
2012-01-20 MedSci MedSci原创

 MedSci评论:     这篇研究其实并不新鲜,多年前就有调查指出剖腹产儿童哮喘率是上升的,但是关键在于背后的机制是什么?     有些假说认为,在顺产的儿童经过阴道过程中,可能会给儿童带来一些免疫激活,从而有助于将来的哮喘等过敏性疾病的预防,但是这仅是猜测,有待设计科学严谨的实验证实。婴儿在顺产过程中








"剖腹产本身不太可能会引起哮喘风险的增加,而是这种生产方式的孩子可能有一个潜在的脆弱性,"Maria Magnus说。


Delivery by Cesarean Section and Early Childhood Respiratory Symptoms and Disorders: The Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study

M. C. Magnus, S. E. Haberg, H. Stigum, P. Nafstad, S. J. London, S. Vangen, W. Nystad.

Abstract: Studies have indicated that children delivered by cesarean section are at an increased risk of developing wheezing and asthma. This could be the result of an altered immune system development due to delayed gut colonization or of increased neonatal respiratory morbidity. The authors examined the associations between delivery by cesarean section and the development of wheezing, asthma, and recurrent lower respiratory tract infections in children up to 36 months of age among 37,171 children in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study. Generalized linear models were used in the multivariable analysis. Children delivered by cesarean section had an increased likelihood of current asthma at 36 months of age (relative risk = 1.17, 95% confidence interval: 1.03, 1.32), and the association was stronger among children of nonatopic mothers (relative risk = 1.33, 95% confidence interval: 1.12, 1.58). No increased risk of wheezing or recurrent lower respiratory tract infections was seen among children delivered by cesarean section. Findings were similar among children delivered by acute and elective cesarean section. In conclusion, children delivered by cesarean section may have an increased risk of current asthma at 36 months, but residual confounding cannot be excluded. In future prospective studies, investigators should reexamine this association in different age groups.


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