
2013-05-21 CID dxy

诺如病毒具高度传染性,是院内肠胃炎的主要病原之一,甚至可能导致患者住院或医院病房暂时关闭。当怀疑爆发医院感染时,及时判断病毒传播途径是非常重要的,这有助于医院迅速采取适当措施以控制感染。为研究发生于骨髓移植儿童中的一组诺如病毒病例,来自英国伦敦大学学院感染与免疫科的Samit Kundu博士等人采用新一代测序技术对诺如病毒基因组进行测序。研究结果在线发表于2013年5月3日的《临床感染性疾病》(C

诺如病毒具高度传染性,是院内肠胃炎的主要病原之一,甚至可能导致患者住院或医院病房暂时关闭。当怀疑爆发医院感染时,及时判断病毒传播途径是非常重要的,这有助于医院迅速采取适当措施以控制感染。为研究发生于骨髓移植儿童中的一组诺如病毒病例,来自英国伦敦大学学院感染与免疫科的Samit Kundu博士等人采用新一代测序技术对诺如病毒基因组进行测序。研究结果在线发表于2013年5月3日的《临床感染性疾病》(Clinical Infectious Diseases)杂志上。对深度测序数据的分析使得研究人员能够确认诺如病毒传播的可能方向。
研究人员从5例rtPCR结果阳性的患者收集到13份粪便样品,采用重叠PCR法扩增诺如病毒cDNA。使用Roche 454系统测定扩增子的序列,从头组装病毒基因组并根据系统进化分析数据。

Next generation whole genome sequencing identifies the direction of norovirus transmission in linked patients.
Noroviruses are a highly transmissible and a major cause of nosocomial gastroenteritis resulting in bed and hospital-ward closures. Where hospital outbreaks are suspected, it is important to determine the routes of spread so that appropriate infection control procedures can be implemented. To investigate a cluster of norovirus cases occurring in bone marrow transplant children, we undertook norovirus genome sequencing by next generation methods. Detailed comparison of sequence data from two linked cases enabled us to identify the likely direction of spread.
Norovirus cDNA was amplified by overlapping PCR from 13 stool samples from five diagnostic rtPCR positive patients. The amplicons were sequenced by Roche 454, the genomes assembled by de novo assembly and the data analysed phylogenetically.
Phylogenetic analysis indicated that patients were infected by viruses similar to four distinct GII.4 subtypes and two patients were linked by the same virus. Of the 14 sites at which there were differences between the consensus sequences of the two linked viral genomes, nine had minor variants present within one or other patient. Further analysis confirmed that minor variants at all nine sites in patient B were present as the consensus sequence in patient A.
Phylogenetic analysis excluded a common source of infection in this apparent outbreak. Two of three patients on the same ward had closely related viruses, raising the possibility of cross infection despite protective isolation. Analysis of deep sequence data enabled us to establish the likely direction of nosocomial transmission.


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口服恒河猴人重组轮状病毒四价疫苗(RRV-TV,rhesus-human reassortant rotavirus retravalent vaccine)在1998年获得许可,但是因为与婴儿出生90天以上初次免疫后发生了不对称的肠套叠有极大关系,所以就在1999年就被撤回了。为了在新生儿期首次免疫和60天内二次免疫的婴儿中检测RRV-TV对轮状病毒性肠胃炎(RV-GE,rotavirus ga