
2009-10-01 MedSci原创 MedSci原创




Dear ***,

Reviewers' comments on your work have now been received.  You will see that they are advising against publication of your work.  Therefore I must reject it.

For your guidance, I append the reviewers' comments below.

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to consider your work.

Yours sincerely,


Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer #1:
Generally, the work is unique but it is not acceptable due to incomplete explanation and routine writing for only publication.   

In Fig. 1. (b), at the magnification x500, the original scale bar was 50 microns in the photo. But authors made a new scale bar which is 20 microns. This is kind of fraud!!!!
English Grammar and style are not satisfied.
My conclusion is that any manuscript from the authors should not be published in this journal.

Dear Editor***

Thank you for your kind attention to consider our work in***. I am terribly sorry for such a terrible conclusion made by the reviewer because of our minor fault about the scale bar in Fig. 1. So, I should give a rebuttal against the comments of the reviewer. I have not been persuaded and I consider the comments are unreasonable and unfair for our work.
I don’t know why the reviewer gave such nasty comments and made a so terrible conclusion about our future work. I doubt whether he has read our manuscript carefully and completely or not.
In Fig.1(b), it is a minor mistake about the scale bar made by authors. I debt that it is very easy to remove the original one in the picture by means of some advanced photo editor softwares if we want. Does the reviewer think we are attempting to cheat the readers using such an obvious mistake which everybody can find, and leaving the original one to make him think it is a “fraud” easily? Why should we do that? If the reviewer read our manuscript carefully and completely, he would not give the unreasonable assessment that “This is a kind of fraud”. In our manuscript, we have never talked about the influence of the size of *** although we consider the *** do influence the ***(与尺寸相异的其它方面) of our ***. It is absolutely unnecessary for us to make this “fraud”. Please kindly judge why we made the “fraud” to make readers unhappy, and us in trouble. Why did the reviewer consider this minor mistake as an unpardonable “fraud” without thinking more about it carefully?
The reviewer said that “the work is unique”. How did he give this comment without any reasons? Since it is unique, why did he reject our work only using the simple reasons of “incomplete explanation” and “routine writing”? We try out best to explain our results. It may be incomplete because of our limitations of corresponding knowledge. But we are eager to improve and perfect it with the help from the reviewers and editors. We are not English native speakers and do realize that our English in this manuscript is not perfect. But, technique paper is different from essay. We consider that it is enough for English grammar or style in technique paper if it can make readers understand our idea and work. Of course, we also can ask help from some English writing companies to improve our English expressions. Thus, we think it is unfair that the reviewer rejected our work only using these unimpressive excuses. It is imprudent to give his conclusion “any manuscript from the authors should not be published in this journal” according to his unfair and irresponsible judgment that Fig.1(b) is “a kind of fraud”.
As an eligible reviewer of the famous journal, he should assess the manuscript from any authors righteously and carefully. He should give reasonable and convictive evidences for his comments. The reviewer should show his understanding to the work that he is reviewing.
In short, we could not accept the comments given by the reviewer #1, and hope that he can withdraw his unjustified conclusions for our present and future work. We are pleased if the editor can justify our rebuttals.
Thank you for your patience and kind attention.
May you have a nice day!

Best Regards
Yours Sincerely

     I understand your explanation that you made a simple mistake in Fig. 1b.  If you wish to submit your revised paper, I will send it to another reviewer.  In this case, however, your paper is considered to be new submission because once decision of rejection is reported using the Elsevier on-line system, the paper is removed from the web system.  If you submit the revised version of your paper, I will handle it immediately in order to make a final decision hopefully in a month.  I am very sorry again for reporting you the previous decision.
     I am looking forward to receiving your revised paper.
     With kindest regards;

Dear ***,

I am pleased to confirm that your paper "The ***" has been accepted for publication in ***.

Comments from the Editor and Reviewers can be found below.

Thank you for submitting your work to this journal.

With kind regards,


Comments from the Editors and Reviewers:

The present paper reports ***.  The authors have shown that ***. The paper contains interesting results and discussion worth for publication in ***.  Therefore, I recommend the publication of the present paper as is.

评论区 (1)
  1. 2015-01-09 ffffff

    we're going home



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撰写科学论文的重要性: 科学论文是科研成果的主要产出形式。撰写科学论文是一个科学工作者必须具有的基本功。 学习撰写科学论文是每一个研究生的必修课,但必须通过实践才能学好。 什么是SCI论文? SCI(Scientific Citation Index)是美国科学信息研究所(ISI)编辑出版的引文索引类刊物,创刊于1964年。分印刷版、光盘版和联机板等载体。印刷版、光盘版从全


投稿的时候尽可以选高分杂志投稿,即使被拒,你也可以了解一下高分杂志的分量有多重,以及有什么要求,如何才能在高分杂志上发表。像Science、nature、NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE、 lancet等等高分杂志,你尽可以投一下试试水有多深。当然,被拒的可能性很大,十有八九会被拒。但你可以根据退稿原因以及审稿人给你的详尽说明,说明你的 论文存在什么缺陷、需要如何修改


本篇稿件是我们根据大量投稿文章,以及与许多杂志编辑交流的心得,并结合网站上相关的观点总结而成,供大家参考。 从审稿人的角度看,一片文章的命运往往在审稿人打开它的一瞬间就决定了。一个熟练的审稿人会在接到文章后用几分钟的时间通读一遍,从而对作者和文章的情况有一个初步的判断。在这里,审稿人最喜欢两个极端:一是通篇充满了细节上的


我是一个IEEE Transactions 期刊和一个Elsevier期刊的审稿人,已经审理了将近10篇论文。最近审了一篇特别的稿件,之所以说它特别是因为它可以做反面教材了。事情的经过是这样的,先前我已经审过了这篇文章,这次是重审了。是个台湾人写的,英文比较poor,还存在技术性错误,创新点不够突出,在这种情况下,我给了他一个再审的机会,我给你提出了很多技术、表达、文章组织方面的问题和建议。Ass


1. Submitted to Journal当上传结束后,显示的状态是Submitted to Journal,这个状态是自然形成的无需处理。2. With editor如果在投稿的时候没有要求选择编辑,就先到主编那,主编会分派给别的编辑。这当中就会有另两个状态:3. Editor assigned 4. Editor Declined Invitation如果编辑接手处理了就会邀请审稿人了。5