Cell Transpl:干细胞疗法或可预防关节损伤后骨关节炎

2012-08-14 T.Shen 生物谷

近日,来自杜克大学的研究者发现了一种有潜力的干细胞疗法来预防关节损伤后的骨关节炎。 关节的损伤可产生称为创伤后关节炎(PTA)的骨关节炎,目前并没有有效的疗法来减缓或者治疗该病症。研究者通过研究发现了一种非常有前景的PTA治疗方法-干细胞疗法,这种干细胞称为间质干细胞(MSCs),这项研究发现将用于治疗关节损伤后的治疗。 研究者表示,干细胞可以通过改变膝关节炎症和再生之间的平衡来阻止关节炎的发



研究者表示,干细胞可以通过改变膝关节炎症和再生之间的平衡来阻止关节炎的发生,因为这些干细胞在机体的其它地方均有潜在的有益性质。Farshid博士表示,干细胞可以预防创伤后关节炎的发生。相关研究成果刊登在了8月10日的国际杂志Cell Transplantation上。


研究者Guilak最后表示,这种超级治疗小鼠(superhealer mice)在骨损伤后确实具有较好的治疗效果,这或许超越了干细胞本有的属性,使其像生长因子一样具有有益的效应。

编译自:Promising stem cell therapy may prevent osteoarthritis after joint injury


Intra-articular delivery of purified mesenchymal stem cells from C57BL/6 or MRL/MpJ superhealer mice prevents post-traumatic arthritis

Brian O. Diekman, Chia-Lung Wu, Craig R. Louer, Bridgette D. Furman, Janet L. Huebner, Virginia B. Kraus, Steven A. Olson, Farshid Guilak

Joint injury dramatically enhances the onset of osteoarthritis (OA) and is responsible for an estimated 12% of OA. Post-traumatic arthritis (PTA) is especially common after intraarticular fracture, and no disease-modifying therapies are currently available. We hypothesized that the delivery of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) would prevent PTA by altering the balance of inflammation and regeneration after fracture of the mouse knee. Additionally, we examined the hypothesis that MSCs from the MRL/MpJ (MRL) "superhealer" mouse strain would show increased multilineage and therapeutic potentials as compared to those from C57BL/6 (B6) mice, as MRL mice have shown exceptional in vivo regenerative abilities. A highly purified population of MSCs was prospectively isolated from bone marrow using cell surface markers (CD45⁻/TER119⁻/PDGFRα ⁺/Sca-1⁺). B6 MSCs expanded greater than 100,000 fold in three weeks when cultured at 2% oxygen and displayed greater adipogenic, osteogenic, and chondrogenic differentiation as compared to MRL MSCs. Mice receiving only a control saline injection after fracture demonstrated PTA after 8 weeks, but the delivery of 10,000 B6 or MRL MSCs to the joint prevented the development of PTA. Cytokine levels in serum and synovial fluid were affected by treatment with stem cells, including elevated systemic interleukin-10 at several time points. The delivery of MSCs did not reduce the degree of synovial inflammation but did show increased bone volume during repair. This study provides evidence that intra-articular stem cell therapy can prevent the development of PTA after fracture and has implications forpossible clinical interventions after joint injury before evidence of significant OA.


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J Virol:干细胞疗法为治疗HIV感染另辟蹊径

近日,来自加利福尼亚大学戴维斯分校的研究者使用了一种创新的干细胞疗法来对抗引起AIDS的HIV病毒。研究者刊登在5月份的国际杂志Journal of Virology上的研究文章指出,安全有效的将抗HIV病毒的干细胞移植入小鼠体内可以描述病人感染的模型,这种新型技术是用一种携带有三倍结合的抗HIV的基因的工程干细胞来替代免疫系统,而且被证明是能够发挥正常功能的。 研究者Joseph Anders


10多年来,干细胞疗法一直被认为能够给那些遭受遗传和退行性疾病折磨的人带来希望。而就在几天前,随着两个研究团队在于日本横滨召开的国际干细胞研究学会(ISSCR)年会上宣告了他们在人类临床研究中取得的成果——一项聚焦于罕见的遗传神经病,另一项则着眼于老年人的视力丧失,这一希望又朝着现实迈出了一步。 美国加利福尼亚州纽瓦克市干细胞公司报告了用人体神经干细胞治疗梅氏病(PMD)所取得的鼓舞人心的研究成