Lancet Oncol:Crizotinib可用于治疗炎性肌纤维母细胞瘤和间变性大细胞淋巴瘤儿童患者

2013-04-24 Lancet Oncol dxy

在数个人类肿瘤中——如间变性大细胞淋巴瘤、炎性肌纤维母细胞瘤、非小细胞肺癌和神经母细胞瘤中——会出现ALK基因的易位、扩增或癌基因突变。因此,抑制ALK能成为罹患上述病变的儿童肿瘤患者的有效治疗策略。来自美国宾夕法尼亚大学的Yael P Mossé等为了确定在儿童难治性实体瘤或间变性大细胞淋巴瘤患者中,crizotinib的治疗安全性、在2期临床研究中的推荐剂量、以及crizotinib的抗肿瘤作

在数个人类肿瘤中——如间变性大细胞淋巴瘤、炎性肌纤维母细胞瘤、非小细胞肺癌和神经母细胞瘤中——会出现ALK基因的易位、扩增或癌基因突变。因此,抑制ALK能成为罹患上述病变的儿童肿瘤患者的有效治疗策略。来自美国宾夕法尼亚大学的Yael P Mossé等为了确定在儿童难治性实体瘤或间变性大细胞淋巴瘤患者中,crizotinib的治疗安全性、在2期临床研究中的推荐剂量、以及crizotinib的抗肿瘤作用而设计了相关研究,他们的研究结果发表在Lancet Oncol 4月最新的在线期刊上。

本研究为开放式标签、1期剂量递增研究,纳入研究的受试者的年龄介于12月至22岁之间,他们所罹患的是可测量或评估的实体瘤或中枢神经系统肿瘤,或间变性大细胞淋巴瘤,并且这些受试者对既往治疗反应不佳、目前对这些受试者还不存在治愈性的治疗方案,符合上述入组标准的受试者被纳入到本研究中。上述受试者每日2次接受Crizotinib治疗。Crizotinib治疗剂量分为6个等级,分别为100 mg/m2、130 mg/m2、165 mg/m2、215 mg/m2、280 mg/m2和365 mg/m2,在研究的第一部分中,研究者对不同剂量的方案进行了相应的评估,此部分研究已经完成。这部分研究的主要终点为——在罹患难治性肿瘤的儿童受试者中,估计他们所能够耐受的最大治疗剂量,以及确定crizotinib治疗所带来的毒性反应和crizotinib的药代动力学特征。此外,如果受试者证实了存在ALK易位、突变或扩增,则进入第二部分研究,如果受试者为神经母细胞瘤,则进入第三部分研究,第二部分和第三部分研究中的受试者所接受的crizotinib剂量比第一部分研究低一个水平。同时,研究者评估了肿瘤组织中ALK基因状态,并应用了定量RT-PCR评估了在间变性大细胞淋巴瘤患者中,NPM-ALK在骨髓样本和血液样本中的融合转录情况。纳入最后分析过程的受试者至少接受了一个治疗剂量的crizotinib,纳入毒性反应分析的受试者为至少完成一个疗程的治疗,或出现过剂量限制性毒性反应。本研究在ClinicalTrials.gov注册,注册号为NCT00939770。




Safety and activity of crizotinib for paediatric patients with refractory solid tumours or anaplastic large-cell lymphoma: a Children's Oncology Group phase 1 consortium study.
Various human cancers have ALK gene translocations, amplifications, or oncogenic mutations, such as anaplastic large-cell lymphoma, inflammatory myofibroblastic tumours, non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC), and neuroblastoma. Therefore, ALK inhibition could be a useful therapeutic strategy in children. We aimed to determine the safety, recommended phase 2 dose, and antitumour activity of crizotinib in children with refractory solid tumours and anaplastic large-cell lymphoma.
In this open-label, phase 1 dose-escalation trial, patients older than 12 months and younger than 22 years with measurable or evaluable solid or CNS tumours, or anaplastic large-cell lymphoma, refractory to therapy and for whom there was no known curative treatment were eligible. Crizotinib was given twice daily without interruption. Six dose levels (100, 130, 165, 215, 280, 365 mg/m2 per dose) were assessed in the dose-finding phase of the study (part A1), which is now completed. The primary endpoint was to estimate the maximum tolerated dose, to define the toxic effects of crizotinib, and to characterise the pharmacokinetics of crizotinib in children with refractory cancer. Additionally, patients with confirmed ALK translocations, mutations, or amplification (part A2 of the study) or neuroblastoma (part A3) could enrol at one dose level lower than was currently given in part A1. We assessed ALK genomic status in tumour tissue and used quantitative RT-PCR to measure NPM-ALK fusion transcript in bone marrow and blood samples of patients with anaplastic large-cell lymphoma. All patients who received at least one dose of crizotinib were evaluable for response; patients completing at least one cycle of therapy or experiencing dose limiting toxicity before that were considered fully evaluable for toxicity. This study is registered with, NCT00939770.
79 patients were enrolled in the study from Oct 2, 2009, to May 31, 2012. The median age was 10·1 years (range 1·1-21·4); 43 patients were included in the dose escalation phase (A1), 25 patients in part A2, and 11 patients in part A3. Crizotinib was well tolerated with a recommended phase 2 dose of 280 mg/m2 twice daily. Grade 4 adverse events in cycle 1 were neutropenia (two) and liver enzyme elevation (one). Grade 3 adverse events that occurred in more than one patient in cycle 1 were lymphopenia (two), and neutropenia (eight). The mean steady state peak concentration of crizotinib was 630 ng/mL and the time to reach this peak was 4 h (range 1-6). Objective tumour responses were documented in 14 of 79 patients (nine complete responses, five partial responses); and the anti-tumour activity was enriched in patients with known activating ALK aberrations (eight of nine with anaplastic large-cell lymphoma, one of 11 with neuroblastoma, three of seven with inflammatory myofibroblastic tumour, and one of two with NSCLC).
The findings suggest that a targeted inhibitor of ALK has antitumour activity in childhood malignancies harbouring ALK translocations, particularly anaplastic large-cell lymphoma and inflammatory myofibroblastic tumours, and that further investigation in the subset of neuroblastoma harbouring known ALK oncogenic mutations is warranted.
Pfizer and National Cancer Institute grant to the Children's Oncology Group.

作者:Lancet Oncol
