
2013-12-24 tomato 生物谷

Actelion公司12月20日宣布,药物Opsumit(macitentan,10mg)已获欧盟委员会(EC)批准,作为单药疗法或联合其他药物,用于肺动脉高压(PAH)成人患者(WHO功能分级II-III)的长期治疗。 Opsumit的获批,部分基于具有里程碑意义的III期 SERAPHIN研究的疗效和安全性数据。该项研究表明,与安慰剂相比,Opsumit(macitentan,10mg)


Opsumit的获批,部分基于具有里程碑意义的III期 SERAPHIN研究的疗效和安全性数据。该项研究表明,与安慰剂相比,Opsumit(macitentan,10mg)治疗组发病率/死亡率事件风险降低45%(p<0.0001),达到了研究的主要终点。所观察到的疗效,与患者是否已接受其他PAH疗法无关。此外,与安慰剂相比,Opsumit治疗组PAH相关住院或死亡风险降低50%(p<0.0001)。







英文原文:Actelion’s PAH drug Opsumit approved in EU

—Approval granted by European Commission on 20 December 2013
—Opsumit approved as monotherapy or in combination with another PAH therapy for the long-term treatment of WHO Functional Class II to III PAH patients
—First EU launch planned in Germany in February 2014

ALLSCHWIL, SWITZERLAND - 20 December 2013 - Actelion Ltd (ATLN.VX) today announced that Opsumit® (macitentan), a novel dual endothelin receptor antagonist (ERA), has been granted marketing authorisation for the long-term treatment of PAH in the EU by the European Commission. Opsumit, as monotherapy or in combination, is indicated for the longterm treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) in adult patients of WHO Functional Class (FC) II to III. 

Efficacy has been shown in a PAH population including idiopathic and heritable PAH, PAH associated with connective tissue disorders, and PAH associated with corrected simple congenital heart disease.

Macitentan 10mg is also described as reducing the risk of PAH related death or hospitalization for PAH up to end of treatment (EOT) by 50% (HR 0.50; 97.5% CI: 0.34 to 0.75; logrank p

Dr Nazzareno Galiè from the Institute of Cardiology, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy spoke of the impact of the availability of Opsumit, "We are all very pleased with the approval of Opsumit in Europe. For the first time we can offer patients a therapy that has demonstrated improvement in long term clinical outcome showing a significant effect in naive patients and patients who are already on a specific PAH treatment."

The EU label was based in part on data from the landmark Phase III SERAPHIN study which was published in the New England Journal of Medicine in August 2013, the SERAPHIN study demonstrated that treatment with macitentan 10 mg resulted in a 45% risk reduction (hazard ratio [HR] 0.55; 97.5% CI: 0.39 to 0.76; p

Jean-Paul Clozel, M.D. and Chief Executive Officer of Actelion commented: "We are delighted with today`s announcement as we believe that Opsumit represents a major step forward for the management of PAH. Our company strategy of sustaining and growing our PAH franchise has yet again been bolstered by this approval. This achievement marks a significant moment for the PAH community in Europe as the first and only PAH treatment with proven long-term efficacy, from controlled clinical trials in PAH, and will now offer hope of a better future to those living with this disease. Actelion is now working to make this important medicine available to patients around European markets in the coming months."

The most commonly reported adverse drug reactions are nasopharyngitis (14.0%), headache (13.6%) and anaemia (13.2%). The majority of adverse reactions are mild to moderate in intensity.

Opsumit was approved by the FDA on 18 October 2013 and by Health Canada in November 2013. It is also undergoing regulatory assessment in other countries including Switzerland. )


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