Nat Immunol:发现血管硬化过程中引起血管炎症的新机制

2013-09-09 张峰 生物谷




Nature immunology    doi:10.1038/ni.2704

Fatty acid–induced mitochondrial uncoupling elicits inflammasome-independent IL-1a and sterile vascular inflammation in atherosclerosis

Stefan Freigang1, Franziska Ampenberger1, Adrienne Weiss2, Thirumala-Devi Kanneganti3, Yoichiro Iwakura4, Martin Hersberger2 & Manfred Kopf1

Chronic inflammation is a fundamental aspect of metabolic disorders such as obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Cholesterol crystals are metabolic signals that trigger sterile inflammation in atherosclerosis, presumably by activating inflammasomes for IL-1b production. We found here that atherogenesis was mediated by IL-1a and we identified fatty acids as potent inducers of IL-1a-driven vascular inflammation. Fatty acids selectively stimulated the release of IL-1a but not of IL-1b by uncoupling mitochondrial respiration. Fatty acid–induced mitochondrial uncoupling abrogated IL-1b secretion, which deviated the cholesterol crystal–elicited response toward selective production of IL-1a. Our findings delineate a previously unknown pathway for vascular immunopathology that links the cellular response to metabolic stress with innate inflammation, and suggest that IL-1a, not IL-1b, should be targeted in patients with cardiovascular disease.


Freigang S, Ampenberger F, Weiss A, Kanneganti TD, Iwakura Y, Hersberger M, Kopf M.Fatty acid-induced mitochondrial uncoupling elicits inflammasome-independent IL-1α and sterile vascular inflammation in atherosclerosis.Nat Immunol. 2013 Sep 1.



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