
2012-12-28 PACE 互联网 倚天观海

达比加群是新开发的一种直接抑制凝血酶的抗凝药物,其抗凝效应受饮食和合并用药的影响较小。另外,它在使用中无需监测凝血时间或调整剂量。RELY试验(长期抗凝治疗的随机化评估研究)在房颤患者减少卒中和出血并发症方面,达比加群非劣于华法林。为了评估这一结论是否也适用于进行房颤射频消融治疗的围手术期患者,已进行了两项研究。但两者均为非随机对照研究。为此TAKAMITSU NIN等设计了一项随机研究,试图评估

达比加群是新开发的一种直接抑制凝血酶的抗凝药物,其抗凝效应受饮食和合并用药的影响较小。另外,它在使用中无需监测凝血时间或调整剂量。RELY试验(长期抗凝治疗的随机化评估研究)在房颤患者减少卒中和出血并发症方面,达比加群非劣于华法林。为了评估这一结论是否也适用于进行房颤射频消融治疗的围手术期患者,已进行了两项研究。但两者均为非随机对照研究。为此TAKAMITSU NIN等设计了一项随机研究,试图评估达比加群与华法林应用于房颤射频消融术围手术期患者的有效性和安全性。


研究中有三名服用达比加群的患者,因发生消化不良改用华法林。达比加群组静脉穿刺点再次出血发生率低于华法林组(20% vs 44%;P = 0.013)。服用药物后,达比加群组D-dimer水平下降幅度较华法林组。服用抗凝药物至进行消融手术的时间,在达比加群组明显短于华法林组(43±7 vs 63±13天;P< 0.0001)。研究对象中仅有一例发生致命性并发症,为服用华法林治疗患者在消融术后出现肠系膜动脉栓塞。

TAKAMITSU NIN等由此得出结论,射频消融术围手术期患者,使用达比加群可能在减少围手术期小出血风险和高凝状态以及可进行消融手术时长方面,均优于华法林。


doi: 10.1111/pace.12036

A Randomized Controlled Trial of Dabigatran versus Warfarin for Periablation Anticoagulation in Patients Undergoing Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation.

Nin T, Sairaku A, Yoshida Y, Kamiya H, Tatematsu Y, Nanasato M, Inden Y, Hirayama H, Murohara T.

BACKGROUND: We aimed to evaluate the feasibility of an oral direct thrombin inhibitor, dabigatran, as a periprocedural anticoagulant for use with ablation of atrial fibrillation (AF). METHODS: Consecutive patients scheduled to undergo an AF ablation were randomly assigned to receive dabigatran (n = 45) or warfarin (n = 45) to compare their clinical feasibility. Both of those oral anticoagulants were discontinued the day before the ablation and were resumed after confirming hemostasis of the venipuncture site. A bridging therapy with heparin was not used in either of the patient groups. RESULTS: Dabigatran was switched to warfarin before the ablation because of dyspepsia in three patients. An occurrence of rebleeding from the venipuncture site was less common in dabigatran-allocated patients than in warfarin-allocated patients (20% vs 44%; P = 0.013). The reduction in the D-dimer level after the initiation of oral anticoagulants was greater in the dabigatran-allocated patients than in the warfarin-allocated patients. The time from the initiation of the anticoagulants to the ablation was significantly shorter in the dabigatran-allocated patients than in the warfarin-allocated patients (43 ± 7 vs 63 ± 13 days; P < 0.0001). There was only one fatal periprocedural complication in a patient receiving warfarin, who had a mesenteric arterial thrombosis after the ablation. CONCLUSIONS: An anticoagulation strategy with dabigatran may surpass that with warfarin in reducing both the periprocedural risk of minor bleeding and a hypercoagulable state, and the time to ablation in patients undergoing ablation of AF.


评论区 (4)



    背景:近来发表的心脏起搏预防心脏扩大研究(即PACE研究)是一项前瞻、双盲、随机、多中心试验,对存在心动过缓和左室收缩功能正常[射血分数(EF) ≥45%]的患者进行12个月随访,证实双心室(BiV)起搏在预防左室重构方面优于右室心尖部(RVA)起搏。然而尚不清楚该结果是否与起搏引起的心室收缩不同步有关。我们推测患者早期出现心室收缩不同步是中期左室重构和收缩功


长期接受抗凝的患者在植入起搏器时围手术期的管理对医生而言是相当困难的。尤其是对那些具有中高危动脉血栓栓塞(ATE)风险的患者(如风险>4%每年),如机械性瓣膜置换术后、CHADS2高评分的房颤患者。 无过渡抗凝措施的围手术期ATE风险,可用发生事件的年风险指数来评估。如,机械性二尖瓣置换术后的患者,其不使用口服抗凝药物的ATE年风险为17%,也就说7天内发生ATE的风险为0.4%。同样的,