BMC Medicine:干细胞疗法有望治愈压力性尿失禁

2012-08-22 Beyond 生物谷

压力性尿失禁(SUI)通常在打喷嚏、咳嗽、运动甚至大笑时等情况下发生,其发生的主要原因是因为盆底肌肉太弱,膀胱压力造成泄漏。一项新的发表在BMC Medicine的研究论文表明,一种使用从羊水中分离干细胞的新技术可以使得再生受损的尿道外括约肌的肌肉,以此来预防小鼠压力性尿失禁的发生。 SUI在怀孕期间以及怀孕之后、年龄在40岁后的妇女中比较常见,有三分之一的妇女在她们的生活中会经历SUI。男性也

压力性尿失禁(SUI)通常在打喷嚏、咳嗽、运动甚至大笑时等情况下发生,其发生的主要原因是因为盆底肌肉太弱,膀胱压力造成泄漏。一项新的发表在BMC Medicine的研究论文表明,一种使用从羊水中分离干细胞的新技术可以使得再生受损的尿道外括约肌的肌肉,以此来预防小鼠压力性尿失禁的发生。



James Yoo和Tae Gyun Kwon领导了这项研究,他们解释说,这些干细胞是间充质型的,因此在适当条件下有能力生长成为肌肉细胞,我们发现干细胞能够在小鼠体内存活七天,但在14天的时候,这些干细胞就都消失了。总之,这些干细胞能够诱导老鼠尿道括约肌的再生。


        Cell Transpl:干细胞疗法或可预防关节损伤后骨关节炎

        J Virol:干细胞疗法为治疗HIV感染另辟蹊径

        Lancet :多学科共同研发心脏疾病干细胞疗法



编译自:Stem cell therapy shows promise in repairing stress urinary incontinence


Human amniotic fluid stem cell injection therapy for urethral sphincter regeneration in an animal model

Bum Soo Kim, So Young Chun, Jong Kil Lee, Hyun Ju Lim, Jae-Sung Bae, Ho-Yun Chung, Anthony Atala, Shay Soker, James J Yoo and Tae Gyun Kwon

Stem cell injection therapies have been proposed to overcome the limited efficacy and adverse reactions of bulking agents. However, most have significant limitations, including painful procurement, requirement for anesthesia, donor site infection and a frequently low cell yield. Recently, human amniotic fluid stem cells (hAFSCs) have been proposed as an ideal cell therapy source. In this study, we investigated whether periurethral injection of hAFSCs can restore urethral sphincter competency in a mouse model.

Amniotic fluids were collected and harvested cells were analyzed for stem cell characteristics and in vitro myogenic differentiation potency. Mice underwent bilateral pudendal nerve transection to generate a stress urinary incontinence (SUI) model and received either periurethral injection of hAFSCs, periurethral injection of Plasma-Lyte (control group), or underwent a sham (normal control group). For in vivo cell tracking, cells were labeled with silica-coated magnetic nanoparticles containing rhodamine B isothiocyanate (MNPs@SiO2 (RITC)) and were injected into the urethral sphincter region (n = 9). Signals were detected by optical imaging. Leak point pressure and closing pressure were recorded serially after injection. Tumorigenicity of hAFSCs was evaluated by implanting hAFSCs into the subcapsular space of the kidney, followed two weeks later by retrieval and histologic analysis.

Flow activated cell sorting showed that hAFSCs expressed mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) markers, but no hematopoietic stem cell markers. Induction of myogenic differentiation in the hAFSCs resulted in expression of PAX7 and MYOD at Day 3, and DYSTROPHIN at Day 7. The nanoparticle-labeled hAFSCs could be tracked in vivo with optical imaging for up to 10 days after injection. Four weeks after injection, the mean LPP and CP were significantly increased in the hAFSC-injected group compared with the control group. Nerve regeneration and neuromuscular junction formation of injected hAFSCs in vivo was confirmed with expression of neuronal markers and acetylcholine receptor. Injection of hAFSCs caused no in vivo host CD8 lymphocyte aggregation or tumor formation.

hAFSCs displayed MSC characteristics and could differentiate into cells of myogenic lineage. Periurethral injection of hAFSCs into an SUI animal model restored the urethral sphincter to apparently normal histology and function, in absence of immunogenicity and tumorigenicity.


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J Virol:干细胞疗法为治疗HIV感染另辟蹊径

近日,来自加利福尼亚大学戴维斯分校的研究者使用了一种创新的干细胞疗法来对抗引起AIDS的HIV病毒。研究者刊登在5月份的国际杂志Journal of Virology上的研究文章指出,安全有效的将抗HIV病毒的干细胞移植入小鼠体内可以描述病人感染的模型,这种新型技术是用一种携带有三倍结合的抗HIV的基因的工程干细胞来替代免疫系统,而且被证明是能够发挥正常功能的。 研究者Joseph Anders


10多年来,干细胞疗法一直被认为能够给那些遭受遗传和退行性疾病折磨的人带来希望。而就在几天前,随着两个研究团队在于日本横滨召开的国际干细胞研究学会(ISSCR)年会上宣告了他们在人类临床研究中取得的成果——一项聚焦于罕见的遗传神经病,另一项则着眼于老年人的视力丧失,这一希望又朝着现实迈出了一步。 美国加利福尼亚州纽瓦克市干细胞公司报告了用人体神经干细胞治疗梅氏病(PMD)所取得的鼓舞人心的研究成

Cell Transpl:干细胞疗法或可预防关节损伤后骨关节炎

近日,来自杜克大学的研究者发现了一种有潜力的干细胞疗法来预防关节损伤后的骨关节炎。 关节的损伤可产生称为创伤后关节炎(PTA)的骨关节炎,目前并没有有效的疗法来减缓或者治疗该病症。研究者通过研究发现了一种非常有前景的PTA治疗方法-干细胞疗法,这种干细胞称为间质干细胞(MSCs),这项研究发现将用于治疗关节损伤后的治疗。 研究者表示,干细胞可以通过改变膝关节炎症和再生之间的平衡来阻止关节炎的发