J Exp Med:开发出有望阻止人再次吸烟的蛋白肽

2013-05-06 ZinFingerNase 生物谷

2012年10月24日来自加拿大多伦多成瘾和精神健康中心(Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, CAMH)的科学家们鉴定出一种潜在新的方法来阻止人们再次吸烟。在当前的治疗方法中,吸烟者试图戒烟,但是经常不能成功。 加拿大CAMH坎贝尔家庭心理健康研究所资深研究员和多伦大大学精神科教授Fang Liu博士说,“我们开发出一种蛋白肽( protein pep

2012年10月24日来自加拿大多伦多成瘾和精神健康中心(Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, CAMH)的科学家们鉴定出一种潜在新的方法来阻止人们再次吸烟。在当前的治疗方法中,吸烟者试图戒烟,但是经常不能成功。

加拿大CAMH坎贝尔家庭心理健康研究所资深研究员和多伦大大学精神科教授Fang Liu博士说,“我们开发出一种蛋白肽( protein peptide)。利用它,人们可能开发一种新类型的高度靶向疗法来阻止再次吸烟。”

Liu博士和她的研究团队最初发现尼古丁暴露能够增强两类大脑受体---一种烟碱性受体(nicotinic receptor)和一种谷氨酸受体之间的结合。他们鉴定出这两种受体结合在一起的位点。利用这种信息,他们能够制构建出一种蛋白肽来破坏这两种受体之间的结合。




The α7nACh–NMDA receptor complex is involved in cue-induced reinstatement of nicotine seeking

Smoking is the leading preventable cause of disease, disability, and premature death. Nicotine, the main psychoactive drug in tobacco, is one of the most heavily used addictive substances, and its continued use is driven through activation of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs). Despite harmful consequences, it is difficult to quit smoking because of its positive effects on mood and cognition that are strong reinforcers contributing to addiction. Furthermore, a formidable challenge for the treatment of nicotine addiction is the high vulnerability to relapse after abstinence. There is no currently available smoking cessation product able to achieve a >20% smoking cessation rate after 52 wk, and there are no medications that directly target the relapse process. We report here that the α7nAChR forms a protein complex with the NMDA glutamate receptor (NMDAR) through a direct protein–protein interaction. Chronic nicotine exposure promotes α7nAChR–NMDAR complex formation. Interestingly, administration of an interfering peptide that disrupts the α7nAChR–NMDAR complex decreased extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) activity and blocked cue-induced reinstatement of nicotine seeking in rat models of relapse, without affecting nicotine self-administration or locomotor activity. Our results may provide a novel therapeutic target for the development of medications for preventing nicotine relapse.


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