
2012-04-10 Craig Leonardi NEJM

近日,国际著名杂志《新英格兰医学杂志》NEJM在线刊登了两项研究成果,证实一些干扰免疫系统分子IL-17的药物能够在12周内显著改善超过75%的银屑病患者的皮肤病损。这预示着一种新型的治疗或将出现在患有中度和重度银屑病患者的视野中。 两项研究均为临床2期试验,通过这些试验研究人员确定了最安全和有效的药物剂量。接下来研究人员将在更多患者中对这些药物进行更长时间的测试。 两项研究的参与者、美国圣路



两项研究的参与者、美国圣路易斯大学皮肤病学临床教授Craig Leonardi博士说:“尽管IL-17抑制剂与其他已上市的银屑病生物药物,例如Enbrel和Stelara的功效相似,但这些药物可以为患者提供更多更安全的选择。


银屑病是一种自身免疫性疾病,根据根据美国国家银屑病基金会统计结果在美国约有750万人受累于此病。中度银屑病患者约3-10%的身体皮肤会出现红色的炎症病损。对这些患者,医生通常给予一些生物制剂,包括TNF抑制剂例如Enbrel、 Humira、Remicade 或Stelara治疗。

当前研究测试的分别是一种直接阻断IL-17的药物和另一种阻断IL-17受体的药物。研究将患者分为若干组,分别接受不同剂量的药物或安慰剂治疗。患者每1,2或4周接受一次注射,这主要取决于药物和剂量。两项研究均得到了制药公司的资助。礼来制药公司(Eli Lilly)资助的是直接IL-17抑制剂。安进(Amgen)公司则资助的是IL-17受体抑制剂。





“你越是具体地针对与银屑病相关的异常之处,你就越有可能导致较低的副作用风险,”皮肤病学家Lawrence Green(未参与最新研究)博士说。



Anti–Interleukin-17 Monoclonal Antibody Ixekizumab in Chronic Plaque Psoriasis

Craig Leonardi, M.D., Robert Matheson, M.D., Claus Zachariae, M.D., D.M.Sci., Gregory Cameron, Ph.D., Linda Li, M.S., Emily Edson-Heredia, M.P.H., Daniel Braun, M.D., Ph.D., and Subhashis Banerjee, M.D.

BACKGROUND Type 17 helper T cells have been suggested to play a pathological role in psoriasis. They secrete several proinflammatory cytokines, including interleukin-17A (also known as interleukin-17). We evaluated the safety and efficacy of ixekizumab (LY2439821), a humanized anti–interleukin-17 monoclonal antibody, for psoriasis treatment.

METHODS In our phase 2, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, we randomly assigned 142 patients with chronic moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis to receive subcutaneous injections of 10, 25, 75, or 150 mg of ixekizumab or placebo at 0, 2, 4, 8, 12, and 16 weeks. The primary end point was the proportion of patients with reduction in the psoriasis area-and-severity index (PASI) score by at least 75% at 12 weeks. Secondary end points included the proportion of patients with reduction in the PASI score by at least 90% or by 100%.

RESULTS At 12 weeks, the percentage of patients with a reduction in the PASI score by at least 75% was significantly greater with ixekizumab (except with the lowest, 10-mg dose) — 150 mg (82.1%), 75 mg (82.8%), and 25 mg (76.7%) — than with placebo (7.7%, P<0.001 for each comparison), as was the percentage of patients with a reduction in the PASI score by at least 90%: 150 mg (71.4%), 75 mg (58.6%), and 25 mg (50.0%) versus placebo (0%, P<0.001 for each comparison). Similarly, a 100% reduction in the PASI score was achieved in significantly more patients in the 150-mg group (39.3%) and the 75-mg group (37.9%) than in the placebo group (0%) (P<0.001 for both comparisons). Significant differences occurred at as early as 1 week and were sustained through 20 weeks. Adverse events occurred in 63% of patients in both the combined ixekizumab groups and in the placebo group. No serious adverse events or major cardiovascular events were observed.

CONCLUSIONS Use of a humanized anti–interleukin-17 monoclonal antibody, ixekizumab, improved the clinical symptoms of psoriasis. Further studies are needed to establish its long-term safety and efficacy in patients with psoriasis. (Funded by Eli Lilly; number, NCT01107457.)


Brodalumab, an Anti–Interleukin-17–Receptor Antibody for Psoriasis

Kim A. Papp, M.D., Ph.D., Craig Leonardi, M.D., Alan Menter, M.D., Jean-Paul Ortonne, M.D., James G. Krueger, M.D., Gregory Kricorian, M.D., Girish Aras, Ph.D., Juan Li, Ph.D., Chris B. Russell, Ph.D., Elizabeth H.Z. Thompson, Ph.D., and Scott Baumgartner, M.D.

BACKGROUND In this phase 2, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, dose-ranging study, we assessed the efficacy and safety of brodalumab (AMG 827), a human anti–interleukin-17–receptor monoclonal antibody, for the treatment of moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis.

