
2012-02-25 MedSci MedSci原创

糖尿病(Diabetes)是由遗传因素、免疫功能紊乱、微生物感染等等各种致病因子作用于机体导致胰岛功能减退、胰岛素抵抗等而引发的糖、蛋白质、脂肪、水和电解质等一系列代谢紊乱综合征,临床上以高血糖为主要特点,典型病例可出现多尿、多饮、多食、消瘦等表现,即“三多一少”症状,糖尿病(血糖)一旦控制不好会引发并发症,导致肾、眼、足等部位的衰竭病变,且无法治愈。 1型糖尿病人主要是青少年。1型糖尿病患者的







Time trends in mortality in patients with type 1 diabetes: nationwide population based cohort study

Valma Harjutsalo, senior scientist, Carol Forsblom, senior scientist, Per-Henrik Groop, professor of nephrology

Objective To examine short and long term time trends in mortality among patients with early onset (age 0-14 years) and late onset (15-29 years) type 1 diabetes and causes of deaths over time.

Design Population based nationwide cohort study.

Setting Finland.

Participants All Finnish patients diagnosed as having type 1 diabetes below age 30 years between 1970 and 1999 (n=17306).

Main outcome measures Crude mortality, standardised mortality ratios, time trends, and cumulative mortality.

Results A total of 1338 deaths occurred during 370733 person years of follow-up, giving an all cause mortality rate of 361/100000 person years. The standardised mortality ratio was 3.6 in the early onset cohort and 2.8 in the late onset cohort. Women had higher standardised mortality ratios than did men in both cohorts (5.5 v 3.0 in the early onset cohort; 3.6 v 2.6 in the late onset cohort). The standardised mortality ratio at 20 years’ duration of diabetes in the early onset cohort decreased from 3.5 in the patients diagnosed in 1970-4 to 1.9 in those diagnosed in 1985-9. In contrast, the standardised mortality ratio in the late onset cohort increased from 1.4 in those diagnosed in 1970-4 to 2.9 in those diagnosed in 1985-9. Mortality due to chronic complications of diabetes decreased with time in the early onset cohort but not in the late onset cohort. Mortality due to alcohol related and drug related causes increased in the late onset cohort and accounted for 39% of the deaths during the first 20 years of diabetes. Accordingly, mortality due to acute diabetic complications increased significantly in the late onset cohort.

Conclusion Survival of people with early onset type 1 diabetes has improved over time, whereas survival of people with late onset type 1 diabetes has deteriorated since the 1980s. Alcohol has become an important cause of death in patients with type 1 diabetes, and the proportion of deaths caused by acute complications of diabetes has increased in patients with late onset type 1 diabetes.


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来源:医学论坛网       酒精摄入是食管鳞状细胞癌(OSCC)的一种强烈的、明确的危险因素,而最近,美国学者尼尔(Neal Freedman)等的研究发现,与OSCC相反,酒精消耗量的增加并没有引起食管腺癌(OA)或食管胃交界处相邻的肿瘤(OGJA)的危险性增加。相关报道发表在《胃肠道》(Gut)上。    


MedSci评论:     其实,以前不少研究表明红酒可能降低肿瘤的风险,因为其中含有白藜芦醇等可能有效成分。因此,红酒被认为是健康防癌饮料。但过量饮用白酒则一般认为与肿瘤风险有关,尤其是胃肠道肿瘤,乳腺癌,肝癌,肺癌等,而少量饮用白酒,一般认为除掉与口腔,食道,以及乳腺癌有关,而与其它部位的癌症一般认为是无关的。但是最新的JAMA研究则更强调,哪怕少量饮酒


2011年5月,《英国医学杂志》刊登欧洲多国进行的一项大规模研究显示,饮酒与癌症之间存在非常明显的关联,男性癌症病例中有十分之一都可以归结到与饮酒有关,研究人员因此呼吁人们为了身体健康应该减少饮酒量。 近日,Am J Clin Nutr杂志刊登的一项针对87000多名女性和47000多名男性的研究成果。该研究的主要工作者旨在找到大肠癌与酒精之间的联系,如果两者之间有联系,研究人员想进一步探讨酒精