Ann. Intern. Med:安贝生坦对肺纤维化有害无益

2013-05-09 佚名 EGMN

  据5月7日《内科学年鉴》杂志发表的一项Ⅲ期国际临床试验,内皮素受体拮抗剂安贝生坦不仅对特发性肺纤维化患者没有助益,反而会促进病情进展。   安贝生坦是一种比波生坦选择性更高的内皮素受体拮抗剂,目前已获准用于治疗肺动脉高压。临床前数据显示拮抗内皮素受体可能减轻肺纤维化的严重程度,另外,在对多种间质性肺病患者进行的一项Ⅱ期研究中,一种与安贝生坦有关的内皮素受体拮抗剂——波生坦改善了特发性肺纤维化


  安贝生坦是一种比波生坦选择性更高的内皮素受体拮抗剂,目前已获准用于治疗肺动脉高压。临床前数据显示拮抗内皮素受体可能减轻肺纤维化的严重程度,另外,在对多种间质性肺病患者进行的一项Ⅱ期研究中,一种与安贝生坦有关的内皮素受体拮抗剂——波生坦改善了特发性肺纤维化(IPF)患者的生存状况,鉴于此,华盛顿大学西雅图分校医学中心呼吸与危重症科的Ganesh Raghu医生及其同事开展了这项大型Ⅲ期研究。


  分析结果为,安贝生坦治疗组(27.4%)显示IPF进展的患者例数明显多于安慰剂对照组(17.2%)。治疗组因呼吸系统疾病住院(13.4% vs. 5.5%)或死亡(7.9% vs 3.7%)的患者例数也显著多于对照组,其中包括急性IPF加重及肺炎(Ann. Intern. Med. 2013; 158:641-90)。然而,两个试验组之间在次要终点,即CO扩散容量、用力肺活量、6分钟步行距离、SF-36评分(用于衡量生活质量)或短暂呼吸困难指数评分方面没有显著的统计学差异。这些结果不因受试者是否合并肺动脉高压而异。





Ambrisentan doesn't help, may worsen pulmonary fibrosis
The endothelin-receptor antagonist ambrisentan not only failed to benefit patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, it also may have facilitated disease progression in an international phase III clinical trial reported May 7 in Annals of Internal Medicine.
The trial was terminated early when an interim analysis of the data showed that patients treated with ambrisentan were more likely than were control subjects receiving placebo to show progression of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) and to require more hospitalizations for respiratory indications, including acute IPF exacerbations and pneumonia. The findings were the same whether the study subjects had concomitant pulmonary hypertension.
"The observations in this study provide compelling evidence for ambrisentan as an ineffective treatment for patients with IPF and preclude further clinical evaluation of the drug as therapy for the disease. The data provide a basis for explicit guidance to clinicians not to use ambrisentan to treat patients with IPF, regardless of the presence of pulmonary hypertension," said Dr. Ganesh Raghu of the division of pulmonary and critical care medicine, University of Washington Medical Center, Seattle, and his associates.
The researchers undertook this large phase III study because preclinical data suggested that antagonism of endothelin receptors could lessen the severity of pulmonary fibrosis. And in a phase II study involving patients with a variety of interstitial lung diseases, a related endothelin antagonist, bosentan, had improved survival in the subgroup of patients with IPF.
Ambrisentan is a more selective endothelin A-receptor antagonist than bosentan and is currently approved for the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension. Dr. Raghu and his colleagues compared it against a matched placebo in 492 IPF patients treated at 136 clinical sites in North America, South America, Europe, Asia, New Zealand, and Australia.
When approximately 75% of the intended total enrollment of 660 patients was reached, an interim safety and efficacy analysis showed that the drug did not improve the primary endpoint, which was a composite of the time to disease progression, death from any cause, hospitalization for respiratory events, or a decrease in lung function. The trial sponsor, Gilead Sciences, terminated the study, and the findings were analyzed on the subjects enrolled up until that point.
The mean interval of exposure to ambrisentan (329 subjects) or placebo (163 subjects) was approximately 35 weeks. At baseline, patients in the active-treatment group and control group were similar regarding demographic traits, pulmonary hemodynamics, lung function, 6-minute walk distance, and quality of life.
Significantly more patients in the ambrisentan group (27.4%) than in the placebo group (17.2%) showed IPF progression. The active-treatment group also had significantly more respiratory hospitalizations (13.4% vs. 5.5%) and deaths (7.9% vs 3.7%) than did the control group, Dr. Raghu and his associates wrote (Ann. Intern. Med. 2013; 158:641-90). 
However, there were no significant differences between the two study groups in the secondary endpoints of diffusion capacity for carbon monoxide; forced vital capacity; 6-minute walk distance; scores on the SF-36, which measures quality of life; or scores on the Transitional Dyspnea Index.
These findings were essentially the same when the data were analyzed according to whether or not patients had concomitant pulmonary hypertension at baseline. However, the subset of patients with pulmonary hypertension was small and not adequately powered to demonstrate a significant difference, so this finding should be interpreted with caution, the investigators said.
Regarding adverse events, significantly more patients taking ambrisentan than placebo reported dyspnea, worsening IPF, dizziness, and peripheral edema. Three times as many patients receiving ambrisentan (3%) dropped out of the study because of safety and tolerability issues, compared with those receiving placebo (1%).
This trial was supported by Gilead Sciences, which was involved in all aspects of the study.


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肾细胞癌(renal cell carcinoma)是成年人原发性肾肿瘤中最常见的类型,占肾肿瘤的70~80%,占肾恶性肿瘤的90%。多见于60岁左右的人群,男性多于女性。初诊时肿瘤限于肾内的患者,术后五年生存率可达70%以上,但侵及肾静脉或扩散至肾周围脂肪组织的患者,五年生存率仅5~20%。 肾细胞癌(RCC)定向转移至肺组织的具体机制至今仍然知之甚少。为了研究分析转移过程中的具体分子机制,L