Am J Cardiol:应用他汀类药物与结缔组织病风险降低相关

2013-06-19 高晓方 译 医学论坛网

  美国一项研究表明,他汀类应用与结缔组织病(CTD)风险降低具有相关性。论文于6月13日在线发表于《美国心脏病学杂志》(Am J Cardiol)。   此项研究共纳入13640例他汀类应用者和32848例未应用者。基于41项变量创建倾向评分,并按1:1比率将他汀类应用者和未应用者进行配对。转归指标为国际疾病分类(ICD)诊断符合CTD的编码出现。   结果显示,共有69

  美国一项研究表明,他汀类应用与结缔组织病(CTD)风险降低具有相关性。论文于6月13日在线发表于《美国心脏病学杂志》(Am J Cardiol)。



Frequency of Development of Connective Tissue Disease in Statin-Users Versus Nonusers.
Statins have pleiotropic properties that may affect the development of connective tissue diseases (CTD). The objective of this study was to compare the risk of CTD diagnoses in statin users and nonusers. This study was a propensity score-matched analysis of adult patients (30 to 85 years old) in the San Antonio military medical community. The study was divided into baseline (October 1, 2003 to September 30, 2005), and follow-up (October 1, 2005 to March 5, 2010) periods. Statin users received a statin prescription during fiscal year 2005. Nonusers did not receive a statin at any time during the study. The outcome measure was the occurrence of 3 diagnosis codes of the International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision, Clinical Modification consistent with CTD. We described co-morbidities during the baseline period using the Charlson Comorbidity Index. We created a propensity score based on 41 variables. We then matched statin users and nonusers 1:1, using a caliper of 0.001. Of 46,488 patients who met study criteria (13,640 statin users and 32,848 nonusers), we matched 6,956 pairs of statin users and nonusers. Matched groups were similar in terms of patient age, gender, incidence of co-morbidities, total Charlson Comorbidity Index, health care use, and medication use. The odds ratio for CTD was lower in statin users than nonusers (odds ratio: 0.80; 95% confidence interval: 0.64 to 0.99; p = 0.05). Secondary analysis and sensitivity analysis confirmed these results. In conclusion, statin use was associated with a lower risk of CTD.

作者:高晓方 译
