Ann Inter Med:开发出丙型肝炎的新型快速检测方法

2013-05-06 T.Shen 生物谷

及时筛查和诊断对于丙肝患者的存活或者有效的疗法非常关键,如今来自麦吉尔大学健康研究中心的研究者开发出了针对丙肝患者的快速及定点照护(point-of-care)检测方法,其具有高度的精确性以及实验室往返检测可靠性,这对于丙肝患者的治疗无疑是一大福音。相关研究成果刊登于国际杂志Annals of Internal Medicine上。 研究者Nitika表示,我们在口服液体和血液中快速检测的精确度

及时筛查和诊断对于丙肝患者的存活或者有效的疗法非常关键,如今来自麦吉尔大学健康研究中心的研究者开发出了针对丙肝患者的快速及定点照护(point-of-care)检测方法,其具有高度的精确性以及实验室往返检测可靠性,这对于丙肝患者的治疗无疑是一大福音。相关研究成果刊登于国际杂志Annals of Internal Medicine上。





Accuracy of Rapid and Point-of-Care Screening Tests for Hepatitis C: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Background: 170 million persons worldwide are infected with hepatitis C, many of whom are undiagnosed. Although rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) and point-of-care tests (POCTs) provide a time- and cost-saving alternative to conventional laboratory tests, their global uptake partly depends on their performance. Purpose: To meta-analyze the diagnostic accuracy of POCTs and RDTs to screen for hepatitis C. Data Sources: MEDLINE, EMBASE, BIOSIS, and Web of Science (1992 to 2012) and bibliographies of included articles. Study Selection: All studies evaluating the diagnostic accuracy of POCTs and RDTs for hepatitis C in adults (aged ≥18 years). Data Extraction: Two independent reviewers extracted data and critiqued study quality. Data Synthesis: Of 19 studies reviewed, 18 were meta-analyzed and stratified by specimen type (whole blood, serum, plasma, or oral fluid) or test type (POCT or RDT). Sensitivity was similarly high in POCTs of whole blood (98.9% [95% CI, 94.5% to 99.8%]) and serum or plasma (98.9% [CI, 96.8% to 99.6%]), followed by RDTs of serum or plasma (98.4% [CI, 88.9% to 99.8%]) and POCTs of oral fluid (97.1% [CI, 94.7% to 98.4%]). Specificity was also high in POCTs of whole blood (99.5% [CI, 97.5% to 99.9%]) and serum or plasma (99.7% [CI, 99.3% to 99.9%]), followed by RDTs of serum or plasma (98.6% [CI, 94.9% to 99.6%]) and POCTs of oral fluid (98.2% [CI, 92.2% to 99.6%]). Limitation: Lack of data prevented sensitivity analyses of specific tests. Conclusion: Data suggest that POCTs of blood (serum, plasma, or whole blood) have the highest accuracy, followed by RDTs of serum or plasma and POCTs of oral fluids. Given their accuracy, convenience, and quick turnaround time, RDTs and POCTs may be useful in expanding first-line screening for hepatitis C. Primary Funding Source: Canadian Institutes of Health Research.


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PLoS Pathog:单克隆抗体HCV1有望治疗丙型肝炎

2012年8月31日得克萨斯州的生物医学研究所马萨诸塞州医学院(UMMS)研究人员开发了一种新的防止丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)感染的单克隆抗体,并在动物模型上进行了测试。 在德克萨斯州生物医学的灵长类动物研究中心进行的一项研究中,研究人员发现一种新的靶向病毒的人单克隆抗体能以剂量依赖的方式保护黑猩猩免于丙型肝炎病毒感染。黑猩猩是除人类以外唯一会被HCV感染的物种,因此本研究的结果对单克隆抗体的发展至