ASCO 2012:两大新药治疗BRAF突变黑色素瘤疗效显著

2012-06-09 卢秀玲 :爱唯医学网


       在第1项研究(METRIC)中,法国Gustave Roussy研究所皮肤科主任Caroline Robert博士及其同事纳入322例V600E或V600K BRAF突变的局部晚期或转移性黑色素瘤患者,对MEK(位于BRAF下游)口服选择性抑制剂trametinib与化疗(氮烯咪胺或紫杉醇)进行了比较。
       结果显示,trametinib组≥3级高血压(12% vs. 3%)和皮疹(8% vs. 0%)的发生率较高。与trametinib相关的射血分数降低或心室功能障碍(7%)和脉络膜视网膜病变(<1%)可逆。值得指出的是,接受trametinib治疗的患者无1例发生皮肤鳞状细胞癌,这与在vemurafenib用药者中观察到的不同。trametinib组的中位无进展生存期长于化疗组[4.8个月 vs. 1.5 个月;危险比(HR)=0.45;P<0.0001]。此外,trametinib还降低了死亡风险(HR=0.54;P=0.01)。该研究允许交叉治疗,这无疑对总生存结果产生了一定影响,但即使化疗组有47%的患者交叉至trametinib组,仍观察到两组在总生存方面存在差异。
       在第2项研究(BREAK-3)中,德国基尔大学医院皮肤科教授Axel Hauschild博士及其同事纳入250例局部晚期或转移性V600E BRAF突变黑色素瘤患者,对BRAF口服抑制剂dabrafenib与化疗(氮烯咪胺)进行了比较。在该研究中,化疗组有68%的患者最终交叉至另一组。
       结果显示,dabrafenib组的中位无进展生存期长于化疗组(5.1个月 vs. 2.7个月;HR=0.30;P<0.0001)。dabrafenib组的完全或部分应答率是化疗组的2倍多(53% vs. 19%)。总生存数据还非常不成熟;目前仅观察到12%的患者死亡,因此会上未公布总生存结果。dabrafenib组≥3级角化过度(2% vs. 0%)和鳞状细胞癌(5% vs. 0%)发生率较高,而化疗组≥3级血液学不良事件的发生率较高。Hauschild博士表示,鉴于目前BRAF靶向治疗已经可供使用,所有黑色素患者均应进行BRAF突变检测。下一步要探讨dabrafenib与trametinib联合治疗IV期黑色素瘤的效果及作为辅助治疗的效果。
       纽约大学Langone医学中心的Sylvia Adams博士评论指出,以MEK通路为靶点的治疗(trametinib)对转移性黑色素瘤的效果非常好,不仅可使肿瘤缩小且可延长生存期。以BRAF为靶点的治疗(dabrafenib)对突变黑色素瘤的效果也非常好,可使约半数患者的肿瘤缩小,与vemurafenib的疗效相当,并且dabrafenib引起的皮肤不良反应程度较轻。另外,BRAF抑制剂和MEK抑制剂合用的研究结果令人期待。

题目:METRIC phase III study: Efficacy of trametinib (T), a potent and selective MEK inhibitor (MEKi), in progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS), compared with chemotherapy (C) in patients (pts) with BRAFV600E/K mutant advanced or metastatic melanoma (MM)(Abstract LBA8509)

Caroline Robert, Keith T. Flaherty, Peter Hersey, et al.


Background: Dacarbazine (D) and paclitaxel (P) have been used to treat MM pts with limited effect. The MM treatment landscape has recently changed with the approval of vemurafenib and ipilimumab in 2011, but secondary malignancies or other toxicities are of concerns. T is a reversible, highly selective allosteric inhibitor of MEK1/2 activation and kinase activity. In a PhII trial (NCT01037127), pts with BRAFV600E mutation MM had median PFS of 5.3 mos. This PhIII trial (NCT01245062) was conducted in pts with BRAFV600E/K mutant advanced or MM. Methods: Pts were randomized 2:1 to T (2mg QD) or C (D or P). Pts were stratified by baseline LDH level and prior C; pts in the C arm were allowed to crossover to receive T after confirmation of PD. Primary endpoint was PFS in pts with BRAFV600E mutation-positive MM and no prior brain mets; secondary endpoints were OS, ORR and safety in primary and ITT. PFS and OS were compared using a stratified log-rank test. The study was designed with ≥99% power and one-sided α = 0.025 to detect 57% reduction in the risk of PD or death in pts treated with T vs C. Results: Between Dec 2010 and Jul 2011, 322 pts were randomized to T (n=214) or C (n=108); 273 pts were BRAFV600E mutation-positive with no prior brain mets. HR for primary population for PFS by investigator was 0.44 (95% CI 0.31–0.64; p<0.0001) in favor of T with a median PFS of 4.8 mo vs 1.4 mo with C. PFS benefit in favor of T was observed in ITT; this was confirmed by an independent review. The confirmed ORR was 24% with T and 7% with C. HR for interim OS was 0.53 (95% CI 0.30–0.94; p=0.0181), in favor of T in primary population. OS benefit was consistent in ITT pop despite 51 pts crossover from C to T. The most frequent AEs with T were skin rash, diarrhea, edema, hypertension, fatigue. Known MEKi class effects were observed, e.g. chorioretinopathy (<1%) and decreased ejection fraction (7%). Grade 3 AEs in T arm were hypertenstion (12%) and rash (7%). Conclusions: T is the first in class MEKi associated with a significant improvement of PFS and OS compared to C in pts with BRAFV600E/K mutant MM.

