Nat Gene:NMNAT1基因引发一种罕见早期失明LCA

2012-08-01 T.Shen 生物谷

近日,来自费城儿童医院都研究机构的研究者发现了一种新的基因,该基因可以促使常见的先天性利伯氏黑蒙(LCA)-一种非常罕见,极具破坏力的早期失明。新的LCA基因名为NMNAT1,发现该基因对于将来治疗失明患者无疑是一大惊喜。相关研究成果刊登在国际著名杂志Nature Genetics上。 LCA是一种遗传性的视网膜退行性疾病,在婴儿期便开始发病时的婴儿的视力下降。NMNAT1基因是第18个被识别的

近日,来自费城儿童医院都研究机构的研究者发现了一种新的基因,该基因可以促使常见的先天性利伯氏黑蒙(LCA)-一种非常罕见,极具破坏力的早期失明。新的LCA基因名为NMNAT1,发现该基因对于将来治疗失明患者无疑是一大惊喜。相关研究成果刊登在国际著名杂志Nature Genetics上。





编译自:Elusive Gene That Causes a Form of Blindness from Birth Dlscovered


NMNAT1 mutations cause Leber congenital amaurosis

Marni J Falk,1, 2, 22 Qi Zhang,3, 4, 22 Eiko Nakamaru-Ogiso,5 Chitra Kannabiran,6 Zoe Fonseca-Kelly,3, 4 Christina Chakarova,7 Isabelle Audo,8, 9, 10, 11 Donna S Mackay,7 Christina Zeitz,8, 9, 10 Arundhati Dev Borman,7, 12 Magdalena Staniszewska,3, 4 Rachna Shukla,6 Lakshmi Palavalli,6 Saddek Mohand-Said,8, 9, 10, 11 Naushin H Waseem,7 Subhadra Jalali,6, 13 Juan C Perin,14 Emily Place,1, 3, 4 Julian Ostrovsky,1 Rui Xiao,15 Shomi S Bhattacharya,7, 16 Mark Consugar,3, 4 Andrew R Webster,7, 12 José-Alain Sahel,8, 9, 10, 11, 17, 18 Anthony T Moore,7, 12, 19 Eliot L Berson,4 Qin Liu,3, 4 Xiaowu Gai20, 21, 23 & Eric A Pierce3, 4, 23 et al.

Leber congenital amaurosis (LCA) is an infantile-onset form of inherited retinal degeneration characterized by severe vision loss1, 2. Two-thirds of LCA cases are caused by mutations in 17 known disease-associated genes3 (Retinal Information Network (RetNet)). Using exome sequencing we identified a homozygous missense mutation (c.25G>A, p.Val9Met) in NMNAT1 that is likely to be disease causing in two siblings of a consanguineous Pakistani kindred affected by LCA. This mutation segregated with disease in the kindred, including in three other children with LCA. NMNAT1 resides in the previously identified LCA9 locus and encodes the nuclear isoform of nicotinamide mononucleotide adenylyltransferase, a rate-limiting enzyme in nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) biosynthesis4, 5. Functional studies showed that the p.Val9Met alteration decreased NMNAT1 enzyme activity. Sequencing NMNAT1 in 284 unrelated families with LCA identified 14 rare mutations in 13 additional affected individuals. These results are the first to link an NMNAT isoform to disease in humans and indicate that NMNAT1 mutations cause LCA.


评论区 (3)
  1. 2012-09-19 cy0324
  2. 2012-08-03 syscxl