
2015-01-13 Hiu 医学统计分析精粹

A Tour Through the Visualization Zoo Figure 1a. Time-Series Data: Index chart of selected technology stocks, 2000–2010. Figure 1b. Time-Series Data: Stacked graph of unemploy

A Tour Through the Visualization Zoo

Figure 1a. Time-Series Data: Index chart of selected technology stocks, 2000–2010.

Figure 1b. Time-Series Data: Stacked graph of unemployed U.S. workers by industry, 2000–2010.

Figure 1c. Time-Series Data: Small multiples of unemployed U.S. workers, normalized by industry, 2000–2010.

Figure 1d. Time-Series Data: Horizon graphs of U.S. unemployment rate, 2000–2010.

Figure 2a. Statistical Distributions: Stem-and-leaf plot of Mechanical Turk participation rates.

Figure 2b. Statistical Distributions: Q-Q plots of Mechanical Turk participation rates.

Figure 2c. Statistical Distributions: Scatter plot matrix of automobile data.

Figure 2d. Statistical Distributions: Parallel coordinates of automobile data.

Figure 3a. Maps: Flow map of Napoleon's March on Moscow, based on the work of Charles Minard.

Figure 3b. Maps: Choropleth map of obesity in the U.S., 2008.

Figure 3c. Maps: Graduated symbol map of obesity in the U.S., 2008.

Figure 3d. Maps: Dorling cartogram of obesity in the U.S., 2008.

Figure 4a. Hierarchies: Radial node-link diagram of the Flare package hierarchy.

Figure 4b. Hierarchies: Cartesian node-link diagram of the Flare package hierarchy.

Figure 4c. Hierarchies: Indented tree layout of the Flare package hierarchy.

Figure 4d. Hierarchies: Icicle tree layout of the Flare package hierarchy.

Figure 4e. Hierarchies: Sunburst (radial space-filling) layout of the Flare package hierarchy.

Figure 4f. Hierarchies: Treemap layout of the Flare package hierarchy.

Figure 4g. Hierarchies: Nested circles layout of the Flare package hierarchy.

Figure 5a. Networks: Force-directed layout of Les Misérables character co-occurrences.

Figure 5b. Networks: Arc diagram of Les Misérables character co-occurrences.

Figure 5c. Networks: Matrix view of Les Misérables character co-occurrences.


评论区 (3)
  1. 2015-02-16 chinayinhan


  2. 2015-01-13 gongzuozhong





所谓内生性,就是模型中的一个或多个解释变量与随机扰动项相关。内生解释变量会造成严重的后果:不一致性inconstent和有偏biased,因为不满足误差以解释变量为条件的期望值为0。产生解释变量内生一般有三个原因: 1. 遗漏变量:如果遗漏的变量与其他解释变量不相关,一般不会造成问题。否则,就会造成解释变量与残差项相关,从而引起内生性问题。 2. 度量误差 (measurement e




该课程前期从简单的SPSS软件实际操作入手贯穿其他软件常用技巧的应用,最终系统全面的完成课题统计。特点是完全源自临床实际问题,少量统计理论,重在解决实际问题。 观看地址请点击下面链接: 课程001:变量类型的介绍及转化标注(SPSS软件应用) 课程002:变量转化(SPSS软件应用) 课程003:数据选择功能——Select cases(SPSS软件应用)  课程004:数据分



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