Ann Rheum Dis:当使用一种TNFi治疗银屑病关节炎无效时应换用其他作用机制药物

2013-04-12 高晓方 翻译 中国医学论坛报

  挪威一项研究表明,在银屑病关节炎患者中,因使用一种肿瘤坏死因子抑制剂(TNFi)无效或不耐受而转换为第二种TNFi者的治疗反应率仅为20%~40%。这提示,当对一种TNFi治疗无效或不耐受时,应选择其他作用机制药物,而非第二种TNFi。该论文4月5日在线发表于《风湿病年鉴》(Ann Rheum Dis)杂志。   该观察性研究中,分别纳入TNFi持续应用者和因无效或不耐受

  挪威一项研究表明,在银屑病关节炎患者中,因使用一种肿瘤坏死因子抑制剂(TNFi)无效或不耐受而转换为第二种TNFi者的治疗反应率仅为20%~40%。这提示,当对一种TNFi治疗无效或不耐受时,应选择其他作用机制药物,而非第二种TNFi。该论文4月5日在线发表于《风湿病年鉴》(Ann Rheum Dis)杂志。




Switching between TNF inhibitors in psoriatic arthritis: data from the NOR-DMARD study
Tumour necrosis factor inhibitors (TNFi) are efficacious in patients with psoriatic arthritis (PsA), but some patients do not respond or do not tolerate their first TNFi, and are switched to a different TNFi. Evidence supporting this practice is limited, and we wanted to investigate the effectiveness of switching to a second TNFi.
Material and methods
From a longitudinal observational study (LOS) we selected patients with PsA who were starting their first TNFi, and identified patients who had switched to a second TNFi (‘switchers’). Three-month responses and 3-year drug-survival were compared between switchers and non-switchers, and within switchers.
Switchers (n=95) receiving their second TNFi had significantly poorer responses compared with non-switchers (n=344) (ACR50 response: 22.5% vs 40.0%, DAS28 remission: 28.2% vs 54.1%). There was a trend towards poorer responses to the second TNFi compared with the first TNFi within switchers. Estimated 3-year drug-survival was 36% for the second TNFi compared with 57% for the first TNFi overall.
20–40% of patients had a response on a second TNFi after having failed one TNFi in this LOS. This observation highlights the need for treatments with other mechanisms of action than TNF inhibition in patients with PsA.

作者:高晓方 翻译

评论区 (4)


Arthritis Rheum:TNFi类型不影响RA患者死亡率

  瑞典学者研究发现,在接受依那西普、英夫利昔单抗和阿达木单抗等不同种类肿瘤坏死因子抑制剂(TNFi)治疗的类风湿关节炎(RA)患者中,死亡率无显著差异;英夫利昔单抗相对于依那西普的风险比(HR)为1.1,阿达木单抗相对于依那西普的HR为1.3。论文发表于《关节炎与风湿病》[Arthritis Rheum 2012,64:3502]杂志。