
2013-01-23 T.Shen Brain

近日,来自南卡罗来纳大学公共卫生学院的研究者通过研究开发出了一种“言语诱导”(speech entrainment)的新技术,这种新技术可以改善中风患者由于患布罗卡氏失语症所引发的言语缺失功能,使患者可以流利地进行讲话,相关研究刊登于国际杂志Brain上。 失语症是一种由于大脑左半球损伤而引发的严重的交流问题,主要表现为说话时断时续,通常在三分之一的中风患者中发生,严重影响个人的交流沟通能力。使

近日,来自南卡罗来纳大学公共卫生学院的研究者通过研究开发出了一种“言语诱导”(speech entrainment)的新技术,这种新技术可以改善中风患者由于患布罗卡氏失语症所引发的言语缺失功能,使患者可以流利地进行讲话,相关研究刊登于国际杂志Brain上。


研究者Julius Fridriksson表示,我们这项研究首次实现了布罗卡氏失语症患者可以进行流利地语句交流,同时这项研究也帮助我们更深入地理解中风后患者的大脑功能表现,也为相应疗法的开发提供了帮助。




Speech entrainment enables patients with Broca’s aphasia to produce fluent speech

Julius Fridriksson1, H. Isabel Hubbard1, Sarah Grace Hudspeth1, Audrey L. Holland2, Leonardo Bonilha3, Davida Fromm4 and Chris Rorden5

A distinguishing feature of Broca’s aphasia is non-fluent halting speech typically involving one to three words per utterance. Yet, despite such profound impairments, some patients can mimic audio-visual speech stimuli enabling them to produce fluent speech in real time. We call this effect ‘speech entrainment’ and reveal its neural mechanism as well as explore its usefulness as a treatment for speech production in Broca’s aphasia. In Experiment 1, 13 patients with Broca’s aphasia were tested in three conditions: (i) speech entrainment with audio-visual feedback where they attempted to mimic a speaker whose mouth was seen on an iPod screen; (ii) speech entrainment with audio-only feedback where patients mimicked heard speech; and (iii) spontaneous speech where patients spoke freely about assigned topics. The patients produced a greater variety of words using audio-visual feedback compared with audio-only feedback and spontaneous speech. No difference was found between audio-only feedback and spontaneous speech. In Experiment 2, 10 of the 13 patients included in Experiment 1 and 20 control subjects underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging to determine the neural mechanism that supports speech entrainment. Group results with patients and controls revealed greater bilateral cortical activation for speech produced during speech entrainment compared with spontaneous speech at the junction of the anterior insula and Brodmann area 47, in Brodmann area 37, and unilaterally in the left middle temporal gyrus and the dorsal portion of Broca’s area. Probabilistic white matter tracts constructed for these regions in the normal subjects revealed a structural network connected via the corpus callosum and ventral fibres through the extreme capsule. Unilateral areas were connected via the arcuate fasciculus. In Experiment 3, all patients included in Experiment 1 participated in a 6-week treatment phase using speech entrainment to improve speech production. Behavioural and functional magnetic resonance imaging data were collected before and after the treatment phase. Patients were able to produce a greater variety of words with and without speech entrainment at 1 and 6 weeks after training. Treatment-related decrease in cortical activation associated with speech entrainment was found in areas of the left posterior-inferior parietal lobe. We conclude that speech entrainment allows patients with Broca’s aphasia to double their speech output compared with spontaneous speech. Neuroimaging results suggest that speech entrainment allows patients to produce fluent speech by providing an external gating mechanism that yokes a ventral language network that encodes conceptual aspects of speech. Preliminary results suggest that training with speech entrainment improves speech production in Broca’s aphasia providing a potential therapeutic method for a disorder that has been shown to be particularly resistant to treatment.


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诊断和监测帕金森病进展的生物标志物甚为需要,目前,大部分的研究集中在α-突触核蛋白 (α-Syn)。它是一种涉及帕金森病发病机理的蛋白质,作为一种潜在的生物标志物,有时与临床结果并不一致。近期在帕金森病患者的血清中检测到了自身存在的抗α-Syn自身抗体。马尔堡菲利普大学神经科的Daniela Besong-Agbo博士等人进行了一项研究,研究结果在线发表在2012年12月19日的Neurology


亨廷顿氏舞蹈病是一种常染色体显性遗传的神经退行性疾病,主要表现为运动障碍、认知和精神紊乱,一般在发病后10-15年内死亡。该疾病的病理特征是大脑纹状体神经元的渐进性丢失,但亨廷顿基因突变导致纹状体神经元选择性死亡的机制还不清楚,目前也没有任何治疗手段。前人一系列研究发现,与大脑其他区域相比,舞蹈病病人的纹状体区具有显着升高的氧化应激水平,然而氧化应激的来源和机制目前不清楚。 中科院动物所唐铁山研

Nat Neuron:呼吸神经元回路建立需两个关键基因

纽约大学Langone医学中心的科学家揭示了呼吸神经元回路建立所需的两个关键基因。他们的这项研究作为封面文章,发表在Nature旗下Nature Neuroscience杂志十二月刊上。这一发现将有助于治疗脊髓损伤和肌萎缩侧索硬化症ALS等神经退行性疾病。肌萎缩侧索硬化症ALS会逐渐杀死控制着呼吸、移动和进食等肌肉运动的神经元。研究人员发现的两个关键基因是一类特殊神经细胞的分子代码,这类神经细胞被

Dev Cell:神经元电活动可以调控静息态小胶质细胞运动

来自中科院上海生科院神经所的研究人员采用活体共聚焦和双光子成像等多种技术,发现了静息态小胶质细胞与神经元之间的双向功能调节,这首次证明了神经元电活动可以调控静息态小胶质细胞的运动,并揭示了小胶质细胞对神经元活动的稳态调节,为神经-免疫交叉领域提供了新的研究思路。相关成果公布在Developmental Cell杂志上。 文章的通讯作者是上海生科院神经所杜久林研究员,其早年毕业于中国科学技术大学,

J Neuro Sci:后顶叶皮层调控快速眼动的产生

1月9日,上海生科院神经所张鸣沙课题组,在Journal of Neuroscience期刊上发表了题为《后顶叶皮层神经活动调控快速眼动的产生》的研究成果,通过在清醒行为猴上进行胞外单电极记录,该研究组对后顶叶皮层在快速眼动过程中的作用进行了研究。 通过快速眼动,灵长类动物可以将眼球快速转向需要注意的物体,因此对其生存有着至关重要的作用。通常情况下,灵长类动物每秒钟约做3次快速眼动。此外,当快速


Laval大学、CHU de Québec和葛兰素史克GSK的研究人员开发了一个非常实用的方法,能够有效刺激阿尔茨海默症患者大脑中的天然防御机制。这项重要突破于一月十五日提前发表在美国国家科学院院刊PNAS杂志的网络版上,该研究不仅有助于治疗阿尔茨海默症,还为人们提供了预防阿尔茨海默症的潜在疫苗。 阿尔茨海默症是世界上最常见的痴呆病因,人们目前还无法根治这一疾病。阿尔茨海默症的主要特征之一,是患