Cochrane :戒烟治疗安全有效

2013-06-13 伊文 医纬达

  一篇综述性文章证实:流行的戒烟药物,如尼古丁替代品和抗抑郁药,可提高戒烟率且无太大安全风险。   来自英国牛津大学Cochrane烟草成瘾组织高级研究员,该研究的领导人Kate Cahill 说:"看起来戒烟药物的作用很明显。这些虽不是灵丹妙药,但如果你打算尝试的话,通常确实可提高你戒烟的可能性。而且这些药物使用安全。"   Cahill带领研究小组从发表在考克兰协助网


  来自英国牛津大学Cochrane烟草成瘾组织高级研究员,该研究的领导人Kate Cahill 说:"看起来戒烟药物的作用很明显。这些虽不是灵丹妙药,但如果你打算尝试的话,通常确实可提高你戒烟的可能性。而且这些药物使用安全。"

  Cahill带领研究小组从发表在考克兰协助网上的2008~2012年间发表的12篇综述中获得了数据。包含了超过101 000名吸烟者参与的267项研究的数据。




  根据研究结果,所有的这些戒烟药物似乎也是相当安全的,这些结果将发表在《考克兰图书馆》(The Cochrane Library)。

Medications to help people to stop smoking: an overview of reviews
Smoking is a main cause of early death throughout the world. There are a number of medications which can help people to quit smoking. Three of these, nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), bupropion and varenicline, are licensed for this purpose in the USA and Europe. Cytisine (similar to varenicline) is licensed for use in Russia and Eastern Europe. We reviewed studies of these and other treatments, including nortriptyline, to compare their benefits and risks.
We found 12 Cochrane reviews of different treatments. The treatments include nicotine replacement therapy (NRT); antidepressants (bupropion and nortriptyline); nicotine receptor partial agonists (varenicline and cytisine); anxiolytics; selective type 1 cannabinoid receptor antagonists (rimonabant); clonidine; lobeline; dianicline; mecamylamine; Nicobrevin; opioid antagonists; nicotine vaccines; and silver acetate. The reviews were conducted between 2008 and 2012, and analysed 267 trials, covering more than 101,000 smokers. All the reviews used randomised controlled trials, and compared the active treatment with a placebo, and sometimes with other treatments. The outcomes were measured at least six months from the start of treatment, and the results were usually checked by testing breath, blood or urine. We also assessed the risk of harms from each treatment. We then compared NRT, bupropion and varenicline with each other, using a network meta-analysis...


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