PloS ONE:乌司他丁用于IPF肺癌切除患者安全可行

2012-01-06 MedSci原创 MedSci原创

近期,日本在PloS ONE杂志上发表的一项研究"Safety of Postoperative Administration of Human Urinary Trypsin Inhibitor in Lung Cancer Patients with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis"表明,肺癌伴特发性肺纤维化(IPF)患者行肺切除术后应用乌司他丁安全、可行。

近期,日本在PloS ONE杂志上发表的一项研究"Safety of Postoperative Administration of Human Urinary Trypsin Inhibitor in Lung Cancer Patients with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis"表明,肺癌伴特发性肺纤维化(IPF)患者行肺切除术后应用乌司他丁安全、可行。


该研究纳入了高分辨率CT和组织学检测诊断为可切除、肺癌伴IPF的患者,评估了术后3天内逐步增加剂量(3×105、6×105和 9×105 U/日)给予其乌司他丁的效果。研究终点为用药安全性和可行性。


Safety of Postoperative Administration of Human Urinary Trypsin Inhibitor in Lung Cancer Patients with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis

Yoshikane Yamauchi1, Yotaro Izumi1*, Masanori Inoue2, Hiroaki Sugiura2, Taichiro Goto1, Masaki Anraku1, Takashi Ohtsuka1, Mitsutomo Kohno1, Kenzo Soejima3, Hiroaki Nomori1

Patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) undergoing pulmonary resection for lung cancer carry risks of acute exacerbations of IPF (AE) postoperatively. Currently, agents which may attenuate AE are actively sought. Urinary trypsin inhibitor, ulinastatin, is a synthetic glycoprotein which may potentially inhibit various inflammatory factors associated with the development and progression of IPF. The present study was done to evaluate the effects of administration of high dose ulinastatin in lung cancer patients with IPF immediately following lung resection.
Patients with IPFs radiologically diagnosed on high resolution CT, and histologically diagnosed resectable lung cancers, were eligible for the study. The effects of escalating doses of ulinastatin 3×105, 6×105, and 9×105 units/body/day, administered postoperatively for 3 days were evaluated. The endpoints were safety and feasibility.
Nine patients were evaluated, in cohorts of 3 patients per dosage. Postoperative follow up ranged from 3 to 12 months (median 9 months). The postoperative courses were uneventful in all patients. No subjective adverse events such as abdominal symptoms or skin rashes, or objective adverse events as per serum laboratory tests, such as liver or kidney dysfunctions potentially attributable to ulinastatin administration were observed. AE was seen in one patient at 3 months after surgery, but since this occurred shortly after administration of chemotherapy, it was considered to be attributable to the chemotherapy rather than surgery.
Ulinastatin administration after lung resection in lung cancer patients with IPF was considered to be safe and feasible. Further study is planned at the highest dose of this study to evaluate efficacy.

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(柳叶刀配图)    近日,《柳叶刀》杂志发表了一篇社论,谈到了“肺癌手术治疗的现状和未来”,主要内容的译文如下:   手术在早期非小细胞肺癌的治疗中扮演了重要角色,对I期和II期非小细胞肺癌,手术切除完全治愈的比例较高。   过去,相比美国和其它欧洲国家,英国的肺癌手术率很低,但最新的统计报告指出这一情况正在改变。据《英国胸外科医师活动及成果》的统计结果,英国的肺癌手术率上升的速


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