题目:Phase III, randomized, open-label, multicenter trial (BREAK-3) comparing the BRAF kinase inhibitor dabrafenib (GSK2118436) with dacarbazine (DTIC) in patients with BRAFV600E-mutated melanoma.(Abstract LBA8500^)

Axel Hauschild, Jean Jacques Grob, Lev V. Demidov, et al.


Background: Dabrafenib, a selective BRAF inhibitor, has shown activity with a manageable safety profile in phase I/II studies in patients (pts) with BRAFV600E-mutated metastatic melanoma (MM). This phase III trial (NCT01227889) compared progression-free survival (PFS) in pts with advanced MM treated either with dabrafenib or dacarbazine (DTIC). Methods: Pts with previously untreated, unresectable stage III or IV BRAFV600E-mutated melanoma were randomized (3:1) and stratified by stage to dabrafenib (150 mg po bid) or DTIC (1000 mg/m2, IV, q3w). Primary endpoint was investigator-assessed PFS. Primary analysis for PFS was planned after 102 events. Pts on the DTIC arm were allowed to cross over once progression was confirmed by independent review (IR). Secondary endpoints included PFS by IR, overall survival (OS), response rate (RR), duration of response, safety and pharmacokinetics. Results: 250 pts were enrolled at 93 centers globally from February to September 2011. 187 were randomized to dabrafenib and 63 to DTIC. 141pts were on study treatment at the data cut-off at December 19, 2011 (dabrafenib n = 127; DTIC n = 14), including 21/28 DTIC pts crossed over to dabrafenib. Median age was 52 years, 31% of pts were ECOG >1, 66% M1c, 33% LDH > ULN. Demographics were well balanced between the two arms. At the time of the primary analysis, there were 118 events (77 dabrafenib and 41 DTIC). The hazard ratio for PFS was 0.30 (95% CI: 0.18–0.53; p < 0.0001). Median PFS was 5.1 months for dabrafenib and 2.7 for DTIC. OS data were immature, with 30 deaths reported. Confirmed RR was 53% for dabrafenib and 19% for DTIC. Benefits in PFS and RR were observed in all subgroups evaluated. Common adverse events (AEs) on the dabrafenib arm were hyperkeratosis (37%), headache (32%), pyrexia (28%), arthralgia (27%), skin papillomas (24%). Serious AEs (> 1%) on the dabrafenib arm included pyrexia (4%), squamous cell carcinomas (6%), and new primary melanomas (2%). Conclusions: Dabrafenib demonstrated a significant improvement in PFS and ORR over DTIC with an acceptable safety profile.


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       最新研究显示,头皮恶性黑色素瘤的行为特征与其他身体部位发源的黑色素瘤不同,并且无病生存率和总生存率均低于其他头颈部黑色素瘤。 Dr. Junko Ozao-Choy          加州圣塔莫妮卡市John Wayne肿瘤研究所的研究员Junko Ozao-Choy博士及


近日,发表在PNAS杂志上的一项研究揭示了致命性的皮肤癌黑色素瘤中基因表达的升高,可以提高肿瘤的死亡率风险,该基因是潜在的新的治疗靶标。 研究论文呢题目为Pleckstrin Homology Domain-Interacting Protein (PHIP) as a Marker and Mediator of Melanoma Metastasis,该研究由加州太平洋医疗中心研究所(CPM


      来自麻省哈佛Broad研究院,德国埃森大学等多处研究机构组成的研究团队发表了题为“Melanoma genome sequencing reveals frequent PREX2 mutations”的文章,进行了25位肿瘤患者全基因组测序,从中发现了一组参与皮肤癌的基因突变,这是首次针对人类黑色素瘤进行的高分辨率,全基因组规模分析,相关成果公布在Nat

Lancet Onco:新辅助放疗降低黑色素瘤淋巴结切除术后复发

       《柳叶刀?肿瘤学》(The Lancet Oncology)杂志近期发表的一项研究表明,对于转移性黑色素瘤治疗性淋巴结切除术后区域淋巴结复发风险高的患者,给予辅助放疗可降低这种风险;因此应与这类患者讨论进行辅助放疗的问题。   该随机对照研究纳入了澳大利亚、新西兰、荷兰和巴西的共16家医院的患者。   研究根据淋巴结受累数目、结外播散和受累淋巴结最大体积确定

Curr Biol:Ras→BRAF→MEK→ERK细胞信号有助于对黑色素瘤的治疗

2012年5月3日,人体会不断产生新的细胞来取代死去的细胞,但这一过程并非十全十美。细胞间需要沟通或示意对方来决定何时生成新的细胞。细胞内的通信或信号错误通常导致细胞生长失控,这哟过程是许多癌症发生的基础。 得克萨斯大学休斯敦(UTHealth)医学院健康科学中心科学家们发现了能对抗黑色素瘤皮肤癌和其他某些肿瘤快速蔓延的有关的细胞信号。 科学家报告说,他们已经发现为什么一类称为BRAF抑制剂被


       离最早研究者提出可以训练机体免疫系统自己杀伤肿瘤的理论,已经过去100 多年,该领域顶级专家认为,这一理论会在明后年最终证实自己。       美国Dana-Farber 癌症中心Glenn Dranoff 教授指出,“我们已经进入了一个新的时期,免疫治疗将成为抗肿