治疗骨性关节炎 个体化中草药处方更佳?

2011-07-14 MedSci原创 MedSci原创

 《替代与补充医学杂志》[J Altern Complement Med 2011,17(6):539]近期发表的一项研究结果表明,尽管基于TCM诊断而开具的个体化中草药处方,有改善髋和膝关节骨性关节炎的趋势,但使用非特异性处方也可达到相同效果。   该研究是一项随机、对照、双盲、两组平行研究,在奥地利Gars am Kamp中心大学开

 《替代与补充医学杂志》[J Altern Complement Med 2011,17(6):539]近期发表的一项研究结果表明,尽管基于TCM诊断而开具的个体化中草药处方,有改善髋和膝关节骨性关节炎的趋势,但使用非特异性处方也可达到相同效果。

  该研究是一项随机、对照、双盲、两组平行研究,在奥地利Gars am Kamp中心大学开展,由奥地利克雷姆斯Danube大学TCM和补充医学研究所组织。该研究纳入了45~75岁的女性和男性髋和膝关节骨性关节炎患者。患者随机接受个体化、用标准煎煮法制备的水煎草药(真治疗组)或推测无效、非特异性水煎草药(对照组)。


  总体上,102例患者随机入组本研究。两组组的人口统计学和医学基线特征有可比性。两组20周和基线WOMAC总指数和所有3个子量表评分变化显著[真治疗组WOMAC总指数:基线为47(SD±11.8) 对 20周为24(SD±18.3),平均变化23,P<0.001;对照组WOMAC 总指数:基线为48(SD±14.7) 对 20周为25(SD±18.3),平均变化23,P<0.001]。但是,两组间差异不显著(P=0.783)。从基线至20周,两组SF-36量表中的“躯体功能”、“全身疼痛”、“活力”、“社会功能”和“躯体角色”评分变化显著,但组间差异也不显著。未发生药物相关严重不良事件。

  相关链接:Efficacy of Individualized Chinese Herbal Medication in Osteoarthrosis of Hip and Knee: A Double-Blind, Randomized-Controlled Clinical Study J Altern Complement Med. 2011 Jun;17(6):539-47.



1 Formerly Centre for TCM and Complementary Medicine, Department for Clinical Medicine and Biotechnology, Danube University , Krems, Austria .


Abstract Objectives: The objective of this study was to determine the efficacy of individually designed herbal formulas according to the rules of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in patients with osteoarthritis of the hip and knee. Design: This was a randomized, controlled, double-blind study with two parallel groups. Settings/location: This study was conducted at the University-centre in Gars am Kamp/Austria and was organized by the Institute of TCM and Complementary Medicine of the Danube University Krems /Austria. Subjects: The study comprised female and male patients with osteoarthritis of hip or knee aged between 45 and 75 years. Interventions: Patients were randomized into a treatment with individualized, water-based herbal decoctions prepared in a standardized cooking process (Verum group) or to a treatment with nonspecific presumably ineffective, water-based herbal decoctions (Control group). Outcome measures: The primary outcome was the comparison of change between the intervention groups in the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities lower limb global index questionnaire (WOMAC global index) between baseline and week 20. Secondary outcomes included subscales of WOMAC for pain (A), stiffness (B), and functional impairment (C) and general quality of life in the form of the SF-36 questionnaire. Results: Altogether, 102 patients were randomized in this trial. The demographic and medical baseline characteristics were comparable in the 2 groups. The change of the WOMAC global index and all three subscales was significant in both groups between week 20 and baseline (verum group, global WOMAC: at baseline 47 [SD ± 11.8] and at week 20: 24 (SD ± 18.3); change of mean 23; p > 0.001; control group; global WOMAC: at baseline: 48 (SD ± 14.7) and at week 20: 25 (SD ± 18.3); change of mean 23; p > 0.001). However, there was no significant difference (p = 0.783) between the treatment groups. There were significant changes in the subscales "physical functioning," "bodily pain," "vitality," "social-functioning," and "role-physical" of the SF-36 in both study groups between 20 weeks and baseline, but again no significant difference between the groups. There were no drug-related serious adverse events. Conclusions: While the individual prescription consisting of medicinal herbs according to TCM diagnosis investigated in this trial tend to improve the osteoarthritis, the same effect was also achieved with the nonspecific prescription.

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