
2014-07-23 佚名 生物谷



按照原计划,InterMune公司希望今年11月pirfenidone能够获得FDA审核,并于2015年上市。prifenidone的这一认证也仅比竞争对手Boehringer Ingelheim公司的IPF药物nintedanib晚一天。不过后者并未透露nintedanib上市审批的具体计划。


InterMune ($ITMN) secured the FDA's breakthrough therapy designation for its in-development treatment of a rare lung disease, evening the regulatory score with rival Boehringer Ingelheim as the two angle for position on the U.S. market.

The biotech's drug, pirfenidone, treats the often-fatal idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), a lung-scarring disease that inhibits oxygen absorption, leading to shortness of breath and poor pulmonary function. The FDA's breakthrough tag guarantees an expedited review and access to the agency's senior staff, but InterMune isn't expecting the nod to change the drug's timeline for approval.

Pirfenidone already picked up the FDA's promise of a priority review, and the addition of a breakthrough designation doesn't dial up the agency's speed, InterMune said in an email. That said, the FDA's promise to "involve senior FDA managers and provide additional resources to coordinate cross-disciplinary review" could make a difference in time, but that's entirely at the agency's discretion, InterMune said.

As it stands, InterMune expects to win approval for pirfenidone by November, launching the drug in the first quarter of 2015 if all goes according to plan.

The breakthrough designation comes just one day after Boehringer Ingelheim, maker of a rival IPF treatment, received the same honor. Like its competitor, Boehringer's nintedanib had already won a priority review designation, and the German drugmaker hasn't disclosed its expected timeline for approval.

InterMune's drug endured an FDA rejection back in 2010, but, after heading back to the clinic and returning with some stellar new Phase III data, the biotech worked its way back into the agency's good graces, resubmitting the drug in May.

There are no FDA-approved treatments for IPF, which kills about 40,000 people a year, according to the Coalition for Pulmonary Fibrosis. Pirfenidone has been on the market overseas for a few years but has yet to generate any notable sales momentum, bringing in just $70.2 million last year.

Analysts figure the U.S. market for IPF drugs could top out at above $2 billion, but whether InterMune or Boehringer claims the lion's share remains the subject of debate. Both drugs have charted impressive results in Phase III, but each has missed out on at least one secondary endpoint in its late-stage program.

Pirfenidone works by inhibiting two cytokines: TGF-beta, which controls a slew of cell functions and plays a part in fibrosis; and TNF-alpha, which has an active role in inflammation. In pivotal studies, the drug significantly reduced patients' decline in lung function compared to placebo, also meeting a secondary endpoint of performance on a 6-minute walking test.


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FDA安全通告: 子宫和子宫肌瘤切除术中腹腔镜组织粉碎术的应用

腹腔镜组织粉碎器是用于不同类型腹腔镜手术(微创)的医疗设备。包括治疗某些子宫肌瘤的手术,例如子宫切除术或子宫肌瘤切除术。粉碎术指的是将切除的组织划分成小块或碎片,常被用于腹腔镜手术,以便从小的切口取出的手术。 目的: 患有子宫平滑肌瘤的女性在行子宫或子宫肌瘤切除术时,腹腔镜组织粉碎术传播癌组织的风险不可预知,尤其对体积超出了子宫的子宫肉瘤。对于症状性子宫肌瘤患者医疗服务


2014年已走过一半时间,仅从FDA的新药审批结果来看,医药行业吹来暖风。2014上半年FDA批准了18个新药,相比2013上半年有明显增长。GSK、强生、诺华、礼来、阿斯利康、默沙东等大型药企在今年各有斩获。 由于2012年小型制药企业递交新药上市申请的数量激增,FDA的新药批准数量在2012年达到了39个的历史高点。随着2013年FDA批准的新药数量急剧下降至27个,人们也开始对全球新药研发


美国食品药品管理局(FDA)正式批准ReWalk 个人使用系统上市,第一次让那些因脊髓损伤致下半身瘫痪的患者能够在自己家中使用可穿戴式动力外骨骼。 这种机器人装置是由一个为患者定制的金属支架组成,穿戴在下肢以及上半身的部分位置,由远程无线设备来操控。适用于身高介于160 -190 厘米,体重不超过220磅(≈100公斤)的患者。 ReWalk 个人使用系统由马达驱动,可以帮


现代制药(600420)7月16日晚间公告,公司控股子公司上海现代制药海门有限公司近日收到美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)确认检查通过的信函。 美国FDA于2014年4月对现代海门的原料药产品齐多夫定进行了现场检查,并对现代海门的最终整改结果表示接受后签发了审核通过的信函。 公司表示,此次现代海门齐多夫定产品获得美国FDA审核通过对于现代海门的原料药产品进入规范市场具有重要意义。


勃林格殷格翰(Boehringer Ingelheim)7月17日宣布,FDA已授予口服三联血管激酶抑制剂nintedanib治疗特发性肺纤维化(IPF)的突破性疗法认定。nintedanib是一种实验性药物,目前正在接受FDA和欧洲药品管理局(EMA)的审查。今年6月,欧洲药品管理局(EMA)已接受审查并授予nintedanib治疗IPF的上市许可申请(MAA)加速审批资格。该药MAA包括来自2


Aduro BioTech生物技术公司最近如愿以偿的收获了FDA对其开发的用于治疗胰腺癌的癌症免疫鸡尾酒疗法的突破性药物地位认证。FDA做出这一决定主要是基于这种疗法出色的临床二期数据。Aduro公司的这一疗法是将CRS-207和GVAX两种药物结合在一起。这两种药物都分别能够激活人体的免疫系统,并靶向杀灭肿瘤细胞。在临床二期研究中,接受鸡尾酒疗法的患者生存期为6.1个月,明显优于GVAX的3