
2011-12-12 MedSci原创 MedSci原创

英国剑桥大学等机构的研究人员在新一期美国《临床内分泌学与新陈代谢杂志》(The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism)上报告说,可以使用PET-CT扫描来诊断康氏症。 高血压是困扰很多人的顽症,但由某些疾病引发的高血压其实是可以治愈的,比如由康氏症引发的高血压,但医生面临的一个难题是如何快捷地断定某人所患的高血压确由康氏症引起。

英国剑桥大学等机构的研究人员在新一期美国《临床内分泌学与新陈代谢杂志》(The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism)上报告说,可以使用PET-CT扫描来诊断康氏症。





Evaluation of the Sensitivity and Specificity of 11C-Metomidate Positron Emission Tomography (PET)-CT for Lateralizing Aldosterone Secretion by Conn's Adenomas

Timothy J. Burton, Isla S. Mackenzie, Kottekkattu Balan, Brendan Koo, Nick Bird, Dmitri V. Soloviev, Elena A. B. Azizan, Franklin Aigbirhio, Mark Gurnell and Morris J. Brown

Identification of unilateral aldosterone-producing (Conn's) adenomas has traditionally required lateralization by the invasive and technically difficult procedure of adrenal vein sampling (AVS). 11C-metomidate, a potent inhibitor of adrenal steroidogenic enzymes, is a positron emission tomography (PET) radiotracer that is selectively accumulated by Conn's adenomas.The objective of the study was to compare the sensitivity and specificity of 11C-metomidate PET-computed tomography (CT) against the current gold standard of AVS.The design of the study was within-patient comparison of diagnostic techniques.The study was conducted at a single center-university teaching hospital.11C-metomidate PET-CT is a sensitive and specific noninvasive alternative to AVS in the management of PHA.

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