
2012-01-06 MedSci原创 MedSci原创

近日,国际著名杂志PNAS刊登了德国慕尼黑大学等机构的研究人员的最新研究成果“The c-MYC oncoprotein, the NAMPT enzyme, the SIRT1-inhibitor DBC1, and the SIRT1 deacetylase form a positive feedback loop。”,文章中,研究人员揭示了癌细胞无限分裂的一种分子机制。 癌细胞最显著

近日,国际著名杂志PNAS刊登了德国慕尼黑大学等机构的研究人员的最新研究成果“The c-MYC oncoprotein, the NAMPT enzyme, the SIRT1-inhibitor DBC1, and the SIRT1 deacetylase form a positive feedback loop。”,文章中,研究人员揭示了癌细胞无限分裂的一种分子机制。





The c-MYC oncoprotein, the NAMPT enzyme, the SIRT1-inhibitor DBC1, and the SIRT1 deacetylase form a positive feedback loop

Antje Menssena,1, Per Hydbringb,2,3, Karsten Kapellec,2, Jörg Vervoortsc, Joachim Dieboldd, Bernhard Lüscherc, Lars-Gunnar Larssonb, and Heiko Hermekinga,1

Silent information regulator 1 (SIRT1) represents an NAD+-dependent deacetylase that inhibits proapoptotic factors including p53. Here we determined whether SIRT1 is downstream of the prototypic c-MYC oncogene, which is activated in the majority of tumors. Elevated expression of c-MYC in human colorectal cancer correlated with increased SIRT1 protein levels. Activation of a conditional c-MYC allele induced increased levels of SIRT1 protein, NAD+, and nicotinamide-phosphoribosyltransferase (NAMPT) mRNA in several cell types. This increase in SIRT1 required the induction of the NAMPT gene by c-MYC. NAMPT is the rate-limiting enzyme of the NAD+ salvage pathway and enhances SIRT1 activity by increasing the amount of NAD+. c-MYC also contributed to SIRT1 activation by sequestering the SIRT1 inhibitor deleted in breast cancer 1 (DBC1) from the SIRT1 protein. In primary human fibroblasts previously immortalized by introduction of c-MYC, down-regulation of SIRT1 induced senescence and apoptosis. In various cell lines inactivation of SIRT1 by RNA interference, chemical inhibitors, or ectopic DBC1 enhanced c-MYC-induced apoptosis. Furthermore, SIRT1 directly bound to and deacetylated c-MYC. Enforced SIRT1 expression increased and depletion/inhibition of SIRT1 reduced c-MYC stability. Depletion/inhibition of SIRT1 correlated with reduced lysine 63-linked polyubiquitination of c-Myc, which presumably destabilizes c-MYC by supporting degradative lysine 48-linked polyubiquitination. Moreover, SIRT1 enhanced the transcriptional activity of c-MYC. Taken together, these results show that c-MYC activates SIRT1, which in turn promotes c-MYC function. Furthermore, SIRT1 suppressed cellular senescence in cells with deregulated c-MYC expression and also inhibited c-MYC–induced apoptosis. Constitutive activation of this positive feedback loop may contribute to the development and maintenance of tumors in the context of deregulated c-MYC.

评论区 (5)
  1. 2012-07-15 drwjr
  2. 2012-01-08 guihongzh
  3. 2012-01-08 lixiaol
  4. 2012-01-08 quxin068



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Mol. Cell:启动癌细胞对糖嗜好的丙酮酸脱氢酶激酶或为抗癌靶标

癌细胞对糖的渴望,部分上是因为它们关闭它们的线粒体——能够有效燃烧葡萄糖的动力厂——以便偏好一种更加无效率的方式使用葡萄糖。它们获益,因为副产物能够为快速生长的癌细胞提供构建材料。 美国埃默里大学温希普癌症研究所科学家证实很多类型的癌细胞扳动开关让葡萄糖从线粒体转移走。他们的发现提示着促进几种类型癌症生长的酪氨酸激酶在线粒体中发挥的作用要比人们以前所认识的大得多。 这些结果也突出地显示丙酮