inspections in Europe by the central regulatory authority, the European Medicines Evaluation Agency (EMEA).


    Regulation of compliance with requirements by ethics committees is also developing in some parts of the world (e.g. France and Denmark). To date, the US FDA is the only authority which is actively checking on the activities of IRBs by inspection and licensing.


   For non-compliance with regulations, only the USA has imposed serious sanctions to date. The "blacklist' (list of all investigators who have been found to be non-compliant and were barred from clinical research for FDA submissions) is publicly available through freedom of information rules. The USA has vast experience (thousands of inspections) compared to the handful of inspections in other countries. For example, at the time of writing this book, the UK has only conducted a few voluntary inspections.


   The consequence of non-compliance with GCP requirements may be serious for the researcher and the sponsor, but in this book we are most interested in the consequences for the study subjects. We have published findings elsewhere to suggest that there could be many improvements in compliance as the events of non-compliance we observe cause us great concern. Therefore, we have included many examples of non-compliance in this book which arise from our own experience as auditors. We hope they are helpful in sensitizing the reader to some serious issues.


评论区 (3)
  1. 2012-05-20 myscience



  2. 2011-06-10 amyloid