
2012-12-06 佚名 DENTAL Hub

    苏格兰一项研究显示,45岁以下的人群口腔癌患病率不断上升,需引起关注。   烟酒是引发口腔癌的主要因素,然而越来越多既不抽烟也不喝酒的苏格兰年轻人被诊断罹患口腔癌。   口腔医学专家认为,这可能与年轻人的不良饮食习惯、缺乏阳光以及人类乳头状瘤病毒(HPV)传播有关。  与HPV相关的拓展阅读:J Natl Cancer Inst:Self-HPV检查有助宫颈







PEOPLE under 45 have been warned to look out for signs of mouth cancer after a surprise rise in cases for this age group.
New figures reveal a growing number of young people in Scotland who neither smoke nor drink – the two main causes of mouth cancer– are being diagnosed with the disease.
Men aged 50 and over who drink and smoked heavily remain most at risk.
Dental experts said more work is needed to find out the reason for the rise among younger people but believe it could be down to poor diet, lack of sunshine and the spread of certain strains of the human papillomavirus (HPV).
Yesterday the Faculty of General Dental Practice (FGDP) revealed they expect about 800 people in Scotland to be diagnosed with the disease this year. They said about a tenth of diagnoses will be in younger people who do not smoke or drink excessively.
The FGDP said it would be encouraging dentists and dental hygienists to be extra vigilant to detect early stage mouth cancer.
A spokesman said: “Dental practices are on the front line for mouth cancer prevention and are being urged to emphasise Health Scotland’s messages on diet, alcohol and smoking.
“It is hoped that identifying cases early will lead to better survival rates and that research will help pinpoint the causes.”
The faculty revealed the figures to mark the start of Mouth Cancer Awareness Month, which will see a number of dental practices run a “treatment for a donation” scheme where patients donate money to mouth cancer charity The Ben Walton Trust in return for treatment.
The dentists said the number of cases in Scotland is almost twice that of the south of England and they estimate that, on average, in the UK one person dies every four hours from mouth cancer.
The spokesman added: “Ultimately our goal is to give clearer guidance on how to reduce the risk of all cancers of the mouth so gathering demographic information is vital.”
The cancer can affect the lips, tongue, gums and inner mouth. Tumours associated with HPV – a virus spread through body fluids – are mostly found on the tonsils and throat. Symptoms include mouth ulcers or lesions and lumps in the mouth and red or white patches on the tongue which do not heal within two weeks.
It is the sixth most common cancer in the UK with more people dying from the disease than from road traffic accidents.
Mouth cancer can be treated effectively if caught early – nine in ten patients treated at the early stage will live longer than two years.
The FGDP advised people to eat fresher, healthier food to ­reduce the risk of mouth cancer, which is the cancer which has seen the biggest increase in cases over the past 25 years.



评论区 (3)
  1. 2013-10-23 zhouqu_8
  2. 2013-08-08





  英国研究人员最近发现了一种在口腔癌中起关键作用的蛋白质,以它为靶点进行治疗可以延长患癌实验鼠的生命,该发现有望为人类带来口腔癌新疗法。   英国癌症研究会等机构的研究人员在美国新一期《癌症研究》杂志上报告说,他们发现名为FRMD4A的蛋白质在口腔癌中起着关键作用。这种蛋白质会促进癌细胞生长,机体中这种蛋白质的含量越高,癌症就越容易扩散,或是越容易在治疗后复发。   研究人员接下来开展的动物

Cancer Res:英研究发现与口腔癌相关蛋白质

近日,英国研究人员发现了一种在口腔癌中起关键作用的蛋白质,以它为靶点进行治疗可以延长患癌实验鼠的生命。这一发现有望为人类带来口腔癌新疗法。 英国癌症研究会等机构的研究人员在美国新一期《癌症研究》(Cancer Research)杂志上报告说,他们发现名为FRMD4A的蛋白质在口腔癌中起着关键作用。这种蛋白质会促进癌细胞生长,机体中这种蛋白质的含量越高,癌症就越容易扩散,或是越容易在治疗后复发。


一项最新研究发现一组分子标记可以帮助医生确定哪些低等级的口腔黏膜癌前病变患者会发展演变成口腔癌,相关研究论文发表在Cancer Prevention Research杂志上。 Miriam Rosin博士说:该研究结果有助于帮助我们认识到不是每个低等级口腔癌前病变的人都会发展罹患癌症。不过,该研究结果能便于临床医生更好地了解哪些患者需要更加密切的跟进关注。 口腔癌是一个全球性的公共卫生问题,每


  根据52例患者数据,接受经口腔机器人手术(TORS)的口咽部鳞状细胞癌(OPSCCa)患者的2年总生存率为87%,人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)阳性和阴性患者未见显着差异。   俄亥俄州立大学的Kiran Kakarala博士在美国耳鼻喉-头颈外科学会基金会(AAO-HNSF)年会上报告称, 45%~70%的OPSCCa患者与HPV有关。既往研究显示,HPV阳性和阴性肿瘤患者在生存率方面存在显着差异