
2013-11-20 tomato 生物谷

诺华(Novartis)11月14日公布了其新颖的H7N9流感疫苗I期临床试验的中期数据。该研究在400名健康志愿者(18-64岁)中开展,数据显示,在接受2个剂量的15ug MF59佐剂疫苗后,85%的受试者取得了保护性免疫反应。而接受2个剂量的15ug无佐剂疫苗后,仅6%的受试者取得了保护性免疫反应。该研究的完整数据将提交至不久将出版的同行评审期刊。 该疫苗的生产采用了全规模细胞培养生产

诺华(Novartis)11月14日公布了其新颖的H7N9流感疫苗I期临床试验的中期数据。该研究在400名健康志愿者(18-64岁)中开展,数据显示,在接受2个剂量的15ug MF59佐剂疫苗后,85%的受试者取得了保护性免疫反应。而接受2个剂量的15ug无佐剂疫苗后,仅6%的受试者取得了保护性免疫反应。该研究的完整数据将提交至不久将出版的同行评审期刊。


2013年3月,中国首次出现H7N9感染的报告。在中国疾控中心与全球研究人员共享病毒株之后的几天内,诺华与Craig Venter研究所的合作伙伴,首次合成了该毒株。随后,诺华生产了临床试验所需剂量的疫苗,并在今年8月启动临床试验,同时于今年10月在其位于美国、马尔堡、德国的工厂开始大规模生产。


英文原文:Novartis announces positive clinical trial results for novel H7N9 vaccine

-85% of subjects immunologically protected after receiving second dose of investigational cell culture vaccine when combined with proven MF59® adjuvant

-Vaccine now in large scale production highlighting rapid response capability of novel FDA licensed cell culture technology

-135 confirmed cases and 45 deaths from H7N9 virus since emergence in March according to the World Health Organization[1]

Basel, Switzerland, November 14, 2013 - Novartis announced today interim results from a Phase 1 clinical trial with its proprietary cell culture vaccine for the H7N9 avian influenza virus involving 400 healthy volunteers (18-64 years of age). The data shows 85% of subjects achieved a protective immune response after two doses of the 15 ug MF59 adjuvanted vaccine. Only 6% of subjects achieved a protective response when given two doses of the 15ug un-adjuvanted vaccine. The full data set from the trial will be submitted to a peer-reviewed journal for publication in the near future.

The vaccine was produced utilizing full-scale cell-culture manufacturing technology, an alternative technology that can significantly accelerate vaccine production versus traditional egg-based methods.[2] Cell-culture technology utilizes a well-characterized mammalian cell line rather than chicken eggs to grow virus strains.[3]

"This rapid response underscores our leadership position in pandemic preparedness" said Andrin Oswald, Division Head, Novartis Vaccines. "Thanks to our investments into innovative production technologies and adjuvants, we are now able to offer a protective solution for a potentially deadly pandemic virus within a few months after the emergence of the H7N9 virus."

Reports of H7N9 infection first emerged in China in March 2013. Novartis, along with its partners at the Craig Venter Institute, first synthesized the viral strain several days after it was shared with global researchers by the Chinese Centers for Disease Control. Novartis then produced clinical trial lots, began clinical trials in August, and initiated large-scale production in its Holly Springs (NC), USA and Marburg, Germany facilities in October.

This project has been funded in part with Federal funds from the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response, Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, under Contract No. HHSO1002012000141


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由葛兰素史克(GSK)开发的一种实验性冠心病(CHD)药物darapladib,在III期项目首个III期试验STABILITY中,未能降低心脏病发作和中风的整体风险,未能达到研究的主要终点。darapladib是GSK最寄予厚望的药物之一,此次试验结果,对GSK而言是一个重大打击。 尽管研究结果令人失望,但也并不令人意外。许多分析师已对darapladib项目表现出低的预期。 STABILI

安斯泰来与Medivation启动前列腺癌新药Xtandi IV期研究

安斯泰来(Astellas)和Medivation制药11月12日宣布,启动前列腺癌新药Xtandi(enzalutamide)的一项IV期试验PLATO,该研究在经enzalutamide治疗后病情恶化的化疗初治(chemotherapy-naïve)转移性前列腺癌成人患者中开展,将评价enzalutamide+醋酸阿比特龙(abiraterone acetate)+强的松(predniso


默沙东(Merck & Co)近日公布了实验性提摩西草(Timothy)舌下过敏免疫含片(MK-7243)III期研究的数据。该项研究,涉及1501例北美成人和儿童患者。数据表明,与安慰剂相比,MK-7243显著改善了整个花粉季节平均总复合得分(TCS),达到了研究的主要终点。研究中,TCS为鼻结膜炎(rhinoconjunctivitis)日常症状评分(DSS)和日常药物评分(DMS

勃林格殷格翰向欧盟提交tiotropium Respimat®扩大适应症申请

勃林格殷格翰(Boehringer Ingelheim)11月13日宣布,已向欧盟提交了Spiriva® Respimat®(tiotropium,通用名:噻托溴铵,商品名:Spiriva,思力华)的扩大适应症申请,寻求批准该药用于治疗18岁及以上成人哮喘(asthma)患者的治疗。 tiotropium Respimat®的欧洲上市许可申请(MA),是基于UniTinA哮喘III期临床试验


强生(JNJ)和Pharmacyclics 11月13日宣布,FDA已批准血癌药物ibrutinib(拟用商品名为Imbruvica),用于既往已接受至少一种其他药物(如Celgene公司的Revlimid)治疗的套细胞淋巴瘤(mantle cell lymphoma,MCL)成人患者的治疗。该药成为获得FDA突破疗法认定并获批的第2个药物,ibrutinib将成为上市的首个BTK靶向药物。


FDA顾问委员会周三举行会议,认为赛诺菲(Sanofi)开发的实验性多发性硬化症(MS)药物Lemtrada的安全性问题,并不妨碍(preclude)该药的批准,但该委员会对相关临床研究的质量表示了担忧。 该委员会以17:0,1票弃权的投票结果认为,Lemtrada潜在导致癌症及其他严重疾病的安全性问题,不能成为阻止MS患者获得该药的一个理由。 然而,该委员会大多数成员认为,Lemtrad