METHODS We randomly assigned patients with a score of 12 or higher on the psoriasis area-and-severity index (PASI, on which scores range from 0 to 72, with higher scores indicating more severe disease) and with 10% or more of their body-surface area affected by psoriasis to receive brodalumab (70 mg, 140 mg, or 210 mg at day 1 and weeks 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 or 280 mg monthly) or placebo. The primary end point was the percentage improvement from baseline in the PASI score at week 12. Secondary end points included improvement of at least 75% and at least 90% in the PASI score and the score on the static physician's global assessment at week 12.

RESULTS A total of 198 patients underwent randomization. At week 12, the mean percentage improvements in the PASI score were 45.0% among patients receiving 70 mg of brodalumab, 85.9% among those receiving 140 mg, 86.3% among those receiving 210 mg, 76.0% among those receiving 280 mg, and 16.0% among those receiving placebo (P<0.001 for all comparisons with placebo). An improvement of at least 75% and at least 90% in the PASI score at week 12 was seen in 77% and 72%, respectively, of the patients in the 140-mg brodalumab group and in 82% and 75%, respectively, of the patients in the 210-mg group, as compared with 0% in the placebo group (P<0.001 for all comparisons). The percentage of patients with a static physician's global assessment of clear or minimal disease was 26%, 85%, 80%, and 69% with the 70-mg, 140-mg, 210-mg, and 280-mg doses, respectively, of brodalumab, as compared with 3% with placebo (P<0.01 for all comparisons with placebo). Two cases of grade 3 neutropenia were reported in the 210-mg brodalumab group. The most commonly reported adverse events in the combined brodalumab groups were nasopharyngitis (8%), upper respiratory tract infection (8%), and injection-site erythema (6%).

CONCLUSIONS Brodalumab significantly improved plaque psoriasis in this 12-week, phase 2 study. (Funded by Amgen; number, NCT00975637.)

作者:Craig Leonardi

评论区 (2)



近日,据哈佛大学和东英吉利大学(UEA)的新的研究披露,那些食用如浆果,茶叶,苹果和红葡萄酒等富含类黄酮食物的男性可显著降低其罹患帕金森氏病的风险。 4月4日,《神经学》Neurology杂志上发表的这些发现为经常食用一些类黄酮化合物可给人们的健康带来显著效果的不断增加的证据增添了新的内容。最近的研究显示,这些化合物可保护人们抵御包括心脏病、高血压、某些癌症及痴呆症等范围广泛的疾病。这一最新的研


4月4日,国际杂志《美国医学会期刊》JAMA上的一项研究披露,在对那些乳腺癌风险增加且乳腺组织致密的妇女进行年度乳腺造影之外再加上一种筛检性超声波检查或核磁共振成像(MRI)可令附带性发现乳腺癌的比率增加。 根据文章的背景资料:“年度超声波筛检可发现在乳腺造影时没有看到的小的、淋巴结阴性的乳腺癌。核磁共振成像可发现乳腺造影和超声波筛检所没有看到的其它的乳腺癌。” 前费城美国放射学成像学院网的W


4月4日,国际著名杂志《美国医学会杂志》JAMA上的一项研究披露,在对III期结肠癌病人手术后的药物治疗方案中添加西妥昔单抗不会导致病人的无病存活率的改善。 手术切除III期结肠癌的患者的治愈机会为50%。多个试验已经确认手术后化疗在减少癌症复发风险中的裨益。根据文章的背景资料:“与先前的氟尿嘧啶和甲酰四氢叶酸的标准疗法相比,药物甲酰四氢叶酸、氟尿嘧啶和奥沙利铂(FOLFOX或略微不同的方法FL

Sci Transl Med:抑郁症等病是帕金森氏病治疗的一个路障

4月4日,国际著名杂志《科学转化医学》Science Translational Medicine在线刊登了国外研究人员的最新研究成果“Serotonin Neuron Loss and Nonmotor Symptoms Continue in Parkinson’s Patients Treated with Dopamine Grafts,”,文章中研究者表示抑郁症、疲劳等是帕金森氏病治疗的

EUR J OPHTHALMOL:邦纳综合征导致盲人看见东西

一位75岁妇女, 因患Usher综合征而完全丧失视力与听力,她来到西班牙马德里圣卡洛斯临床医院眼科,报告了一些奇怪症状:她晚上听见了小酒馆音乐,看见了医生所说的复杂视幻觉。 在进行彻底神经学检查之后,医生认为:这位妇女知道自己的现实,没有任何精神疾病或神经学问题。他们总结说,她不寻常感官经历是由一种邦纳综合征(Charles Bonnet syndrome)引起。 这项发现发表在2012年3月

Cur Pharma Des:吸入式抗生素治疗为肺纤维囊肿病人带来福音

近日,国际杂志Current Pharmaceutical Design在线刊登了美国研究人员的最新综述文章“New Developments in Inhaled Antibiotics for the Treatment of Pseudomonas aeruginosa”,文章中,研究者就近年来使用吸入式抗生素治疗铜绿假单胞菌感染以及肺纤维囊肿病人的临床技术的发展进行了详细的综述。 针