
2012-03-09 MedSci MedSci原创

近日,瑞典乌普萨拉大学的研究人员发现,女性定期接受宫颈抹片筛查可使宫颈癌治愈率由66%升高至92%。相关论文发表在国际学术期刊《英国医学杂志》(British Medical Journal)上。 研究者对1999~2001年期间1,230例被诊断为宫颈癌的女性平均随访8.5年,旨在确定通过筛查发现宫颈癌究竟是能够改善预后,还是仅能早期诊断而不能推迟死亡。研究者将入组患者分为两组,即筛查发现

近日,瑞典乌普萨拉大学的研究人员发现,女性定期接受宫颈抹片筛查可使宫颈癌治愈率由66%升高至92%。相关论文发表在国际学术期刊《英国医学杂志》(British Medical Journal)上。






Screening and cervical cancer cure: population based cohort study.

Andrae B, Andersson TM, Lambert PC, Kemetli L, Silfverdal L, Strander B, Ryd W, Dillner J, Trnberg S, Sparén P.

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether detection of invasive cervical cancer by screening results in better prognosis or merely increases the lead time until death.

DESIGN: Nationwide population based cohort study.

SETTING: Sweden.

PARTICIPANTS: All 1230 women with cervical cancer diagnosed during 1999-2001 in Sweden prospectively followed up for an average of 8.5 years.

MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Cure proportions and five year relative survival ratios, stratified by screening history, mode of detection, age, histopathological type, and FIGO (International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics) stage.

RESULTS: In the screening ages, the cure proportion for women with screen detected invasive cancer was 92% (95% confidence interval 75% to 98%) and for symptomatic women was 66% (62% to 70%), a statistically significant difference in cure of 26% (16% to 36%). Among symptomatic women, the cure proportion was significantly higher for those who had been screened according to recommendations (interval cancers) than among those overdue for screening: difference in cure 14% (95% confidence interval 6% to 23%). Cure proportions were similar for all histopathological types except small cell carcinomas and were closely related to FIGO stage. A significantly higher cure proportion for screen detected cancers remained after adjustment for stage at diagnosis (difference 15%, 7% to 22%).

CONCLUSIONS: Screening is associated with improved cure of cervical cancer. Confounding cannot be ruled out, but the effect was not attributable to lead time bias and was larger than what is reflected by down-staging. Evaluations of screening programmes should consider the assessment of cure proportions.


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