
2013-10-11 yangtao 生物谷





Three years ago Eli Lilly ($LLY) stepped up with a check for $300 million and a promise of up to $500 million more when it snapped up Amyvid, an imaging agent that could light up the presence of toxic beta-amyloid in the brain. The presence of amyloid has long reigned as one of the most likely biomarkers for Alzheimer's as well as a target for drug developers.

But even after winning a limited FDA approval for using Amyvid to diagnose the disease, the regulators in charge of Medicare recently dealt Lilly a setback when they adamantly refused to reimburse for the imaging drug in all but a handful of cases. And the decision has big implications for Navidea ($NAVB), which has been developing its own imaging agent--NAV4694, going into Phase III--to spot the Alzheimer's biomarker, while highlighting the need for a better understanding of the disease and the biomarkers that can be used to diagnose it at different stages of development.

Lilly, no stranger to development setbacks, lashed out at the federal agency, accusing Medicare of overstepping its authority on diagnostics, taking a position contrary to expert opinion and flying in the face of a national effort aimed at finding and using new and better ways to diagnose and treat the dread disease.

Lilly, which has invested huge sums in a series of so-far-failed Alzheimer's drugs, is left with a diagnostic test that earned only $1.2 million in the second quarter. And it's been pushing its work in the field, doggedly acquiring imaging agents for tau--another potential biomarker for the disease--just a few months ago. As Alzheimer's is typically a disease that begins to manifest itself when a person reaches their mid-60s, though, Medicare controls the market on imaging agents.

There are some good reasons why Medicare would be reluctant to cover the test. It can't be used to make a definitive judgment about the disease, only as a tool assisting in a doctor's assessment, especially if the absence of beta-amyloid can be used to rule out the disease and look for other sources of symptoms of dementia. But even if doctors conclude that a patient does have Alzheimer's, there is little they can do to treat the illness. Eli Lilly's own attempt to come up with a companion therapy in solanezumab failed Phase III, forcing the company to go back to the drawing board and start over with a group of earlier-stage patients.

Lilly, though, is left with a product and no market. And now it appears likely that the company is considering a move to fight back with its lawyers.

"Coverage with evidence development as proposed by CMS does not provide patients appropriate access to these amyloid imaging brain scans. Instead, it creates additional complexity for the broader community in determining the best path forward for patients," said Eric Dozier, senior director of Lilly's Alzheimer's business division. "As we continue to review the final decision memo, we will be evaluating all available options to ensure patients and physicians can gain access to this innovative diagnostic tool as soon as possible."



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特立帕肽:促进新骨形成 重塑骨骼大厦

11月19日由美国礼来制药研制开发的里程碑式产品真正促骨形成药复泰奥(化学名特立帕肽注射液)在中国上市。被称为隐形流行病、足以颠覆人体骨骼大厦的骨质疏松急需快药快治并长治久安。复泰奥是促骨形成药,已被国家食品药品监督管理局批准在中国用于治疗严重骨质疏松的绝经后女性患者。复泰奥的上市将给中国骨质疏松症患者提供全新的治疗方案,帮助改善患者生活质量,也有助于提高我国骨质疏松症的治疗水平。 骨质疏松


  2012年12月7日,全球最大的家族制药公司勃林格殷格翰和全球十大著名医药公司之一的礼来制药在成都举行新闻发布会,宣告勃林格殷格翰-礼来制药糖尿病联盟在中国的首次正式亮相。此次发布会上还公布了由中国医药报刊协会组织发起、勃林格殷格翰—礼来制药糖尿病联盟支持的“媒体眼中的糖尿病防治”调查结果。   联盟负责人、勃林格殷格翰糖尿病业务部副总裁陈小梅女士表示:“勃林格殷格翰和礼来制药强强联手,将建


5月7日,百特国际(Baxter International)发布公告称,其产品 Gammagard 在三期临床试验中未获预期疗效,将停止相关研究。这是近一年来第三种阿兹海默病药物试验宣告失败。 百特国际表示,在针对390名轻度到中度痴呆症患者、为期18个月的三期临床试验中,使用该公司免疫球蛋白产品Gammagard和安慰剂的两组人群在认知功能衰退等方面并没有表现出统计学意义上的明显差别,“研究


5月10日,礼来表示将停止旗下淋巴瘤药物Enzastaurin的开发,因为该药物在一项后期临床试验中不能延迟淋巴瘤患者症状的恶化。这款药物当时正被用于检测对化疗治疗后复发的高风险淋巴瘤患者的疗效。 礼来在5月10日的一份声明中表示,停止该药物开发将会导致第二季度约3000万美元的费用损失,但该公司2013年的财务预算会保持不变。 礼来在过去的十年里还针对Enzastaurin进行了其它各种肿瘤

ADA 2013:礼来旗下长效糖尿病药物Dulaglutide后期临床试验表现突出

根据后期临床试验结果,礼来开发的一款一周注射一次的2型糖尿病药物Dulaglutide在控制血糖方面较其它3种被广泛应用的药物更加有效。在6月22日从芝加哥举行的美国糖尿病协会(ADA)年会上公布的研究数据也显示礼来的这款糖尿病药物有助于减轻患者的体重,其效果是默沙东西格列汀(年销售额达40亿美元)的两倍。 三项后期临床试验结果表明,这款名为Dulaglutide的治疗药物可能会是对抗2型糖尿病