
2013-11-20 tomato 生物谷

吉利德(Gilead)11月18日宣布,整合酶抑制剂Vitekta(elvitegravir,85mg和100mg)已获欧盟委员会(EC)批准,用于无任何已知elvitegravir抗性相关突变的HIV-1成人感染者的治疗。 Vitekta旨在用作HIV治疗方案的一部分,该方案包含一种ritonavir增效蛋白酶抑制剂。Vitekta通过阻断病毒整合至人体细胞基因组,干扰HIV病毒的复制。在




Vitekta的获批,是基于为期96周的III期研究(Study 145)的数据,该项研究中,Vitekta(每日1次)达到了相较于整合酶抑制剂raltegravir(每日2次)的非劣性终点。

Vitekta也是吉利德4合1型抗HIV新药Stribild(elvitegravir 150 mg/cobicistat 150 mg/emtricitabine 200 mg/tenofovir disoproxil (as fumarate) 245 mg)的一部分,该药分别于2012年6月和2013年5月获欧盟批准,用于HIV初治患者或未携带任何与3种抗逆转录病毒药物抗性相关已知突变的HIV成人感染者的治疗。

英文原文:European Commission Approves Gilead’s Vitekta™, an Integrase Inhibitor for the Treatment of HIV-1 Infection

FOSTER CITY, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Nov. 18, 2013-- Gilead Sciences, Inc. (Nasdaq: GILD) today announced that the European Commission has granted marketing authorization for Vitekta™ (elvitegravir 85 mg and 150 mg) tablets, an integrase inhibitor for the treatment of HIV-1 infection in adults without known mutations associated with resistance to elvitegravir. Vitekta is indicated for use as part of HIV treatment regimens that include a ritonavir-boosted protease inhibitor. Vitekta interferes with HIV replication by blocking the virus from integrating into the genetic material of human cells. In clinical trials, Vitekta was effective in suppressing HIV among patients with drug-resistant strains of HIV.

“Vitekta offers people with HIV who have failed prior therapy or who have developed drug resistance an important new treatment option,” said Norbert Bischofberger, PhD, Executive Vice President, Research and Development and Chief Scientific Officer, Gilead Sciences. “Vitekta is only the second integrase inhibitor to become available in the European Union. Today’s approval exemplifies Gilead’s ongoing commitment to meeting the evolving needs of people living with HIV.”

Vitekta has been approved in two doses: an 85 mg tablet is indicated for use with the ritonavir-boosted protease inhibitors atazanavir 300 mg and lopinavir 400 mg; and a 150 mg tablet is indicated for use with the ritonavir-boosted protease inhibitors darunavir 600 mg and fosamprenavir 700 mg. The approval is supported by 96-week data from a Phase 3 study (Study 145) in which Vitekta dosed once daily was found to be non-inferior to the integrase inhibitor raltegravir dosed twice daily, each administered with a background regimen that included a fully active ritonavir-boosted protease inhibitor and a second antiretroviral agent. Patients enrolled in the trial were required to have genotypic HIV drug resistance or at least six months of treatment experience with two or more different classes of antiretrovirals.

Vitekta was well tolerated in clinical studies and most adverse reactions were mild to moderate. The most common adverse reactions (all grades) observed were diarrhea (7.1 percent) and nausea (4 percent); please see additional Important Safety Information below.

Vitekta is also a component of Gilead’s Stribild® (elvitegravir 150 mg/cobicistat 150 mg/emtricitabine 200 mg/tenofovir disoproxil fumarate 300 mg), a once-daily single tablet regimen for HIV that was approved in the United States in August 2012 for treatment-naïve adults and by the European Commission in May 2013 for adults who are treatment-naïve or who have no known mutations associated with resistance to any of the three antiretroviral agents in Stribild. Gilead submitted a new drug application to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Vitekta as a single agent in June 2012 and received a Complete Response Letter in April 2013. Gilead is working on resubmitting the application to the FDA.

About Vitekta

Vitekta was licensed by Gilead from Japan Tobacco Inc. (JT) in March 2005. Under the terms of Gilead’s agreement with JT, Gilead has exclusive rights to develop and commercialize Vitekta as a single agent in all countries of the world, excluding Japan, where JT retains rights.


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FDA顾问委员会周三举行会议,认为赛诺菲(Sanofi)开发的实验性多发性硬化症(MS)药物Lemtrada的安全性问题,并不妨碍(preclude)该药的批准,但该委员会对相关临床研究的质量表示了担忧。 该委员会以17:0,1票弃权的投票结果认为,Lemtrada潜在导致癌症及其他严重疾病的安全性问题,不能成为阻止MS患者获得该药的一个理由。 然而,该委员会大多数成员认为,Lemtrad


诺华(Novartis)11月14日公布了其新颖的H7N9流感疫苗I期临床试验的中期数据。该研究在400名健康志愿者(18-64岁)中开展,数据显示,在接受2个剂量的15ug MF59佐剂疫苗后,85%的受试者取得了保护性免疫反应。而接受2个剂量的15ug无佐剂疫苗后,仅6%的受试者取得了保护性免疫反应。该研究的完整数据将提交至不久将出版的同行评审期刊。 该疫苗的生产采用了全规模细胞培养生产


拜耳(Bayer)11月15日宣布,抗癌药物Xofigo(radium 223 dichloride,镭223二氯)已获欧盟委员会(EC)批准,用于有症状骨转移(symptomatic bone metastases )及无已知内脏转移(no known visceral metastatic disease)的阉割性前列腺癌(CRPC)患者的治疗。 Xofigo的获批,是基于关键性III期AL


Vanda制药11月15日宣布,FDA外周和中枢神经系统药物顾问委员会(PCNSDAC)以压倒性票数,建议批准tasimelteon( 他司美琼,拟用商品名HETLIOZ),用于完全失明患者,治疗非24小时睡醒障碍(非-24,Non-24)。 该委员会认为,相关临床研究已证实了tasimelteon治疗Non-24的疗效,同时具有良好的安全性。 此前,FDA已授予tasimelteon新药


赛诺菲(Sanofi)11月18日宣布,将停止有关实验性JAK2抑制剂fedratinib(SAR302503)的所有临床试验,同时取消提交相关监管申请的计划。 经过一项彻底的风险-效益(risk-benefit)分析,包括与FDA、研究人员、独立的神经学专家和神经放射科医师的讨论,赛诺菲确定,fedratinib带给患者的安全性风险,超过了该药可能带来的临床益处。 这一决定源于最近的个例


阿斯利康(AstraZeneca)11月19日宣布,FDA已接受naloxegol新药申请(NDA),该药是一种实验性外周作用(peripherally-acting)μ-阿片受体拮抗剂,专门开发用于治疗阿片类药物引发的便秘(opioid-induced constipation,OIC),这是处方阿片类止痛药一种常见的副作用。 naloxegol NDA的提交,是基于III期KODIAC项