
2012-08-06 ZinFingerNase 生物谷

在一项新研究中,来自美国罗切斯特大学、伊希斯制药公司(Isis Pharmaceuticals Inc.)和健赞公司(Genzyme)的研究人员通过除去肌细胞中毒性RNA的积累而逆转小鼠强直性肌营养不良症(myotonic muscular dystrophy)的症状。相关研究结果于2012年8月2日发表在Nature期刊上。 强直性肌营养不良症是一种遗传性缺陷疾病。在这种疾病中,遗传缺陷导致一

在一项新研究中,来自美国罗切斯特大学、伊希斯制药公司(Isis Pharmaceuticals Inc.)和健赞公司(Genzyme)的研究人员通过除去肌细胞中毒性RNA的积累而逆转小鼠强直性肌营养不良症(myotonic muscular dystrophy)的症状。相关研究结果于2012年8月2日发表在Nature期刊上。


在这项研究中,研究人员研究了这种缺陷产生的根源,利用一种将RNA切割成碎片的酶开展研究。为此,他们构建出合成出人工化合物---经过化学修饰的DNA短片段---,并且这种短片段能够结合到这种毒性的RNA(即异常RNA积累在细胞核中,从而导致细胞过程发生差错)上,并且对它进行修饰,从而使得它能够被身体自己的一种酶---核糖核酸酶H (RNase H)---所摧毁。另外,因为这种化合物也被称作反义药物(antisense compound),这是因为它的遗传密码与靶RNA链(即正义链)相互补。



本文编译自A step forward toward muscular dystrophy treatment: 'Antisense' compound rids muscle cells of toxic RNA

doi: 10.1038/nature11362

Targeting nuclear RNA for in vivo correction of myotonic dystrophy

Thurman M. Wheeler, Andrew J. Leger, Sanjay K. Pandey, A. Robert MacLeod, Masayuki Nakamori, Seng H. Cheng, Bruce M. Wentworth, C. Frank Bennett & Charles A. Thornton

Antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs) hold promise for gene-specific knockdown in diseases that involve RNA or protein gain-of-function effects. In the hereditary degenerative disease myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1), transcripts from the mutant allele contain an expanded CUG repeat1, 2, 3 and are retained in the nucleus4, 5. The mutant RNA exerts a toxic gain-of-function effect6, making it an appropriate target for therapeutic ASOs. However, despite improvements in ASO chemistry and design, systemic use of ASOs is limited because uptake in many tissues, including skeletal and cardiac muscle, is not sufficient to silence target messenger RNAs7, 8. Here we show that nuclear-retained transcripts containing expanded CUG (CUGexp) repeats are unusually sensitive to antisense silencing. In a transgenic mouse model of DM1, systemic administration of ASOs caused a rapid knockdown of CUGexp RNA in skeletal muscle, correcting the physiological, histopathologic and transcriptomic features of the disease. The effect was sustained for up to 1 year after treatment was discontinued. Systemically administered ASOs were also effective for muscle knockdown of Malat1, a long non-coding RNA (lncRNA) that is retained in the nucleus9. These results provide a general strategy to correct RNA gain-of-function effects and to modulate the expression of expanded repeats, lncRNAs and other transcripts with prolonged nuclear residence.


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